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Jennifer's Body (And Question about Juno Dialogue)


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I don't know where you come up with this "Megan Fox isn't hot" logic.
I think she's alright, not close to being "The Hottest Girl of 2008" or whatever level of hot, but not bad looking either.

That being said, I saw her on Conan O'Brien the other night and she didn't look very good at all. I don't know what it was, but she was pretty busted for all the hype she gets, and that was also the first time I can recall seeing her on a talk show like that. Which leads me to believe she's also a lot more special effects and make-up than anything else (which was pretty much confirmed with how they fixed her up in Transformers 2, but still).

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I think she's alright, not close to being "The Hottest Girl of 2008" or whatever level of hot, but not bad looking either.

That being said, I saw her on Conan O'Brien the other night and she didn't look very good at all. I don't know what it was, but she was pretty busted for all the hype she gets, and that was also the first time I can recall seeing her on a talk show like that. Which leads me to believe she's also a lot more special effects and make-up than anything else (which was pretty much confirmed with how they fixed her up in Transformers 2, but still).

Exactly. If you saw her in person, you'd probably say, wow what a let down.

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The way Juno talked was just her weird personality. Not everyone in the movie talks like she does- she's just a weird girl.

True. Plus the movie was going for style over realism when it came to dialogue. (Reading that scene posted in this thread, it sounded kind of nonsensical...but the actors delivered it well and it all kind of made sense in the movie.)

Juno was a decent movie. Some laughs here and there, and the characters were likeable. I don't get all the hate.

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Juno was a decent movie. Some laughs here and there, and the characters were likeable. I don't get all the hate.

THe incessant Moldy Peaches musical cutesy nonsense made me want to put a fist through someone's face.

Sorry, that movie was gah-baj. Just plain overrated and not the "it's really good but got TOO much hype." More like, it was better than Plan Nine from Outer Space but not deserving of any award.

Diablo Cody's dialogue seems to have been some test of how pathetic Oscar voters actually were---they passed (or failed) with flying colors!

Diablo ___ Cody. Give me a goddamn break.

Going beyond that----Do men actually see movies for chicks? Seriously? I thought only women went to see a flick because Gerard Butler or whoever is in it. Men are supposed to be above that nonsense. Boobage and female flesh are bonuses but should not even be a FACTOR in your seeing a movie at the cinema.

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Going beyond that----Do men actually see movies for chicks? Seriously? I thought only women went to see a flick because Gerard Butler or whoever is in it. Men are supposed to be above that nonsense. Boobage and female flesh are bonuses but should not even be a FACTOR in your seeing a movie at the cinema.
Which is why, say, "The Wrestler" is such an ideal movie.

Mickey Rourke on the road to redemption in his life both inside and outside the squared circle. Marisa Tomei topless as his stripper friend/love interest is just the icing on the cake, not the focal point of seeing it.

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Re: the "Jennifer's Body" part of the thread title, I enjoyed much of the dialogue in the JB flick. It reminded me a bit of An American Werewolf In London ( a favorite) in feek, mainly via the mix of horror, humor, and slang/idioms of the day. And yes, "the kiss" and Megan are hot as predicted. Movie is gory, but good for popcorn/fun/date fare.

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