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When do you think the "Deadskin" era began?

Gart Monk

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Whatever you want to say about Snyder, this franchise has never been the same since Gibbs retired. The franchise has endured a decade and a half of mediocrity since 1992 (and really, weren't we really only 9-7 in Gibbs' last year?).

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the first time Gibbs retired, even he couldn't right the ship when he came back but he gave it a hell of a try, Snyder has screwed this team up so bad with fluffer boy Vinny it'll take years to fix..


Just so you know, using a term like "fluffer boy Vinny" might get you a forced vacation...just a tip.

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Youngster. It began with Ritchie Petibone.

I'd have to agree, but to Ritchies credit he didn't have Gary Clark opposite Art Monk cause the guy Booked out of here to AZ, and it appeared the team was due for an overhaul. I guess Gibbs split at the right time...

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Was at that game. It was a terrible feeling. Have to say I don't agree though. 2007 playoff run was magical. The loss to the seahawks in the wildcard round was the beginning.

I agree.

I'm a young fan, but I have a vivid memory of Portis and Santana sitting on the bench after that game, staring down at the ground and not moving. They were probably the two guys closest to Taylor, and it just gave me chills seeing 'em in that game after they put it all on the line for those months to even get there.

Team hasn't been the same since then.

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After the 2005 season. In 2005, the offense finally started to come together. Everybody knew all we really needed was keep the defense intact and keep the offensive system intact while adding maybe a 2nd WR and some o-line depth.

BUT NO! And what do we do??? We bring in Al Saunders and his new system, we let Pierce and Ryan Clark walk, we trade picks for Brandon Lloyd, then we sign Adam Archuletta and Andre Carter to absurd contracts.

Since then, Archuletta and Lloyd were complete busts, Carter hasn't lived up to the contract, while Clark and Pierce have rubbed salt in our wounds by being key pieces to 3 Super Bowl championship teams. Not to mention the fact that the Al Saunders experiment was a complete and epic FAIL.

So to sum it up, the 2005 season was the golden year in which we should have built off of...we didn't and its been downhill ever since.

What I'm saying is, it's not Zorn's fault, or Campbell's, or the o-line. Its the two idiots who run things in the front office. Cerrato and Snyder have no idea how to build a contender, and until they get a clue, WE'RE SCREWED.

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Youngster. It began with Ritchie Petibone.

I can't even add anything to that. Really, that's the bottom line.

Gibbs 1 left and the Redskins have been horrible ever since. There was a spark of hope in 1999 with Johnson at QB, but then 2000 Vinny and Danny went fantasy football on us and look at the result. It's been the same ****ing story ever since. Insanity.

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