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Tickets Dropped in my Lap!


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Hey Guys,

Last Sunday morning I was at the bowling alley with my buddy and his brother. When some guy walks up to me and asks if I'm a die hard Redskins fan. (I'm thinking the Redskins sideline cap and the Theisman jersey were clues.)

I say, "Yeah." And he says, "I have two club level tickets and an oragne parking pass for the Denver game next week. Do you want them?"

"I can't afford that."

"No, I'll give them to you!"

Turns out, he was given the tickets through his work, but can't use them. And now I'm going to the game.

I'm taking my buddy. But he's going to be the designated driver. He's an Eagles fan, and thats understandable, as he was born in Philly, just like I was born in DC.

Anyway, I wanted to share the news of my good fortune with my ES buds. Okay, I don't post much, so most of you guys don't know you're my ES buds. But if you see the guy with the s--- eating grin on his face, wearing a Theisman jersey in section 316, say hi!

(I know there's the whole, don't buy tickets and don't go to the game thing going on, but I gotta go. I haven' been able to get to a game in fifteen years!)

I'll be leaving shortly after I post this, so I won't be able to read or respond until tonight.

HTTR Baby!

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(I know there's the whole, don't buy tickets and don't go to the game thing going on, but I gotta go. I haven' been able to get to a game in fifteen years!)

Forget about that, someone else already paid for them ... you didn't put the $$$ in Danny's pocket!

Congrats and hope you have a great time! :)

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My brother scored 5 tix last night. He asked me if I wanted to go but I decided to work instead. I'm not on the schedule or anything so I don't have to go. But I still chose work, at Papa John's, delivering pizzas, over going to the Redskins game. Now that's apathy.

It's funny because he's all in a panic because him and his friend can't find anyone to go with them. For free. They've asked a bunch of people. Nobody is biting. If someone wants just reply and I'll see what's going on.

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You realize I was joking about the burger right?:hysterical:

(This message was brought by Broncos and the Chick fila cows reminding you to eat more chikin)

I guesses you were I was just making sure these guys remember :)

I know it's hard to turn down such a thing but I have done it repeatedly.

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My brother scored 5 tix last night. He asked me if I wanted to go but I decided to work instead. I'm not on the schedule or anything so I don't have to go. But I still chose work, at Papa John's, delivering pizzas, over going to the Redskins game. Now that's apathy.

It's funny because he's all in a panic because him and his friend can't find anyone to go with them. For free. They've asked a bunch of people. Nobody is biting. If someone wants just reply and I'll see what's going on.

I have season tickets, I gave away my seats for this weekend's game just so I didn't have to deal with the hassle of getting in and out of the stadium. Decided I needed a week off from all that nonsense and needed a relaxing sunday. I'm thinking it's going to prove to be a solid decision.

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WOW!! That was great!!! It was a lot of fun.

Finally, more than 17 points. Watching the fake punt play develop was a surprise that had me on my feet before it even finished. Watching the team score more than 17 points for the first time this season - man, I'm still stoked about that.

The club level is pretty cool. Hey, I had to have a Phillips crab cake. I had to buy an SJ-9 at the Old Virginia Tobacco Co. And I had to have some wings and get my picture taken with a hooters girl. You know, I just don't get down there much. And they did win.

My buddy, the Eagles fan, had a good time too. He and his wife took me out to breakfast at one of the fine local diners that you can find up here in Lancaster, PA, this morning before the two of us set out. Of course, he wasn't too thrilled with the Eagle's performance this afternoon, but I didn't give him a hard time about it... much.

Tom, he handed me the tickets. LOL. Dropped in my lap, is a figure of speech, not meant to be taken literally. (You have to explain things carefully to Giants fans. You can tell by their choice of which team to root for, that they're not overly bright.) :-)

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It was a really nice day for the game. Too bad that I wasn't able to go to this game. I actually had this game as a win in the preseason, but as the season progressed I had revised my prediction to a loss. It was a nice win and it felt good to score more than 20 points for a change. Congrats on getting to go to the game. You got to go to one of the few wins we will get at home this year.

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What a great game to end your fifteen year drought on! I haven't enjoyed watching a Skins game as much as I did this last Sunday in a LOOOONNNGGG time!

To all of you sourpuss "don't support this team .. blah .. blah .. blah ..," how 'bout switching your allegiance to the Crackgirlz! They thrive on fairweather fans!


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Sounded good man, I've been wanting to go to a game, but since tickets are usually out of my price range I'm waiting till were good again. No point in wasting my money to see us score 14 points and lose in frustrating fashion. I've only been to one game and that was about 7 or 8 years ago I can't really remember.

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