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ES made the Skins lose? (Rallying cry to vet members)


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ok bro, this is ridiculous. First of all, superstition is stupid, especially this sort of superstition, because it obviously doesn't work. have we been to the super bowl because of these threads yet? have we gone 16-0? nope.

the only people to blame for the loss are the players and Zorn. period.

fyi we did have a look-alike thread.

What ever dude, you don't know jack. Next thing you gonna tell us is Santa ain't real and that wasn't Big Foot I saw on that trail in western Washington in late 2006, sheez. :doh:

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ok bro, this is ridiculous. First of all, superstition is stupid, especially this sort of superstition, because it obviously doesn't work. have we been to the super bowl because of these threads yet? have we gone 16-0? nope.

the only people to blame for the loss are the players and Zorn. period.

fyi we did have a look-alike thread.

I see sense of humor is not in fact a requirement to get into VMI.

uh, no. we didn't fumble the ball, nor did we throw the ball beyond the line of scrimmage.

you are ridiculous sir

Nor Maryland for that matter.

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