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From a proud organization to this legacy


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Like most fans this is the lowest point of my skins fandom.

How far have we fallen that we will be known as that team. If the FO/Coaches/Players are not ashamed of the direction the team is going then we have no hope. This is the legacy of the this team now. Everytime they talk about the losing streaks, Skin's name will be associated. :(:mad::doh:

To win you nead heart and balls. This team lacks both. There is no energy, focus, imagination...list can go on. How many times are skins featured in any football related shows, commericals or dicussions. We have become irrelevant now.

This team needs to blowin up and re-build. If I hear C Samuels say we fight hard and have heart..I'm gonna scream.

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You know what's sad? We talk about the transition from a proud franchise to what we are now a lot, but do you realize that it's been more than 15 years since we've been a really good franchise? This isn't something that's just happened, we're so far entrenched in what we are now that it could take an act of God to get us out of this rut.

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In 1989, head coach Joe Gibbs, defensive coordinator Richie Petitbon, and our Super Bowl Champion Washington Redskins, lost to a winless team, with a rookie head coach, and a rookie QB, at RFK stadium.

So, we've already been "that" team. And that "that" was worse than this "that". It wasn't fatal then. It won't be now.

"Loosen up Fan baby, you're too tight."

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When will people understand that this current franchise has NOTHING at all to do with the one that won all those Super Bowls years ago.

This is Dan Snyder's Redskins - the only legacy is of losing, foolish spending, and bleeding a loyal fanbase down to its last cent, and nerve.

The Ravens, Raiders, Chiefs, Lions - name any of the other 31 teams in the league, and that team has as much to do with the Skins teams that played hard and wanted to win as this complete debacle.

Snyder is the problem. We may need him to pull an Irsay for us to get a respectable organization back here again.

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Maybe I should start a new thread with this idea-

I just realized something that has been staring me in the face for years.

I'm not a Redskins fan; I'm a Joe Gibbs fan.

Looking back through my years following the team, the only times that I've really CARED about the team Joe Gibbs was the head coach.

How did I not realize this until now? Does anyone else feel this way?

Should this be its own thread?

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Maybe I should start a new thread with this idea-

I just realized something that has been staring me in the face for years.

I'm not a Redskins fan; I'm a Joe Gibbs fan.

Looking back through my years following the team, the only times that I've really CARED about the team Joe Gibbs was the head coach.

How did I not realize this until now? Does anyone else feel this way?

Should this be its own thread?

I sure don't feel that way.

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this organization is a circus, from Tom Cruise yucking it up with Zorn before the games to Chris Cooley spending all his time with his website and blogs.

These guys suck, they are NOT MY REDSKINS!

except for Fletcher, I feel bad for him, he deserves to play on a team that cares.

I feel bad for Fletcher too... he's a gem glued to a turd.

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Maybe I should start a new thread with this idea-

I just realized something that has been staring me in the face for years.

I'm not a Redskins fan; I'm a Joe Gibbs fan.

Looking back through my years following the team, the only times that I've really CARED about the team Joe Gibbs was the head coach.

How did I not realize this until now? Does anyone else feel this way?

Should this be its own thread?

Not sure I feel exactly the same way, but I think I know where you're coming from. You and I are around the same age, so like me, your earliest memories were probably the Gibbs teams.

What I can say is that any non-Gibbs team has been VERY hard to like. Gibbs' teams had character. In Gibbs 2.0, he took a really undertalented team and at least convinced them to play hard. Even when Gibbs was losing, the team at least had character. The teams under Norv, Spurrier, Marty, and now Zorn were/are losers, and have no character.

So while I'm not ready to say I'm not a fan, I think it's reasonable to ask:

What is there to like about this team besides the uniforms? (maybe that should be it's own thread?)

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I feel bad for my 10 year old son.... he loves the Skins mainly because I do. He has grown up with Redskins gear and has worn his Skins hats etc. to school (not common here in Idaho) and defended the team. I have memories of watching the Skins during winning years and especially during the 91 season - he has none. He has memories of high hopes and thats it.

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Yesterday was an amazing, history making day for me and for the dwindling few "Homers" that dare show our collective face's.

I am 36 years old and have NEVER been anything other than a devoted Redskins fan. I have no AFC or west coast team (like some people do) and their is no other team I 'kinda' like. If you read some of my posts and threads from the past it quite easy to see that I am dillusional in my support of my Redskins. THESE ARE NOT MY REDSKINS!!

To the afore metioned "history"....

On Sunday September 27, 2009 and for the very first time in my 36 years on this planet I am actually embarassed to be a Redskins fan!

My (football) heart is broken!

Thank you Mr. Snyder, thank you....

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The teams under Norv, Spurrier, Marty, and now Zorn were/are losers, and have no character. QUOTE]

I agree for the most part except for Marty. After a rough start, he had that team playing well. They finished up 6-2 before Danny Boy pulled the rug out from under him in favor of that turd Spurrier. And Marty got it done with friggin Tony Banks as QB!!!

Other than that though, I totally agree with your statement.

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The Lions won yesterday because they had heart.

Did you see them come back out after the game and celebrate the game with their fans? They won for their fans, for their city. Our guys are a bunch of mercenaries who couldn't care less (for the most part).

That starts at the top.

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Feh, yanno who owns and runs this team? Madoff, that's who. Every offseason he shows you the cooked books and lying numbers to assuage any investor concern and keep the new money flowing in, then just milks the beast for every drop it can produce.

Dan Snyder has done more genuine lasting damage to this franchise than every Cowboy team ever fielded, every Giant victory every chalked up, every cheap shot Philly laid on a player.

Welcome to the dregs, get comfy 'cuz we'll all be here for a long time.

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Snyder isn't going anywhere but he can do some things to help this team. We need a new coach that will get the players inline. You won't hear the players talk bad about Zorn because they know they have it made in the shade. Do you think Cowher would let them get away with their attitudes? I don't.

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