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Why do you all hate on JC so much?


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The man threw for a 73% w/ a 93 passer's rating. All of the QB announcers love JC. But you fans are the only ones that hate. Hall of Fame QB's say JC has it. And you all still hate. This is just unbelieveable. I mean some of you wanted to run him out of town for a dude who got drafted in the 7th round and will be a career back up in this league. If JC leaves he will have suitors. Don't think he is going to be a career back up. A lot of teams would kill for him. But for some strange reason some of us Skins fans love to hate.

i'll tell you why we all hate him. Because since 93 we've only been in the playoffs 3 times. A lot of us, me included, have been fans since 92 or 93 but were too young to remember gibbs 1. That being said we're tired of waiting around watching every other team in the nfc east get better while our team stays the same, or gets worse. We are growing impatient. We've watched our defense vastly improve in overall rankings. we're currently watching our receiveing talent improve. the only thing we haven;t seen improve is our 5th year qb who still can't throw a deep ball, still can't manage timeouts, still can;t read a defense and call a fitting audible, still can;t step up in the pocket and still doesn;t know where the line of scrimmage is. How many more years do we honestly have to give him to figure out FUNDAMENTALS of quarterbacking?

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The eye, which is the reflector of the external world, is also the mirror of the soul within.

Look at Jason`s eyes when he is behind the center before the snap......

What do you see?

I see a very confused QB, who has no clue.


Jason looked so lost yesterday. Especially after the INT then the fumble. It looked like he lost confidence in himself along with the entire team.

I wish him nothing but the best, but after watching Eli light us up with a whole bunch of bumb receivers I'm done making excuses for JC. Its now or never for him.

Oh, and if he lights up the Rams next week......will that actually mean anything or will it just buy him some time until he's ultimately benched?

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Because for every three or four good passes he throws in a drive...he seems to find a way to do the bone head play that ends in three ways:

1) interception

2) fumble

3) end of drive.

Hall of fame QB's get the job done consistently in tough situations often which is WHY they are in the HOF....time to move on and find the HOF QB. Campbell is not the answer.

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People hate on him because most fans are idiots and really know nothing about football. When we get someone calling some imaginative plays we will be fine.

Will you change your tune when JC is holding a clipboard with some other team's colors on it next year?

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People hate on him because most fans are idiots and really know nothing about football. When we get someone calling some imaginative plays we will be fine.

What color is the sky in your world?

I always wanted JC to succeed. Hell, whatever QB they have in there, I am behind and support.

However, yesterday really soured me on his decision making.

I don't think JZ told JC the game plan included audibling into a Run, when the Defense is showing a heavy blitz.

I doubt JZ went over the game plan with JC and mentioned if you get pressured and have to run into the flats, with a good 10 yards in front of you, to run across the LOS and throw a Pick.

I could be wrong, you know all of us idiot fans could be confuzzled. :whoknows:

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We are all like frogs in water when it comes to Campbell.

You know the story. If you put a frog in hot water, the frog will jump out. If you put a frog in room temperature water and slowly boil it, the frog will boil.

The Campbell show is like the latter. It is so slow, I even walk around my house "medium" these days. I am too tired to hate anything. I take naps at halftimes these days and hope I wake up and realize it was just a nightmare.

I don't hate the guy, but I need a little more energy for my $2500 investment in tickets and seasonal consumption of beer to cry in.

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i dont agree that there was a garbage time yesterday.

granted we needed an onside kick even after a score, but an onside kick would have made that a WINABLE game.

regardless of how you feel about his play yesterday or in general, i dont agree that the TD to Cooley came in "garbage time"

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i dont agree that there was a garbage time yesterday.

granted we needed an onside kick even after a score, but an onside kick would have made that a WINABLE game.

regardless of how you feel about his play yesterday or in general, i dont agree that the TD to Cooley came in "garbage time"

right, campbell just figured out the giants defense all of the sudden with 1 minute to play.

how could i be so blind!!?!?!

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The man threw for a 73% w/ a 93 passer's rating. All of the QB announcers love JC. But you fans are the only ones that hate. Hall of Fame QB's say JC has it. And you all still hate. This is just unbelieveable. I mean some of you wanted to run him out of town for a dude who got drafted in the 7th round and will be a career back up in this league. If JC leaves he will have suitors. Don't think he is going to be a career back up. A lot of teams would kill for him. But for some strange reason some of us Skins fans love to hate.

Conversely, why do you choose to accept and defend mediocrity so much?

Fans that continue to do that, are as much a part of the problem with this franchise's continuing woes as those that dare to criticize and debate the glaring problems we've had for WAY too long now.

The longer we continue to accept mediocrity, not just from the very average starting QB of the Washington Redskins, but across the board, and our money keeps on filling the coffers, the longer we'll receive it.


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right, campbell just figured out the giants defense all of the sudden with 1 minute to play.

how could i be so blind!!?!?!

Perhaps because you have a seething hatred of Campbell the QB? People are using a lot of superlatives and hyperbole to get their points across. To me, that tends to indicate that people aren't being objective and impartial observers. People enter these QB debates with an ax to grind and want to skew stats (either for or against JC) to prove their points, even if doing so distorts reality.

I do, however, like the sig. Hudson was f'ing hilarious in that flick.

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