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We need a coach that HATES Dallas!!!


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We now have a GM that understands the history and hate that the Redskins fanbase has for the Dallas Cowboys. Has anyone thought to ask him the all important question? Will that be a part of the criteria for the next head coach?

I say it damn well should be. I don't care if the coach has Redskins ties or not but they really need to have a healthy hate for all things silver and blue.

I like Shanny as a coach but hearing all the reports of him wanting the Dallas job worry me a bit. Nothing good has ever come to the Redskins from anyone that has been tainted by that stupid F'ing star and I would hope that Bruce Allen of all people would realize that and keep it in mind when hiring a coach!!


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WRONG.......we need a coach who understands that the biggest game is the next game.

Being obsessed with Dallas is pathetic.

We need a team culture that says "Dallas? They are just another team we want to beat every time".

Let them be obsessed. I'm tired of seeing us look like red-headed stepchildren.

If not for 24 hour Sports Media. The Dallas Cowboys would be an afterthought in the NFL. They have been irrelevant more than we have since their last playoff win.

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I can understand your sentiment on this, but the team should just try to get the best coach available at this point. One that will help us defeat our NFC East division rivals on an annual basis.

You and I might hate Dallas, but probably wouldn't be all that successful as a head coach (apologies for throwing you into this category with me).

Hating Dallas would be a 'nice to have' quality, but not a prerequisite for getting the job.

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We now have a GM that understands the history and hate that the Redskins fanbase has for the Dallas Cowboys. Has anyone thought to ask him the all important question? Will that be a part of the criteria for the next head coach?

I say it damn well should be. I don't care if the coach has Redskins ties or not but they really need to have a healthy hate for all things silver and blue.

I like Shanny as a coach but hearing all the reports of him wanting the Dallas job worry me a bit. Nothing good has ever come to the Redskins from anyone that has been tainted by that stupid F'ing star and I would hope that Bruce Allen of all people would realize that and keep it in mind when hiring a coach!!


Nice thought but the rivalry aint there or at least nowhere near what it was because Skins suck for most part and Cowboys aint lighting it up either.

but as far as Zorn goes, you knew this guy was a failure when he didnt even get our team colors right when he was introduced during a press conference. now that i think about that, this guy pisses me off even more.

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WRONG.......we need a coach who understands that the biggest game is the next game.

Being obsessed with Dallas is pathetic.

We need a team culture that says "Dallas? They are just another team we want to beat every time".

Let them be obsessed. I'm tired of seeing us look like red-headed stepchildren.

If not for 24 hour Sports Media. The Dallas Cowboys would be an afterthought in the NFL. They have been irrelevant more than we have since their last playoff win.

I'm with this. The rivalry makes for good media I guess, but its simply something for the fans.

I want a coaching staff who's capable of doing to every opponent what the Giants seem to do to us every time we play them - install a game plan specifically for that opponent that capitalizes on their weaknesses, and quite frankly, ****slaps them.

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I hate dallas just as much as the next guy. However, I have many friends who are cowboy fans. I always get so pumped up over the Redskin vs Cowboy rivalry but they don't seem to have the same hatred. They have said numerous times that the rivalry was once very important to them but they have since moved onto getting pumped over the Giants game. They felt that that was more of an intense rivalry. I have heard some cowboy callers on 980 and 106.7 call in with the approach. That they don't see us as there biggest rival anymore.

Getting back to the topic, I would like the new coach to look at ALL the NFC east opponents with a little more hatred, but to gameplan as a professional. Once someone loses sight of the main objective and turns it personal is when they usually slip up. **Kind of like Laron, he is so focused and excited on making a huge hit that he forgets everything he has been taught and ends up missing his main objective**

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I can't believe how sad this fanbase has gotten when a guy is shot down for wanting a coach who hates Dallas.

Dallas is the enemy, people. I, too, want a coach who will blow out every team 45-12, but I want the two/three games against Dallas to be 63-0. I want Dallas week to mean something, I want him to HATE those colors, that ****ing star, that piss-poor, arrogant attitude.

Defeat everyone. Destroy Dallas.

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Well, obviously we need to have that fire we've been lacking for the last 18 years and desire to go out and run over anyone in our way.

All I'm saying is that there needs to be that extra fire and down right meanness for Dallas week. I'm a little surprised that more don't agree.

again, no.

We need a whole organization who almost pretends like Dallas means LESS than the other NFCE teams.

Its all mental, and why we suck in our own division so much. Seems like there is extra pressure there.

Pittsburgh hates the Browns.....but they don't talk about it anymore. But look at the Ravens. They are obsessed with the Steelers....and unless Big Ben is out or something. The Steelers doesn't give two ****s about B-more...and they usually roll.

I want to beat Dallas. I also want to beat New York, Philly, Seattle, Tampa, Minny, Green Bay, and every other team.

The sooner the Skins start acting like they belong as a team that others are gunning for....and not the team gunning for others. The sooner things can start improving.

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Take Shanahan as an example. Because of his history, he HATED the Raiders and ALWAYS gave it a little extra to stick it to them twice a year. That's the kind of fire we need here. If the coach doesn't give two ***** that we're playing our biggest division rival, how can we expect the players to give a damn? If we can't get that fire going for the F'ING DALLAS COWBOYS, then we'll continue to see the same results across the board.

Sorry fellas, my opinion isn't going to change on this one.

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If the coach doesn't give two ***** that we're playing our biggest division rival.

I see your point 100% but until we grow as a team and start to play as a team, we are never going to be a contender. I truely believe the rivalry between the redskins and cowboys has lost its passion due to the fact we haven't been anything more than an average team who always is at the bottom of the NFC east.

Is it still a rivalry if the cowboys dont see it the same way?


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Coach that hates Dallas... hmmm I guess Wade Phillips once he gets the boot... We need a real coach not anyone who hates Dallas.

Nobody said that we should just put anyone who hates Dallas in the head coaching position.

Hating Dallas is preferred, but STRONGLY preferred, to be developed over the first two years.

Like someone else said, Gibbs didn't come here hating Dallas, but he learned to.

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Like someone else said, Gibbs didn't come here hating Dallas, but he learned to.

Gibbs came to hate Dallas for the same reasons that George Allen hated Dallas......when both of them arrived in DC, the Cowboys were one of the top dogs in the league, going to NFL and NFC championship games and Super Bowls.

Now, even though the Cowboys are a decent team, they haven't won anything of signifcance in close to 15 years.

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