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Chuck Weis...OC?


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Does anyone remember Lou Holtz and his stint in the NFL? Why oh why do people post these threads. Unempolyment is at 10.5%, so I guess a whole lot of people have time on their hands. But jeez? Please look up Brady Quinn and Rick Mirer. And no Wies was a good coordinator with Tom Brady.....but who wasn't?

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Does anyone remember Lou Holtz and his stint in the NFL? Why oh why do people post these threads. Unempolyment is at 10.5%, so I guess a whole lot of people have time on their hands. But jeez? Please look up Brady Quinn and Rick Mirer. And no Wies was a good coordinator with Tom Brady.....but who wasn't?

Wies was a good coordinator with Deion Branch, Troy Brown and a bunch of other no name receivers and backs. Yes, tom brady is good, but come on, weis deserves SOME credit.

How can you compare Lou Holtz, a lifetime college guy who went to the NFL to Weis, an NFL guy who went down to college? He couldnt handle the responsibility of being a head coach but he still has a pretty damned good offensive scheme. Notre Dame is losing games but they ARE scoring points. That cannot be denied.

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What is the fear of having a proven NFL offensive coordinator take over that part of the team? Especially when paired with a strong defensive mind and finally a GM?

proven NFL OC?? nothing is wrong with that, I just want the HC to decide on what his offense will be, not the GM BEFORE we hire a HC.

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Hey man in a year like this its nice to just throw out some ideas. thats all I was doing. I like the idea of a proven defensive guy and proven offensive guy. Of course the HC will make the final decision.

I hear you. I just hope the front office stops the mentality of deciding everything from who calls the plays, to what type of offense we run... basically just being the head coach from afar and directing orders from the named head coach...

Let the head coach, be the head coach... I Think it's the head coach's team more than the owner... the owner needs to handle the business side and structure the organization so that it is condusive to winning.

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I am more than weary of the New England coaches . . . I mean honestly, it is extremely hard to gauge a coach's ability with a Hall of Fame QB named Tom Brady at the helm of the offense. So in looking at his success as the Offensive Coordinator in New England may bit misleading.

I want to find the next great guy on offense, defense, and special teams as our coordinators. And I will leave that search on our hopefully new GM and Head Coach.

By the way, since when has he gone by Chuck? I've never heard that before. Is the OP just trying to be clever?

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So with a likely new regime coming into the DC area next year, what about Charlie Weis as the offensive coordinator? Hire a defensive HC like Gruden/Zimmer, a real GM (who is number 2 in baltimore/new england?), and Weis as offensive coordinator if he gets fired from Notre Dame.

I think this could work big time. Bringing that wide open offense to the NFC would be a departure from the norm, especially in the east. And that attacking defense that zimmer/gruden had.

Like Mike Nolan with Denver, he's not a good head coach but better suited as coordinator. Same with Norv I wish he would just stick to being OC.

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I was thinking I wouldn't mind him as OC. IMO to find a good coordinator look for a head coach that gets fired. Many don't make good head coaches but they usually get head coaching jobs for being really good at being a coordinator (Zorn exception to rule).

That said don't just hire OC and hope to get a coach...don't make mistake twice. Get a GM and coach build the coordinators in the scheme of head coach.

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I hope not. that guy is a loser, and ridiculously overpaid. The fact that ND fired Ty Willingham for less speaks volumes. Why is Weis still employed?

To be fair, I believe it is ND's academic standards that make it hard to recruit a competitive team. Why would an athlete who wants to go pro and make millions choose a school that will make him study and maintain a respectable GPA?

Ty Willingham supporters brought up this very fact when things were bleak for him. I believe Weiss gets a pass, too. And his head coaching record at ND should have nothing to do with how well we all know he can draw up and call plays.

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By defensive minded i mean understands that DEFENSE wins championships and wont mind putting in an attacking style defense. Gruden had a ton of offensive success with the raiders but didnt win a championship until he got with Tampa and was held together, primarily, by a STRONG defense. Even his offensive stars in Oakland were dominated by that defense in the superbowl. There are Offensive coaches who happen to be defensive minded...Bill belichick comes to mind immediately.

Oh OK...

This guy's got nuthin on you dude...ps_the_cd71_1099.jpg


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I think my idea got lost.

What would you all think about Jim Harbaugh coaching us. Fiery disposition, drive, shown the ability to turn a program around (Standford)

I am not sure what it is about him, but I think if he were coupled with a young, but respected GM we would have a winning combination.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess im gonna have to take the unpopular side and say that'd I'd love for Weis to be hired as an OC ONLY..He has 3 super bowls as an OC in New England and his offense isnt the reason why Notre Dame is losing games in South Bend...To Add to the bashing I might take I also think the Skins should take Claussen with their 1st round pick..He has a strong arm, has played under a pro style offense for 3 years,hes 6'3" 217 pounds, threw for 23 TDS and only 5 ints and completing 67% of his passes...so my offseason moves would be 1.fire vinny and zorn 2.hire cowher and give him full control 3.hire weis as our offensive coordinator (hopefully cowher agrees) 4.draft jimmy claussen 5.use the rest of the draft picks on OL... :point2sky

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Hiring Weis as an OC would actually be a very smart move. As long as he's just an OC, that'll be fine. ND did run a similar offense to the 'Skins.

Once again, if Vinny Cerrato is allowed to come back next season then we'll continue the losing seasons. Hire a GM that can rebuild the O-line.


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