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Arnold (Governor) to SF - Eff you

The Evil Genius

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I made the title a little cleaner.

But check this out - there is some NSFW language at the original link. You will get a 404 message if you click the link - replace the **** with the F word....


Arnold to SF: **** You

It was hardly a bill of cosmic import, but Assemblymember Tom Ammiano’s AB 1176 would have helped the Port of San Francisco with some financing issues. It’s the kind of bill that legislators offer on behalf of their cities all the time -- and generally, they are non-controversial. This one was the same -- no substantive opposition, it passed both houses easily -- and normally, the governor would sign it with little fanfare.

But no: Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill -- and sent Ammiano and the legislators a remarkable veto letter. The letter says nothing about the substance of the bill; in fact, the language is really convoluted and it’s hard to figure out what the gov is really saying.

Here’s the official message:


But wait -- there’s a real message, an actual missive from the Gov to Tom, embedded in this text. And it’s not hard to find -- in fact, it’s hard to believe it could have been a coincidence.

Read down the letters on the left side of the message..


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Even better...

UPDATE: Aaron McLear from the governor's press office just called. When I asked him if the **** You message was intentional, all he would say was "what a strange coincidence." He was clearly being sarcastic.

Tweedle, that pretty much confirms it -- these guys knew exactly what they were doing.

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What an amazingly dickish move.

He couldn't pick a non-binding bill to declare "Honorary Astronauts Day" or something like that?

No, he picked a real bill and went out of his way to hurt the residents of San Francisco to make his little funny. Nice, Arnie. Class act.

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I don't know if I believe that was on purpose and frankly I find the description in the article to be inaccurate. "the language is really convoluted and it’s hard to figure out what the gov is really saying." I disagree. I think it is actually direct to the point and easy to understand. Arnold is tired of the day to day bull**** when the bigger issues go ignored. I'm not sure I disagree with Arnold on this. As to why he chose something of consequence, I think that is obvious as well. If you don't they won't take you seriously. When it matters to their area of influence they sit up and take notice.

If it was intentional... it is hilarious. :) I am not one that thinks politics should be more polite. I think it needs to be dramatically less polite. Politics in history have two major differences from today, no kid gloves and strikingly more direct. We have far too much bull**** in politics today and people rarely say what they mean. They blow smoke up everyone's rear end and no one can understand what they mean, only to find details in bills that shed light on the actual agenda.

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I don't know if I believe that was on purpose and frankly I find the description in the article to be inaccurate. "the language is really convoluted and it’s hard to figure out what the gov is really saying." I disagree. I think it is actually direct to the point and easy to understand. Arnold is tired of the day to day bull**** when the bigger issues go ignored. I'm not sure I disagree with Arnold on this. As to why he chose something of consequence, I think that is obvious as well. If you don't they won't take you seriously. When it matters to their area of influence they sit up and take notice.

If it was intentional... it is hilarious. :) I am not one that thinks politics should be more polite. I think it needs to be dramatically less polite. Politics in history have two major differences from today, no kid gloves and strikingly more direct. We have far too much bull**** in politics today and people rarely say what they mean. They blow smoke up everyone's rear end and no one can understand what they mean, only to find details in bills that shed light on the actual agenda.

I agree, I would be a fan of seeing the occasional caning in the Senate. If nothing else, it would finally make C-Span watchable.


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Ok, I have to ask.

How is SF playing by their own rules?

And that history would be?

You are being unfair, asking them to back up their cheap shots with any facts.

Don't you know that there are a lot of faggots in San Francisco? That's all you need to know.

The City doesn't deserve fair treatment from the State's Governor. "Real people" don't live there.

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Governor is now claiming it was a wild coincidence.

Uh huh. :rollseyes:


Schwarzenegger: Profanity in veto was 'wild coincidence'

By Rob Hotakainen


Published: Friday, Oct. 30, 2009 - 11:35 am

Last Modified: Friday, Oct. 30, 2009 - 11:42 am

WASHINGTON ---- It may be highly improbable mathematically, but Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Friday that the encoded profanity contained in one of his veto messages was "a wild coincidence."

Speaking to reporters at the White House, the Republican governor said: "That was a total coincidence. It was one of those wild coincidences."

The first letter in seven lines of the message, when read from top to bottom, combine to spell out "F• you."

Schwarzenegger sent the letter to Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, who earlier had told the governor to "kiss my gay a• ."

Stephen Devlin, the chair of the math department at the University of San Francisco, told the San Francisco Weekly that the odds of the letters appearing in proper order in seven consecutive lines to spell out the profanity was one in 10 million.

"Not surprisingly, it's virtually impossible for this to happen," Devlin told the newspaper.

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