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Poll: Do you believe the people that have the most, have "earned" it?

Commander PK

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that sounds a lot like "live within your means." To me, "live with in your means" always sounded a lot like accept that you are a peasant. I'm not in the mood for rational advice today, lol.

you don't wanna be a "peasant" anymore? Then go do something about it. Invent something, invest in something, DO something about it. don't say "hey, he's got money, why isn't it mine?"

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Sure, but how many "self made" people are there, that are totally self made

Lets go with Dan Snyder for example

In 1990, he was a total business failure, 3 million dollars in debt and done.

He then finds someone to invest in another scheme of his, while at the same time the stock market in America is taking off.

He rides this huge wave, hits it big and then sells out in 1999.

Perfect timing both in getting in and out

Now based on how he has operated his other businesses (Redskins, Six Flags etc), I am not sure if he is a business success based on hard work and talent, or more so rode the wave at the right time and got out at an even better time

Had JKC passed away in 2001, would Dan Snyder have been in position to purchase the team?

Like the saying goes, it's sometimes better to be lucky than good. You have to have a vision, but you also have to have luck.

I was talking to a friend about this last night, you all need to watch that show on CNBC about tycoons that came from nothing to having fortune 500 companies. So far I saw episodes on Ray Kroft(founder of McDonalds), Sam Walton(Wal-Mart) and last night I saw how Ben and Jerry's was founded. Don't tell me these guys didn't earn what they got.

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A person's wealth does not need to be validated to anyone. As long as no laws are broken, including tax laws, what is it anyone's concern how wealthy someone is or how they became wealthy?

Because it is the Peoples money....ain't you keeping up with current events?;)

btw, I do accept gratuities if you are so inclined

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I agree. As much as I can't stand Paris Hilton, I can't blame her for taking advantage of her family's wealth. And I don't think the Hilton family should be punished for having a dumbass daughter, granddaughter whatever

Paul Allen-1953

Steve Jobs-1955

Bill Gates-1955

Bill Joy (founder of Sun Microsystems)-1954

ahhhh! Thus the 50's refernece earlier. Got it now.

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Like the saying goes, it's sometimes better to be lucky than good. You have to have a vision, but you also have to have luck.

I was talking to a friend about this last night, you all need to watch that show on CNBC about tycoons that came from nothing to having fortune 500 companies. So far I saw episodes on Ray Kroft(founder of McDonalds), Sam Walton(Wal-Mart) and last night I saw how Ben and Jerry's was founded. Don't tell me these guys didn't earn what they got.

I had the aweome pleasure of hearing "Jerry" (I think it was him) speak on that at the ASQ conference this year.

I actually went in a bit biased against him (Thinking dirty hippy love child! LOL)

But the dude impressed me on so many levels.

Talk about building from nothing!

He told a story that another one of the big ice cream companies got real predatory on them (cant recall which one) and went around an threatened the store owners that if they kept B & J's ice cream in their store, then they wouldnt be able to sell the big brand.

B & J got real creative and started an incredible information campaign on billboards, signs, busses etc, teasing the big company about being so scared of the little guys.

they won out.

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I realize that I have tried to generalize a complicated issue, call it an emotional response to general disgust that boiled over, when I had a problem with my bank this morning.

I feel for ya.

Right now I cant open a checking account in this new city because of a fraud account in my wifes name that bounced a bunch of checks.

LOL, they wouldnt even speak with us because we couldnt verify the information that the person who committed the fraud gave them!

It's a mess.

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the way wealth is distributed in this country

Edit: who gets it, and why

So should we go to "From those according to their ability; to those according to their need"? What is wrong with keeping what you earn? What is wrong with being able to pass down what you have earned to the next generation(s) of your family?

This is America, if you want more you have the opportunity to bust your back and go earn it, the single person holding most people back is themselves. (They will blame others, their circumstances, but in the end you either choose to overcome or surrender to your negative situation.)

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you don't wanna be a "peasant" anymore? Then go do something about it. Invent something, invest in something, DO something about it. don't say "hey, he's got money, why isn't it mine?"

Poker your only 20. I appreciate that you have this type of an attitude, I did once also. Talk to me again when your 30 and let's see after you have had to pay the bills, and support a family for a while out in the work force, if you still believe that you control your financial destiny.

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I had the aweome pleasure of hearing "Jerry" (I think it was him) speak on that at the ASQ conference this year.

I actually went in a bit biased against him (Thinking dirty hippy love child! LOL)

But the dude impressed me on so many levels.

Talk about building from nothing!

He told a story that another one of the big ice cream companies got real predatory on them (cant recall which one) and went around an threatened the store owners that if they kept B & J's ice cream in their store, then they wouldnt be able to sell the big brand.

B & J got real creative and started an incredible information campaign on billboards, signs, busses etc, teasing the big company about being so scared of the little guys.

they won out.

Haagen Dazs owned by Pillsbury

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Like the saying goes, it's sometimes better to be lucky than good. You have to have a vision, but you also have to have luck.

But like they also say, "luck" is preparation meeting opportunity.

I can not tell you how many opportunities I've seen come my way that I was not prepared for...and because of that, I never took advantage of any of them. However, if I had just worked hard and kept plugging at developing myself and my areas of interest, I could have been in the perfect position to take advantage of things that came my way.

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I feel for ya.

Right now I cant open a checking account in this new city because of a fraud account in my wifes name that bounced a bunch of checks.

LOL, they wouldnt even speak with us because we couldnt verify the information that the person who committed the fraud gave them!

It's a mess.

This is pretty similar to my problem, and what pushed me to this. I'm thinking about keeping all my money in a fire proof box. **** the banks. I'm not playing by anybody's game anymore...and all this b.s. that people tell you need. We don't really need any of it. I'm going to adapt the lifestyle of the Amish.

(I'm only half kidding, lol)

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How about Jerry Buss, owner of the Lakers? (since we're mentioning some people who earned their way). He came from completely humble beginnings, was a smart guy and earned his PhD (physics I think) before he was 25 then taught at USC. Got bored doing that and realized, in the 1960's, that Los Angeles real estate was (at the time) greatly underpriced. He proceeded to buy up land in key parts of LA with a biz partner and in a few years time had amassed a big enough chunk of change to buy the Lakers. Right after that purchase (late 1970's) the NBA just blew up. Magic and Bird helped that happen of course.

Now that is hard work + good timing.

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Poker your only 20. I appreciate that you have this type of an attitude, I did once also. Talk to me again when your 30 and let's see after you have had to pay the bills, and support a family for a while out in the work force, if you still believe that you control your financial destiny.

Eh, bull**** lol (no offense)...I'm in my mid-40s and doing ok financially. In my mid-30s I was raising a 4 year old daughter with my (then) wife, scrubbing toilets at night to eek out whatever little money I could, and attending art school full time during the day an hour away from where I lived. I literally got only 30 minutes of sleep 5 nights a week (I stayed awake whenever I could to spend time being a father to my daughter). I lost weight, I had eviction notices, I fell asleep behind the wheel and ran off the side of the highway several times.

I also got a graphic design education and have made anywhere from $40 to $110 dollars an hour doing so ever since.

There are no situations that take control of your financial situation out of your hands. Don't waste time and energy telling yourself there are...because you'd be doing yourself a grave disservice.

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This is pretty similar to my problem, and what pushed me to this. I'm thinking about keeping all my money in a fire proof box. **** the banks. I'm not playing by anybody's game anymore...and all this b.s. that people tell you need. We don't really need any of it. I'm going to adapt the lifestyle of the Amish.

(I'm only half kidding, lol)

Simple living certainly has a lure, especially these days!

hang in there though. These things tend to work out over time (even if it sucks for awhile!)

I'm right with you on struggling lately. Big, unexpected relocation, lost my wifes income (for awhile) and lost my life savings trying to get out of our home we couldnt sell for 10 months.

I'm alive though and there is nowhere to go but up now!

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Poker your only 20. I appreciate that you have this type of an attitude, I did once also. Talk to me again when your 30 and let's see after you have had to pay the bills, and support a family for a while out in the work force, if you still believe that you control your financial destiny.

People who make it big have to take risks. You don't wanna take that risk? That's fine. But you have to live with the life you've cut out for yourself.

Personally, I'm studying to be an Engineer; a well-paid profession in high demand. Education is my key to financial success.

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Darn, too bad I missed the 50's, I guess I am screwed...

What about Rockefeller or Carnegie or did the "rich" phenomenon" just begin with these lucky folks born in the 1950's?

Rockfeller and Carneige were both born in the 1830s

You should see THAT list of people :)

Out of the 75 richest people in history going back to the Byzantine empire, no fewer than 14 are Americans born in the 1830s

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It's complicated. Like any other demographic, there are good and bad people. If a person has achieved big time wealth, they must have taken something from someone at some point and short-changed a lot of people who helped them get there, but not everyone who is rich is evil.

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People who make it big have to take risks. You don't wanna take that risk? That's fine. But you have to live with the life you've cut out for yourself.

Personally, I'm studying to be an Engineer; a well-paid profession in high demand. Education is my key to financial success.

I'm really glad for you, and I hope you do well. I sincerely do. I also hope that whenever the managers of whatever company you start working for screws things up so bad, and they have to lay off 5000 people to keep their "profit margin", that your not one of them.

I have a cousin who has a Master's Degree in Education right now, that can't get a job teaching. Education is nice, but it's all about the bottom line. If you have to lose your job, so your CEO can keep his summer home in the south of france...well ya gotta go.

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