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Why against Global Warming?


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It seems that Global Warming shaped up to be a left issue, while the right has taken up aggressive Global Warming denial.

On one hand this looks like a normal political issue, business as usual, where battle lines are drawn, etc.

On the other hand, our handling of this issue is mind boggling when viewed outside of our political system.

What happened? How did we get here? Is it your usual "pro-environmentalism is left" and "pro-business is right"? Did Al Gore mess it up? Is it something else?

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It seems that Global Warming shaped up to be a left issue, while the right has taken up aggressive Global Warming denial.

On one hand this looks like a normal political issue, business as usual, where battle lines are drawn, etc.

On the other hand, our handling of this issue is mind boggling when viewed outside of our political system.

What happened? How did we get here? Is it your usual "pro-environmentalism is left" and "pro-business is right"? Did Al Gore mess it up? Is it something else?

Essentially every enviromental issue in the last 30+ years has shaped up this way.

I actually believe it goes back to the acid rain issue. There the areas that were going to get Republican voting areas (white, rural, religious). In those cases, what industry wanted actually was in-line with those Republican voters. That created the relationship that has just continued to the present.

Republicans need to learn that big industry is just as much of the problem as big government. One can grow the economy and create jobs by supporting SMALL business as if not better than supporting big industries (though it will likely be harder to collect the same amount of money for political support).


If the coal industry had been dominated by African Americans then things would be different in terms of where the parties line up on environmental issues (not necessarily things would have switched completely, but there would be a big difference).

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The right doesn't have an environmental policy outside "we're against it". Ask yourself what issue have you seen the right come down on the side of the environment in national policy? Global warming has been largely targeted by the right wing because it allows them to divert attention off their stance and onto a debatable issue.

I hate the global warming debate because suddenly we aren't talking about specific issues and instead about a hard to explain larger issue. It lets the GOP off the hook for their scorched earth environmental policy.

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It allows the left to tax businesses out of existence and destroy families.

Don't forget create socialism and elect a secret Muslim, as long as we're knocking these things out all at once.

(And I say this as someone who's a global warming atheist and thinks that the cap and trade plan is a giant cluster****. But, seriously, that post might as well have come out of Sarah Palin's book.)

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ok, I'll take the bait but only b/c I am bored at work and have nothing else to do for the next hour.

You ask, "Why against Global Warming?" Well, isnt everyone? I mean who is rooting FOR Global warming? You say that like someone says, "Why are you against the Redskins?" So first and foremost, your thread title sucks for the kind of discussion you are going for here.

next, to say that anyone who doesn't buy Al Gore's version of Global warming as anti enviornmentalist is quite wrong. There is a happy medium, its not an all or nothing.

next, Evil Genuis posts,

To me, if money wasn't an issue - then almost everyone would be onboard with cutting emissions

So you are telling me that if you don't believe that Global Warming is a big problem, then you are automatically against reducing emissions? um, ok.

lastly- why don't you just come out and say what you really feel. You don't like "the right" so here is your attempt at at thread that will only turn into bashing of all Republicans, I'm sure some Sarah Palin jokes and an overwhelming praise of all things Obama.

this could get entertaining.

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More accurately, why we hate some of the right because of their inability to give up huge donations in exchange for passing environmentally damning legislation.

Of course, that might be too long of a title.

don't take this personally, cuz I think you're cool (even though you are more liberal), but to think that the Democrats don't take large donations from large companies would mean your living with your head in the sand. It is not exclusive to "the right." But otherwise, yeah, long title.:)

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don't take this personally, cuz I think you're cool (even though you are more liberal), but to think that the Democrats don't take large donations from large companies would mean your living with your head in the sand. It is not exclusive to "the right." But otherwise, yeah, long title.:)

Trust me - I know the Dems are bought. Unions (organized labor), cough cough.

That said, I don't see the impact of that legislation hurting the environment. Which is what this issue is about.

So you are telling me that if you don't believe that Global Warming is a big problem, then you are automatically against reducing emissions? um, ok.

Read what I said again. I said, I think that most see global warming as a real problem. I think a lot of the GOP looks the other way because cutting emissions (requiring big business to meet strict regulations) hurts big business. And hurting big business hurts the GOP war chest. If there was a magical way to cut emissions drastically, without hurting big business (and hurting the GOP war chest), then I douby anyone would be against cutting those emissions.

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It allows the left to tax businesses out of existence and destroy families.

I certainly know that every time I changed careers my family was destroyed. Oh wait... it wasn't, and you know what else? None of my business activities ever pushed a species to the brink of extinction.

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