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Czabe's fantastic FedEx experience


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I have never been able to understand the fact that other game's scores are not posted at FedEx on a regular basis on Sunday. What is the big problem? There is a huge interest in knowing what's up not only in the division but throughout the league. Why don't they post the scores? It's ludicrous.

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"One helluva storm is coming to Danny’s ticket base."

Snyder's stewardship of this once proud franchise is a joke. If there was ever evidence of just how far we have sunk it was on full display yesterday.

The parking is expensive and a ****ing mess, the beers are $8, the chicken tenders are orange, they guys that film the cheerleaders are 25 yards away, the offense is like trying to watch your grandpa pick up a 20 year old in the bar, the commercials are loud, inappropriate, constant and annoying, the announcer is cheesy, when they finally showed scores from other games they showed the ****ing scores from last week!!!

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The stadium is a joke, and it should get more national attention. People think FedEx is this giant new stadium and it just sucks.

Bank of America stadium is older than Fedex...with screens 1.5x the size. Crystal clear. Scrolling scores. Replays. Working audio.

I just dont get it. How much could this really cost to significantly improve fan experience?

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The out of town scores is a CONSTANT problem...it really pisses me off.

Czabe is right about yesterday when they showed scores from a previous week. I am seeing them flashing a score that shows the Chiefs losing when they were actually winning...THE "GAME" I WAS WATCHING. What a piss poor excuse for a Stadium, Franchise, and Ownership.

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Czab picked a gem to come to.

I mean....we are at the point of Apathy here.

Vinny is still convincing Snyder that its not HIM that is the biggest issue (after the owner himself).

Zorn should have said no to handing off the playcalling. Let him get fired and find an QB coach gig with another team. He'd still get hired. I know alot of you don't believe it. But, I think most teams don't blame him for this mess.

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The stadium...I don't know where to begin. I suspect one might start with the sound system. One of the better renditions of The Star Spangled Banner" was tarnished by feed back yesterday. It was sad, because she actually sang it better than anybody I have heard.

From there is just got worse. Czabe was right in all of his criticisms. It's a good thing we can go there to hang out and have some fun with fellow skins fans...Otherwise, I think Danny would go broke.

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Zorn should have said no to handing off the playcalling. Let him get fired and find an QB coach gig with another team. He'd still get hired. I know alot of you don't believe it. But, I think most teams don't blame him for this mess.


You know Buford, I have read several posts by you lately where I thought you had your hand up the back of my shirt and were speaking for me. I could not agree more. Change coaches, change QB's, change RB's-same result. If I were Zorn I would have said no as well, or said okay rolled my eyes and then fail to show up the next day.

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I'm not greedy. I just want the out of town scores, like we had pre-Snyder: Constantly scrolling scores.

I've been saying this for over ten years. One simple thing. And they can't give it to us.

Pisses me off.


do you remember when the scores of the cowboys, giants, and eagles games used to bring about HUGE cheers from the crowd?

I mean HUGE - expecially late in the season when a win for us and a loss for one of those teams meant something in terms of playoffs? Or was simply another shot at cowboys fans?

I even recall watching it on TV, and even the announcers knew. 'Oh, that cheer was because they just posted the score of the cowboys game, they're down x points'

those days are gone, for multiple reasons. and it irritates me that one of the reasons is because they simply wont show the scores. they also wont show replays, which is extremely anoying. all I want is to see who screwed up, or made the play.

They're trying REALLY hard to drive it into your head that watching the game at home is flat out more enjoyable.

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Zorn should have said no to handing off the playcalling. Let him get fired and find an QB coach gig with another team. He'd still get hired. I know alot of you don't believe it. But, I think most teams don't blame him for this mess.

I agree Buford...I think anyone with 3 active brain cells knows where the blame lies.

My. Snyder your stewardship of this franchise has been an abomination of epic purportions! I cannot believe what you and Vinny have done to the team that I once was so passionate about.

I do not trust you to fix this team either...I have lost all faith in you as the owner of this franchise and there are only two cards left for you to play:

1) Fire Vinny!

2) Hire a GM with credibility and announce you are steppng away from the on-field decisons like in 2001.

You play those cards things and follow through on them and things migth eventually turn around.

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Czabe is spot on, once again. He points out several of the Fedex deficiencies that drove me to canceling my season tickets.

The lack of out of town scores, no replays, every announcement brought to you by (insert sponsor), overpriced everything, etc... basically just a terrible atmosphere. Tailgating is far more enjoyable than anything that happens inside the stadium.

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