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RI: Zorn says Randle El is primary punt returner


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On Monday, Zorn said part of his reasoning for planning to give Hall a bigger role was because Randle el has "dropped a couple" and the team simply needed more production from the position. "No one gave me the okay that I was going to be back there returning," Hall said after practice. "I got the same reps I normally get. Me, Santana and El split them up, so, you know, no change in order. El goes first, Tana second, I'm third. Same thing."
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Danny Smith obviously feels that he's the best the team has. Can any of us say he's wrong?

Oldfan, with a few months of practice, I would be willing to bet cash that you could average more YPR than Randle El.

A store mannequin could match Randle El.

In no order:

Betts would be better(at least he would run forward)

Rock would be better(see above)

D-Hall would be better

D Thomas would be better

For the love of God, who was the old receiver we had last season who retired? His name escapes me at the moment.

Even he was better.

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Are you racist?...

Holy crap people, lets not be over sensative here. IMO What he ment by polish his face mask was probably a reference to him catching the ball off his face mask. as for the comment about dusting off his dancing shoes, that was probably in reference to the fact that he does indeed dance around when he catches the ball and gets 2 yrds. GOOD LORD think of the children.:doh:

.................waiting for my suspension:silly:

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Zorns doesn't have the nerve to stand up to a player. He pulled CP last year, but had Sherman Smith deliver the message. As soon as ARE walks into his office, he crumbles like the indecisive over his head duplicitous coach that he is. What is he doing even talking to the media about specifics?

Just when you think Zorn can lose no more respect among the players, he does this. No one needs to go to the owner to get their way, they simply have to confront the coward of a head coach in his office, on a plane etc.

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WTF is El still doing ACTIVE anyway's, let alone keeping his job on punts?

When the season's dead before half-way, with one of the worst teams in the league, and arguably the worst offense in Redskins history, why hasn't Mitchell been bumped up and him, Kelly and Thomas given serious playing time alongside Moss to see exactly what we have and who's worth keeping in the re-build?

Instead we keep this has been/never was, certainly in his time in DC, active to justify the ridiculous salary he's robbing us blind with. :mad:

Man it's gona' be a long ass 9 games, but praise the Lord there's only 9 more of this shambles to go.


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Just when I thought I was getting an early Christmas present, it gets taken away from me.

I knew it was too good to be true.

I know! That was like the only positive thing to come out of Ashburn so far, and now not only is it not true, but nobody seems to even know where it came from!

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I don't believe he really thinks that. I think he likes to toss contrarian views out there to get the argument rolling.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

I think there is something wrong with someone who says stupid things just to start a fight on this forum. In these days this is not needed.

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