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Swine flu in da house


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FYI folks, my daughter had a fever of 103 on Sunday and the DRs told us to wait 72hours to see if it subsided then come in.......we waited.....the fever stayed so they said come in and she...yes, you guessed it had the H1N1 virus.....and they said she couldn't get the Tamiflu meds because after 48hrs they didn't work though THEY kept us from coming in earlier....so she has been miserable and gave it to me on Monday and we both have symptoms and feel horrid....yet now they said we have to wait it out the 7day period where it should pass.....so if you or your kids spike a fever, do INSIST you have you need to be seen so you don't have to endure the 7days of hell(at least we hope it will be over by then)....nothing is worse than seeing your kid(especially a 2yr old) be miserable for this time. Just a word of warning from the quaranteed RabidFan and his daughter. Be safe folks!!!!

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FYI folks, my daughter had a fever of 103 on Sunday and the DRs told us to wait 72hours to see if it subsided then come in.......we waited.....the fever stayed so they said come in and she...yes, you guessed it had the H1N1 virus.....and they said she couldn't get the Tamiflu meds because after 48hrs they didn't work though THEY kept us from coming in earlier....so she has been miserable and gave it to me on Monday and we both have symptoms and feel horrid....yet now they said we have to wait it out the 7day period where it should pass.....so if you or your kids spike a fever, do INSIST you have you need to be seen so you don't have to endure the 7days of hell(at least we hope it will be over by then)....nothing is worse than seeing your kid(especially a 2yr old) be miserable for this time. Just a word of warning from the quaranteed RabidFan and his daughter. Be safe folks!!!!

Is it just you and your daughter living there ?

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I probably had it last month. Took the tamiflu on the first day, still got sick but probably not as bad as I would've. I had side effects form the tamiflu. Couldn't sleep, feet swelled, and was dizzy, it affected my balance for about a week and half. Rabid fan and daughter, get well soon.

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Usually, mick, its neglecting the symptoms and getting to a hospital too late, or pre-existing health issues (ie: already being hospitalized for something else like a chronic disease). My gf is a doc and had her first patient die of swine flu. He was really old and already was admitted for some form of cancer. Of course, younger children's immune systems are at risk too.

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So, what has to happen for it to be fatal ?

Is it just random, or is there a pattern, such as age, previous health, etc ?

Well as far as hospitalized patients with H1N1, asthma was the most common denominator....


Hope you guys get better soon RapidFan and fam!

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I swear my family had it 2 weeks ago and is getting over it. Our pediatrician diagnosed my son with simply "virus infection" and said it was not H1N1, but how do they know if its not tested? He had 1-2 days of fever spike plus vommiting and stomach ill with cough/sore throat. My wife and I both had serious flu symptoms with sinus infections that reached deep into our lungs. Neither of us ran a high fever...but we had the body aches and stomach problems plus really bad headaches. My eating was so bad I placed myself on the b-r-a-t diet for 6 days.

I guess its really hard to know without any type of test done.

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My girlfriend started feeling sick Sunday night, got aching muscles, couldn't sleep, felt nauseous. Yesterday she had a fever of 101, almost threw up, and was aching even more. Today the fever was back down to 99, she is feeling less nauseous, and less achy.

I've been around her every day for months now, these past few days I've felt just fine. I didn't stay away from her when she got sick even though I knew she had a virus of some sort, but I don't have any symptoms at all.

I don't think it was the flu with her, maybe something much weaker.

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I was out of commision with the swine flu last week. The most awful thing i have ever been through. Imagine the worst flu you've ever had combined with strep throat and a constant headache. was laid up for 4 days then my fever broke and have been fine since. Tamiflu and some liquid hydrocodone did the trick.

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