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No Fake Field Goal before Halftime?


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Im just as upset as everyone else at sunday's loss. However, the inability of our offense to put up points is becoming old news. I expect them to struggle and produce low scoring games. I'm not happy about it, but I know what to expect, especially now with a decimated line and running corp.

what I WASN'T expecting was the inept playing and playcalling from our special teams. So far this season the one redeeming element of our offense has been the suprise trick plays from our special teams. The fake field goal against the giants was able to keep us close going into halftime, and Smith's touchdown pass to Sellers gave us major momentum to help win last weeks game.

My question is:

Why the HELL did we not attempt a fake field goal before going in for the half?

With the combination of 15 seconds on the clock, the fact that it was 3rd down, and the massive confusion on the field from Campbell's previous scramble, the opportunity to try a trick play and catch the Cowboys off guard was absolutley perfect.

While watching the game, all my friends couldn't believe that the coaching staff was going to let Suisham kick after getting a 10 minute icing from the officials, but I wasn't shocked at all. Because to me it seemed absolutley obvious what the Skins were doing.

We were faking the conservative field goal to end the half and were going to use that extra 15 seconds to try and catch the Cowboys sleeping. If it didn't work, we'd kick the ball for real on 4th down and end the half being up on a shut out Dallas opponent.

It was such a perfect opportunity! I sat on the edge of my seat waiting for the inevitable shift along the line, or some other telltale sign. There was no way our coaches didn't have some ulterior motive, i mean 3rd down and your not going to take a shot at the endzone? No way right? Something crazy must be cooking in Danny Smith's head.

And then the snap came. And the missed field goal. And the mystified fanbase. Yesterday made me realize all over again why watching this team is so frustrating.

Missed opportunities. Getting good field position, favorable overturned calls in our most hated opponents home turf, a defense that shut out the other team for 98% of the game, 2 giftwrapped interceptions, a 3rd string running back having a career high game, our struggling QB being perfect on 3rd downs, Romo sits to pee being injured, an opposing right tackle who had never started in the NFL. . .

All of these opportunities and our team can't capitalize. Up until this point i blamed the players for most of this teams underperforming. But that blown chance for a game changing play before halftime was torture to watch.

The coaching ineptitude that was shown on sunday is a extremely tough pill to swallow. And to watch our special teams be dragged down onto the same crappy level as our offense when there was a BLARING chance for them to capitalize and win the game really, really, REALLY pisses me off.

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regardless of what happened against the Broncos, if the coaching staff doenst trust jason to not take a sack or not throw it to someone who will inevitably get tackled in bounds (i.e. run out the clock due to lack of time outs), no way in hell they would trust a punter or kicker.

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regardless of what happened against the Broncos, if the coaching staff doenst trust jason to not take a sack or not throw it to someone who will inevitably get tackled in bounds (i.e. run out the clock due to lack of time outs), no way in hell they would trust a punter or kicker.

I disagree. They've been going to the special teams for a spark specifically BECAUSE they don't trust Jason or the offense to score. Hunter Smith is one of the most accomplished players on our roster, and up until yesterday Suisham was 100%. They've been the most consistent element of our team, and certainly the only part of our team that has overperformed at all this year.

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This is an easy answer!!!

No fake field goal, because that is a play more likely to possibly wind up being tackled in bounds. Along with the fact that if you do wind up in bounds, even after getting a first, you wont snap it and spike it because those palyers would be all confused on where to be. plus, doing 2 fakes already this year, i'm sure the cowboys were waiting on something.

There were 2 options here, field goal, or take a shot. And it's BEYOND me why they didnt take a shot. I never yelled more at the TV the whole entire year than when i saw the offense on the sidelines with 15 seconds left and 3rd down. STUPID STUPID playcall. If they make the kick, i still say the same thing. You have 3 big WR, and don't use them. STUPID.

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It's the rare team that is able to pull off fake field goals in back to back games.

Remember back when Zorn first started here and was going for it on 4th down and seem to make it every single time? Well, he kept doing that and we started getting stopped.

Same thing with fake field goals. Eventually the odds catch up to you.

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Were 3 and 7. The odds have already caught up to us and passed us by. I say keep doing what works until someone stops you, especially when you've got nothing to lose. Take some chances and think outside the box, because your conservative offense clearly isn't winning any games for you. Being a one trick pony isn't ideal, but its better than being a no trick pony.

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I disagree. They've been going to the special teams for a spark specifically BECAUSE they don't trust Jason or the offense to score. Hunter Smith is one of the most accomplished players on our roster, and up until yesterday Suisham was 100%. They've been the most consistent element of our team, and certainly the only part of our team that has overperformed at all this year.

huge difference between letting a non-qb throw a pass on a trick play and letting him throw one on a trick play (run one week ago) in a situation like that.

whatever anyone thinks of jason, there is a difference in just going back there and slinging it and going back there knowing the situation, having the internal clock to not get tackled, etc. (cue jokes about jc, but seriously...).

having a non qb throw is a ton to risk in its own right, but asking a punter to go out there and consider the entire situation and still asking him to try to make the play just borders on insanity

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it doesnt have to be the same play every week. Theres more than one way to run a trick play and fool a defense. The fact that the Cowboys have to worry about what our special teams are going to be doing when they're on the field is something we should have taken advantage of.

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Rhodus333- I am totally in agreement with your thinking. I sat there and kept wondering when is the next trick play going to happen. Not even a reverse? What about putting two punt returners back there and do some faking as well? If ever there was a game when we needed a spark from the special teams it was this game. Glad you started this thread.

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True man. I love the redskins because of the great playcalling they used to have. Total inginuity and they used to just always find ways to win games. Any way necessary. The opportunities are all still there in the game they just don't take advantage of them anymore.

Zorns a smart guy, he should come up with some smart plays. He had almost what 10 minutes of waiting and the best play he can come up with was to leave the kicker in? Or Sherman Lewis?

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There were 2 options here, field goal, or take a shot. And it's BEYOND me why they didnt take a shot. I never yelled more at the TV the whole entire year than when i saw the offense on the sidelines with 15 seconds left and 3rd down. STUPID STUPID playcall. If they make the kick, i still say the same thing. You have 3 big WR, and don't use them. STUPID.

I was beyond frustration with the 3rd down kick. Let Jason take a 3 step drop and throw one towards the back of the endzone. If our guy gets it, great. If not, it goes out of bounds and we kick. Chickens*** football if you ask me. What the hell do we have to lose? Why play conservative now?

If we had a timeout it would have been worth a try, but given the circumstances you don't really want to take the risk.

I would have liked to have seen an attempt at throwing it in the endzone though when we got the ball on the 20.

I agree not to do the fake FG, but we should have taken one more shot at the endzone.

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They were expecting the fake field goal IMHO. It wouldnt have worked as they were on the wrong hashmark as well. They should have faked the hand off & boot legged to Davis (Davis would have chipped and released) for the first. The problem with that though is that he would have had to either made it to the opposite sideline with enough time to get the spiked, or dropped after getting the first and then spiked the ball, or the endzone. I dunno, maybe a quick slant to Moss on the near sideline for the first and out of bounds?

Damned if you do, damned if you dont... unless you get ther first or TD.

Either way, giving up on 3rd down and kicking the FG is weak sauce.

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My question is:

Why the HELL did we not attempt a fake field goal before going in for the half?

Because everyone and their mother would have been looking for it, that's why. Keep in mind, the only reason the Skins ran fake field goals against Denver and the Giants was because Danny Smith saw flaws in the opposition's formations. You can't just dial up a fake willy-nilly. You have to see what the defense is doing and decide whether or not it's the best course of action. Really, we should angrier by the fact Zorn opted for the field goal instead of taking at least one shot at the end zone at the end of the half.

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