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Australian Senator tells parliment Scientology is criminal org


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and should be completely stripped of tax exemption.

SYDNEY - Australia’s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd voiced "concerns" about the Church of Scientology Wednesday after a senator detailed explosive allegations including torture, imprisonment and coerced abortions.

Rudd said the accusations, made by independent Senator Nick Xenophon in parliament late Tuesday but strenuously denied by the organisation, were "grave" and needed further consideration.

"Many people in Australia have real concerns about Scientology. I share some of those concerns," the prime minister said.

"I don’t want to rush into any judgement on this, other than to say (Xenophon) raised concerns and made some serious allegations," he added.

"Let us proceed carefully and look carefully at the material he has provided before we make a decision on further parliamentary action."

Xenophon branded the secretive group, whose high-profile adherents include Tom Cruise and John Travolta, a "criminal organisation" and called for a review of its tax-exempt status as a religion.

He tabled letters from former members claiming embezzlement, forced confinement, torture and blackmail, as well as the "ordering" of abortions and virtual house arrest of followers.

"Scientology is not a religious organisation, it is a criminal organisation that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs," Xenophon told parliament.


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Wow good for them. It's about time a government actually stood up to these guys. Maybe if this works it will set a precedent for other countries to follow.
I'm pretty sure it's been banned in Greece, and it's on shaky ground in Germany as well.

A lot of countries in Europe don't really acknowledge it as anything.

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I cant stand scientology, but I also cant bend my principles to say they shouldnt be allowed to practice their religion as they wish (as long as they arent harming anyone). Of course, my support for their rights and freedoms as a religious organization stops if the allegations are true.

Its actually pretty interesting....however, im one who doubts the monothestic gods. But, I am living a few blocks away from the headquaters of the Aus. Church of Scientolgy. Tons and tons of weirdos. Haight st. ain't got **** on this

Some weird ass people hang out in front of that place. I could give some stories but im sick of typing

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I know Scientolgy is kooky but can you really go after a religion because of some of it's member's deeds?

Will governments say the Catholic Church is a dangerous cult after decades of child abuse and cover up....

Of course not. Cathoic Chruch is accepted. Scientolgy (a fiction novel) isn't the same as the (a semi-fiction novel) Bible.

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I know Scientolgy is kooky but can you really go after a religion because of some of it's member's deeds?

Will governments say the Catholic Church is a dangerous cult after decades of child abuse and cover up....

There is one major difference. Scientology is known for attacking it's enemies. They don't just hide what they do, they actively intimidate those that dare speak out against them. The Catholic church doesn't launch lawsuits against you from several shell organization or hire investigators to follow you around all day for asking questions about them that they don't like. They don't buy anti-cult business that existed to help people leave such groups and continue to operate them without disclosing who they really are.

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There sure do act creepy around the HQ in Clearwater. They basically killed a woman there some time ago, who was gravely ill. Instead of taking her for medical treatment, the had her in a bath tub for some time. I guess they think medicine is unnecessary.
There's a Christian group here where I go to school. One of the members has some form of sickle cell and, to the best of my knowledge, it's really bad (I don't know much about sickle cell so that's all I can really say.) But I did have one of the members tell me that during one of their meetings she got "really sick" as he puts it, and "started having a seizure" before "falling into a coma".

I asked what hospital she was at because I knew this girl and wanted to go visit her. He calmly replied "Oh no, we just got around her in a circle and prayed for 90 minutes before I carried her back to her dorm and let her sleep it off."

I found out later her roommate came home and took her to the hospital, but to this day I don't know how I refrained from breaking that guy's nose when he said that.

On topic: Good for the Aussies. You can't take away their right to congregate, but you can take away their tax exemptions!

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