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Beware of Big Name Coaches


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Seriously everyone who's hoping for a new, BIG name coach signing right now needs a reality check.

Switching coaches isn't the way to TRULY fix this team. If they do come here it'll be for the same reason players do. To get a fat paycheck and look around, see that there are a TON of problems with how this franchise is run, and realize that they are in a no win situation.

What's worse, many of the problems will most likely be ones they won't be given enough freedom to try and fix. Zorn may be unqualified, but bringing in another coach right now, based on HIS NAME alone, not on how well he fits the direction of our franchise (do we even have a direction?) is the wrong move.

Signing Gruden or Shanahan or Cowher right now is just the excuse Dan needs to make a big name splash that'll get fans excited again, without having to really change anything.

Think first Snyder, and stop making huge team related descisions out of desperation. Do what is best for the team in the long term, not what gives you a 1% better chance of saving a season and squeezing a few extra bucks out of the fanbase.

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I wish we could get marty again. He was the only coach in the last 15 years to have us going in the right direction.

Yeah, if alienating veterans, Drafting even more useless WRs than Vinny has, and having the 28th ranked offense is the right direction. Than Yes, Marty had us in the "right" direction...


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I wish we could get marty again. He was the only coach in the last 15 years to have us going in the right direction.

That will never happen because it would mean Danny would have to get rid of Vinny again. Unfortunately for fans and the team, Vinny is not going anywhere.

Still, if we can get a Head Coach who is capable of adapting to player's strengths, instead of a coach who is all about his own scheme, we might find a measure of success.

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I just want us to get away from signing people based on what they HAVE ALREADY done, rather than what they CAN do to help our team. This goes for players and coaches.

I want players and coaches to make names for themselves while theyre in Washington, not stroll in here after they've lost any motivation to succeed.

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If you don't get the coach you want now, at the end of the season he will have been picked up by another team. Zorn and JC are history. The Cowboys, Bills, TB, Rams and even Carolina may want to pick up a top NFL coach. WE NEED TO MAKE A MOVE NOW. I want Gruden, but any of the other top three would be fine with me. The first thing Gruden would do is set JC on the bench and play TC in this WC system. JC is lost and holds on to the ball way to long for this type of passing game to work.

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I see your point but I think we need a big name coach due to the power they would require to sign here... a big name coach isn't going to come to a team where the staff is already assembled for him and he has no say over personnel... a guy getting his first HC job (like zorn) will go along with whatever just to get the opportunity...

our FO needs to step back enough at least to allow a coach to bring his own staff with him... the personnel part, well, I doubt danny will ever relinquish that again...

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I agree with this. Look at some of the coaches having success right now: Mike Tomlin, John Harbaugh, Mike Smith, Josh McDaniels, Tony Sparano, Sean Payton, to name a few. I don't think any of these guys were thought of as "big name" hires.

Exactly. And those guys are young and hungry. They won't bail after a few high paying years to hit the front 9 and take a cushy job in the booth. All the names being tossed around right now are in just that situation.

Of course the really good coaches will also demand to name their own coaching staffs which Lil' Danny will never allow.......

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Umm... so who are these young up and coming coaches that aren't big names? Because I thought they all got hired in the last two years...(one of them, supposedly, being Jim Zorn). I'm interested in Grimm also, but who else? I havn't heard a single name mentioned other than Gruden, Cowher, Shanahan, Holmgren and Grimm. All of theses guys are big names except for Grimm, and Grimm is not unkmown... There will be as many as 6-8 teams looking for coaches at the end of the year, so who is taking up the slack?

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The advantage with john Gruden is that he is an angry coach and more likely to bench players who don't perform, so under JG you either perform or sit down, players can work that out, also i believe he would stand up to danny and vinny and he would tell them who he wants and not necessarily take who they want to provide

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And expecations are even higher with a big name coach. If people are impatient and ready to fire a coach without experience (who should be expected to make some mistakes), how do you think an experience coach not named Joe Gibbs will be judged here lol.

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Think i am leaning towards Grimm. Big name coaches have nothing to prove, need someone with fire in his belly and no nonsense

Snyder needs to take a clue from JKC, hire a good GM and stay out of the coaches and GM'S business and intervene ONLY in case of a dispute between the the two

methinks this will be our worst season since 93

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Snyder needs to take a clue from JKC, hire a good GM and stay out of the coaches and GM'S business and intervene ONLY in case of a dispute between the the two

I think it was Joe Gibbs and Darrell Green that said that JKC would make sure everyone knew that he was the boss. If he didn't like how a player was playing, he would go down to the practice field and tell him what he thought.

BTW, we probably wouldn't be in this mess if JKC wasn't such a strange old bird and requiring the team to be sold in his will. He probably thought he could buy his way into heaven by giving away most off his estate after his death.

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I wish we could get marty again. He was the only coach in the last 15 years to have us going in the right direction.

I know it may sound crazy, but I honestly think Snyder should look at Marty as a possible candidate for GM IF he does the right thing and fires Vinny. I know they made up a few years back because of a personal matter involving Marty's family and I really think he could set this organization straight again if given a second chance.

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I agree with the OP.

I'm not completely against a big name coach but I think that a big name coach would come here for all of the wrong reasons. A big name coach would come here for a pay day. They wouldn't be in the team's best interest.

If we get a Shannahan, a Cowher, a Gruden... I wouldn't suddenly be invigorated with hope. I am now skeptical to all things Redskins related. The burden of proof is now on the Redskins.

If you were a potential head coach, why would you choose the Redskins? There are at least 3 or 4 teams out there who will be looking for a job this offseason who are better off than the Redskins. The state of our organization is abysmal. All our good players aren't getting any younger and the FO won't prepare this team for success in the future. The only reason for a big name coach to come on board is for a paycheck.

We've all learned that money cannot buy championships and that is exactly what we would probably be doing (yet again) with a big name coach.

Simply put, I would be completely skeptical about John Gruden walking into town here.

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