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Beware of Big Name Coaches


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Until somebody convinces me otherwise, I'll believe Vinny does Snyder's bidding. When Vinny's mouth moves, it's Snyder talking. When the Skins draft another name player, or go after a QB while undercutting their current QB, it's Snyder putting everything in motion. In the draft, Vinny announces Dan's picks. When Dan gets bored (usually second day) Vinny picks.

The sad thing is Snyder thinks he's building a winner and it's (coaches, players, anybody but him) that's causing the Skins to lose.

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I wish we could get marty again. He was the only coach in the last 15 years to have us going in the right direction.

I guess two winning season's in four years, both with playoff appearances, as opposed to a whopping three in eleven and one post-season outing in the time since he first left and came back; not to mention totally overhauling the roster in to a way better one than he inherited, and making this franchise respected opponents again had Gibbs going in the wrong direction huh? :doh:

Seriously, though it didn't end with the Championship he and we so craved, though not for the want of trying and beyond the call hard work from the man, Coach' second go around gets way too easily dissed on here by people who should know a LOT better.

That man DESERVES a lot better from this fan base for all the sacrifices he made for his life love outside of his faith and family, the Washington Redskins, to come back at 63 and work his tail off for us when he should of been home with the family relaxing.


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Signing Gruden or Shanahan or Cowher right now is just the excuse Dan needs to make a big name splash that'll get fans excited again, without having to really change anything.

Think first Snyder, and stop making huge team related descisions out of desperation. Do what is best for the team in the long term, not what gives you a 1% better chance of saving a season and squeezing a few extra bucks out of the fanbase.

So under your train of thought, we should not hire a "big name" (read: successful) HC. So, who's left? Want to scour other teams coaching staffs for a gem? Didn't we just do that with Zorn?

How about looking to the college coaches for one? Oh, wait that was Spurrier.

Hiring an experienced coach is step one of a rebuilding plan but step two is getting rid of Vincenzo and getting Dannyboy's pudgy fingers out of the decision making. No big name coach that Dannyboy covets is going to want to come into this franchise with the way the FO is configured at present.

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Head coaches are not the problem and can't be until Snyder and Vinnie are out of the picture.

I was just about to post this. it dont matter who you bring here, as long as those two retards are running the show it will be nothing more than their puppet playground!

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That will never happen because it would mean Danny would have to get rid of Vinny again. Unfortunately for fans and the team, Vinny is not going anywhere.

Still, if we can get a Head Coach who is capable of adapting to player's strengths, instead of a coach who is all about his own scheme, we might find a measure of success.

Success will forever elude this team under the current ownership and no one coach will make any difference.

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Success will forever elude this team under the current ownership and no one coach will make any difference.

That's hyperbole. The Redskins would win more games with a reincarnated Vince Lombardi than they would a six-year old whose only coaching experience is Madden. Once you agree with that extreme, you should agree that it's just as true with lesser coaching skill difference. Would the team do better with Belichik instead of Zorn? I'd think yes.

There are certainly better coaches than Zorn, who would win more games for us. The only questions are who is most likely better, and whether that person wants to coach for us. Even with Danny and Vinnie, coaching does make a difference.

To the OP, we've tried every coaching background except for the extremely young fresh buck. I can't think of any available like that, but Gruden is still pretty darn young. Only 9 years older than Tomlin. So he covers the young(ish), he's probably hungry to still prove himself, so may not be in it for the paycheck, and he even covers the experienced winner type of coach. He's also experienced with doing pretty well despite terrible support from his owner.

At this point I'd rather have an experienced winner than another Zorn-type reach. (such as Russ Grimm, all due respect)

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REMEMBER: Coaching football is a young man's game.

Teams listed in order of current record

Denver Broncos Josh McDaniels age 33

Indianapolis Colts Jim Caldwell age 54

Minnesota Vikings Brad Childress age 53

New Orleans Saints Sean Payton age 45

New York Giants Tom Coughlin age 63

Cincinnati Bengals Marvin Lewis age 51

Atlanta Falcons Mike Smith age 50

Chicago Bears Lovie Smith age 51

Philadelphia Eagles Andy Reid age 51

Baltimore Ravens Jim Harbaugh age 47

Dallas Cowboys Wade Phillips age 62

New England Patriots Bill Belichick age 57

New York Jets Rex Ryan age 46

Pittsburgh Steelers Mike Tomlin 37

San Francisco 49ers Mike Singletary age 51

Arizona Cardinals Ken Whisenhunt age 47

Green Bay Packers Mike McCarthy age 49

San Diego Chargers Norv Turner age 57

Houston Texans Gary Kubiak age 48

Jacksonville Jaguars Jack Del Rio age 46

Miami Dolphins Tony Sparano age 48

Seattle Seahawks Jim Mora Jr. age 47

Washington Redskins Jim Zorn age 57

Carolina Panthers John Fox age 54

Buffalo Bills Dick Jauron age 59

Cleveland Browns Eric mangini age 38

Detroit Lions Jim Schwartz age 43

Oakland Raiders Tom Cable age 44

Kansas City Chiefs Todd Haley age 42

St. Louis Rams Steve Julio Spagnuolo age 49

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Raheem Morris age 33

Tennessee Titans Jeff Fisher age 51

Average age is 43.375 years.

Take the average age of coaches with winning records and its 50.06 years

Obviously guys like Tomlin and McDaniels skewe the numbers and are the exception not the rule.

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I think the difference is, this time around, that the big name coaches would want a change in the FO structure.

At least, I hope they do.

That's seems like the problem though. Dan wants to hire someone who lets him keep doing what he does, which ultimatley prevents the coach from having any chance of success

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Here is the problem. I think the Zorn, Spurrier, and Norv sagas have taught us that weak-willed coaches will get eaten alive by the Danny.

Of course, the Marty saga taught us that strong-willed coaches will drive the Danny insane and eventually write their own ticket out of town.

Gibbs, of course, was like having a picture of Abe Lincoln suddenly come to life and become president. I don't think you can make any judgment off of those four years.

So, it seems that the only coach who can co-exist with Danny is either Gibbs or the ghost of George Allen.

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1) You need a coach with a big name and a big ego because they will insist on changes in the FO and be able to get them as part of the deal. Russ Grimm won't be able to demand changes, he'll be to thrilled with getting his dream job.

2) Holmgren, Gruden and Shanahan aren't looking for paydays. Shanahan got $21M from Denver to not coach - he'd effectively be coaching his next job for free. Gruden has a monday night gig that pays in the millions - with no grief. Holmgren is loaded as well. If they take the job, it will be because they want to prove they can do it twice.

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While I agree that many coaches wouldn't want to work for our front office (see: Cowher, Bill), don't forget there are many coaches out there that have a fire in their belly to turn around a hopeless team - what better trophy to wave around?

And that's exactly the kind of spirit we need here.

Sadly, that's not the sort of person the FO ever looks for...

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Average age is 43.375 years.

Take the average age of coaches with winning records and its 50.06 years

Obviously guys like Tomlin and McDaniels skewe the numbers and are the exception not the rule.

In the 40s is fine. Early 50s is not bad. But, I wouldn't hire a "new" NFL head coach in his 60s or late 50s...sorry.

BTW, the 6 coaches older than 55 years old (Coughlin, Phillips, Jauron, Belichick, Turner, and Zorn (he's 56, not 57)) have a current combined record of 16-13. That's not a big winning endorsement.

Hard to believe Zorn is 56; he seems younger. And Singletary seems younger than 51 years old.

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