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Why do you all hate on JC so much?


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Stats don't tell the whole story. He just doesn't have what it takes to be a starter in this league. He holds the ball too long and waits for receivers to get open instead of anticipating his throws. He's got a slow/long windup.

Nice person and great teammate but not a starting QB in this league. No team would kill to have him and he won't be signed as a starter anywhere even if the skins let him go.

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I migth as well gert crucified.

With the mistakes he made Sunday I don't think he's got many games left if he can't really get to a highe level. I just think he's run out of time.

Is TC going to be better. Yes I think so especially reading coverage and getting a rythem with the recievers. There aren't a whole lot of plays where our recievers are wide open either. We still drop a lot of passes both offense and on defense. If I remember right I think it was on the first Giantd series of the game we could have easily had an interception and put a WHOLE new attitude on the game,

I don't feel that there was garbage time in Sundays game.

I think a lot of people aren't being fair about that. We scored a touchdown and forced them tp recieve and play flawless. In spite of a poor game we were still in the game.

Unless there is some devine intervention I feel JC's days are numbered especiall as the NR 1 quarterback.

I don't hate the man but I just onestly think he can CONSISTANTLY compete at a winning pro level.

Dan :helmet:

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Really?? that's all you have to say?? You didn't even tell me how a 96% qb rating and a 76% completion percentage with 250 yards in limited opportunities is practice squad quality...

Learn to not disregard 1/2 I say and then base your garbage on just the practice squad player part before you get all butthurt next time.


He can't step up in the pocket.

He doesn't know what time it is.

He doesn't know where the LOS is.

He calls a run on 3rd and 8 down by 2 scores in the 2nd half.

Read that last one again.

Thats just the simple anybody should understand stuff.

When he's back there, in the general vacinity of the pocket, he looks like he looking for the open receiver rather than knowing what the defense is showing and getting to the receiver that he knows WILL be open, and where he will be open. The ball should be on the way before he gets there and before he gets open.

He doesn't know which one, where he's going, when he's getting there, or where the defenders are around him, where the pocket is, where the LOS is, none of it.

Year 5?

Come on now.

Type 4 of 4 for 25 yards and 4 fumbles in there and tell me what his QB rating is.

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Learn to not disregard 1/2 I say and then base your garbage on just the practice squad player part before you get all butthurt next time.


He can't step up in the pocket.

He doesn't know what time it is.

He doesn't know where the LOS is.

He calls a run on 3rd and 8 down by 2 scores in the 2nd half.

Read that last one again.

Thats just the simple anybody should understand stuff.

When he's back there, in the general vacinity of the pocket, he looks like he looking for the open receiver rather than knowing what the defense is showing and getting to the receiver that he knows WILL be open, and where he will be open. The ball should be on the way before he gets there and before he gets open.

He doesn't know which one, where he's going, when he's getting there, or where the defenders are around him, where the pocket is, where the LOS is, none of it.

Year 5?

Come on now.

Type 4 of 4 for 25 yards and 4 fumbles in there and tell me what his QB rating is.

9 times out of ten he stepped up in the pocket.. 2 times he didn't those are the only two times that matter right??

Second comments just another hate driven babble fest..

He's not the first QB who threw over the LOS.. I've seen Tom Brady do it, I've seen McNabb do it, I've seen Brett Favre do it.. and I've only seen JC do it once and all of the sudden he does it all the time..

He's not a coach, he's a young QB, you can't expect him to be a masterful play caller, that's why you have head coaches..

Like I said, stats only matter when they fit your agenda.. when JC's stats are decent, forget it, they don't count, they don't tell the whole story.. I'll bet if he's QB rating was around 70% and the skins won you would say, look at the stats we won despite JC..

If he really doesn't know or see anything on the field, then how did he complete 75% of his passes for 250 yards while basically being dumb deaf and blind like you just described and not getting much of an opportunity to throw the ball. you realize that your exaggerations are ludicrous and show an obvious bias agenda.. and you still haven't answered my question asking why the offense is so much more effective when they are throwing the ball then running it if JC is such a bad QB.. I"m still waiting for that one..

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Any fan who has been a member of this board for a period of time is open to criticize anybody on this team.

You can point out the mistakes that JC made but CP was mistake after mistake after mistake if you want to be objective.

First point...Any fan who is a fan deserves the right to critisize, it shouldnt be based on their length of time on the board. Abeit be objective and make sense of it, thats all. Case in point...the title of this thread is not objective....I would have rather seen a title such as "Thoughts/comments on JC's performance...could/would he be a force for contention?"...something like that. But some of the posts...UGH

Second point...There were several mistakes made, from the coach on down. The point of the thread was not to point out blame or mistakes about the team, but more so to address the (issues) dislike about JC.

I still say that being on his 5th year he should be better. He CAN be a good QB...but is he CAPABLE of becoming one? He is rated 19th (last i checked) and has an ok rating. But that wont win games. And how much longer will the coaching staff wait before making any decision about his future as a Redskin?

But anyway...HTTR!

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To answer the thread title; people hate JC so much, because if they place all the blame on him they can believe that we are one QB away from being elite. Campbell isn't perfect but he's not our biggest weakness. I think the impact of better o-line play and better coaching schemes would be greater than the impact of a better QB behind center. That's just my opinion though.

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