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ES made the Skins lose? (Rallying cry to vet members)


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Look, I know that a lot of people are saying that the Redskins "lacked heart" in their win, and that "we, as fans, should expect more from our team"... But let's face it. AS FANS, we weren't into this game... Why? I've got several reasons.

1) Where was the lookalike thread? Every week for at least the past couple of years, one of the greatest threads of the week was the Look-A-Like thread, where we took pictures of giants players and compared them to others.

2) Where was the Karma thread? This thread is where we say awesome things that we like about the host city... Yet again, absent...

3) Choose a cheerleader (you have to pick one) Thread - Serially, I didn't see a thread on that... Where was it?

You see, those are WEEKLY threads off the top of my head that I've realized we missed... Now I'm not saying that those alone made us lose, but not having those threads definitely contributed.

So, I challenge all members of ES to deliver (myself included), we cannot WAIT for these threads to be created, because people's schedules may get in the way and not allow them to be created.

What do YOU do to help your team win? (If these threads were created, they were buried or lacked enough posts to get them to stay at the top, that falls on all of US to pick up the slack)

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Look, I know that a lot of people are saying that the Redskins "lacked heart" in their win, and that "we, as fans, should expect more from our team"... But let's face it. AS FANS, we weren't into this game... Why? I've got several reasons.

1) Where was the lookalike thread? Every week for at least the past couple of years, one of the greatest threads of the week was the Look-A-Like thread, where we took pictures of giants players and compared them to others.



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unfortunately, i have to agree with ion that the postings have been rather pedestrian over the past year or so. the originality in the posts seems to be gone and the creative spark seems to be fading. it all seemed to start that one fateful day when the daily babe thread was threatened to be taken away for content reasons... :-(

this used to be a board of extreme fans who were too extreme to acknowledge that the team might actually not be the greatest team ever assembled. recently though, it seems that there has been an influx of realism, and i for one will not tolerate it anymore. i will proclaim that we are the greatest team ever; i will stand by the fact that heyer is a better right tackle than oher; i will blindly profess moss, kelly, el, and thomas the four horsemen of the apocalypse....i may be wrong on everything i say, but my heart will be where it belongs....blind, foolish optimism. when love of your team becomes extreme.

whose with me?!?!?!?!

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Look, I know that a lot of people are saying that the Redskins "lacked heart" in their win, and that "we, as fans, should expect more from our team"... But let's face it. AS FANS, we weren't into this game... Why? I've got several reasons.

1) Where was the lookalike thread? Every week for at least the past couple of years, one of the greatest threads of the week was the Look-A-Like thread, where we took pictures of giants players and compared them to others.

2) Where was the Karma thread? This thread is where we say awesome things that we like about the host city... Yet again, absent...

3) Choose a cheerleader (you have to pick one) Thread - Serially, I didn't see a thread on that... Where was it?

You see, those are WEEKLY threads off the top of my head that I've realized we missed... Now I'm not saying that those alone made us lose, but not having those threads definitely contributed.

So, I challenge all members of ES to deliver (myself included), we cannot WAIT for these threads to be created, because people's schedules may get in the way and not allow them to be created.

What do YOU do to help your team win? (If these threads were created, they were buried or lacked enough posts to get them to stay at the top, that falls on all of US to pick up the slack)

Well its been over an hour, I thought you would have taken action yourself by now. Are you waiting for someone else to do it? I'll go start the Karma thread, the look-a-thread is already going , U got the cheerleader one?

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ok bro, this is ridiculous. First of all, superstition is stupid, especially this sort of superstition, because it obviously doesn't work. have we been to the super bowl because of these threads yet? have we gone 16-0? nope.

the only people to blame for the loss are the players and Zorn. period.

fyi we did have a look-alike thread.

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