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Carlos Rogers = The New Shawn Springs


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and guys, lets be clear. nobody is covering randy moss. nobody. maybe the dude in oakland, and thats about it.

hall was in moss' jersey on that TD pass and he was completely helpless. moss is just a friggin behemoth of a receiver with brady throwing to him.

Actually Moss has been taken out of several games, especially in the post season. You do it with double coverage. The Pats are content to allow it bebcause it opens up room for Welker in the middle of the field while Moss takes a safety with him deep.

He can be covered. He just can't be covered by one man and Hall can barely cover any man when left on an island.

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Oh no, could this be something the FO saw a while back ago which is why they didn't give him the big contract!?!?!? Is this the same thing I have been saying for a while now!??!??

Enough of that, but seriously, Carlos is in his contract year and he is being hampered by a calf and had lingering effects of his knee surgery towards the end of last year. Do you want to pay him $8+ mill a year AND he turns 29 next year!!!!!!?????

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Oh no, could this be something the FO saw a while back ago which is why they didn't give him the big contract!?!?!? Is this the same thing I have been saying for a while now!??!??

Enough of that, but seriously, Carlos is in his contract year and he is being hampered by a calf and had lingering effects of his knee surgery towards the end of last year. Do you want to pay him $8+ mill a year AND he turns 29 next year!!!!!!?????

We should draft another corner in the first round or bring in an old corner that is often injured. That would be smarter.

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I agree.....Rogers is a much more physical corner who is able to jam WR's at the line of scrimage and disrupt their timing and routes. The whole time I was watching Moss destroy Hall, I was thinking how much they missed Rogers and how much better he is at defending big physical receivers.

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Oh no, could this be something the FO saw a while back ago which is why they didn't give him the big contract!?!?!? Is this the same thing I have been saying for a while now!??!??

Enough of that, but seriously, Carlos is in his contract year and he is being hampered by a calf and had lingering effects of his knee surgery towards the end of last year. Do you want to pay him $8+ mill a year AND he turns 29 next year!!!!!!?????

Pay him #1 CB money? No...he hasn't proven that he can be an all around CB. Which is why they brought on Barnes, less money, and value in the works.

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Hall is a terrible man 2 man cover corner. This has been proven several times. He's not as good as Rogers, not by a long shot. Interceptions are great but if you can't be trusted to cover a wideout they don't mean ****. Hall is without question the 2nd best corner because he; needs a pass rush, a zone coverage, and a smaller man to shine. Rogers doesn't need any of that to disrupt the passing game.

dont know if id say "terrible" but i agree rogers is better at it. again, the ball skills are what get hall is money, rogers is horrible with the ball, and the one thing our defense lacks is turnovers. hall is a potential fix to that issue, and our staff is obviously content with giving up a few bigger plays if it means we get 6-8 more turnovers for the offense this season. every corner is gonna get burnt now and again. not every corner has his ball skills.

Actually Moss has been taken out of several games, especially in the post season. You do it with double coverage. The Pats are content to allow it bebcause it opens up room for Welker in the middle of the field while Moss takes a safety with him deep.

He can be covered. He just can't be covered by one man and Hall can barely cover any man when left on an island.

when moss and brady played in 07, he went scoreless in three games. so he was taken out a few times, but mostly, hes impossible to cover, for anybody. and youre right, you gotta double cover him, i dont know why blache didnt have any saftey help over the top on moss that game. maybe he wanted to test Dhall on man coverage? i still think he was solid on moss on that TD, he was literally right there, thats just a perfect throw and perfect catch, not much he could have done.

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Do you want to pay him $8+ mill a year AND he turns 29 next year!!!!!!?????

well carlos is the best cover corner in this team...so yeah still want him. This secondary is going to be porous without him, or someone else that is a cover corner to replace him.

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well carlos is the best cover corner in this team...so yeah still want him. This secondary is going to be porous without him, or someone else that is a cover corner to replace him.

Carlos finished 8th in the league last year due to his cover skills, yet some people want to get rid of him. If he could hold onto an interception, he would have been top 5.

I was surprised when Arizona released Hood after the season. Hood was always right with Dansby and made a huge impact on defense down the stretch last year. I think he was released for cap reasons, though.

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Hall is a terrible man 2 man cover corner. This has been proven several times. He's not as good as Rogers, not by a long shot. Interceptions are great but if you can't be trusted to cover a wideout they don't mean ****. Hall is without question the 2nd best corner because he; needs a pass rush, a zone coverage, and a smaller man to shine. Rogers doesn't need any of that to disrupt the passing game.

I think Hall was above Rogers on the depth chart last season wasn't he? I know he was at least for the Bengals game. I think it's hard to say how skilled a CB is or isn't since we don't get to see them much on a TV broadcast.

I've seen several people say DeAngelo is bad at man to man and Carlos is much better in coverage. I've also seen Rogers get beaten numerous times over the last few years. I didn't follow Hall much before he came here, so I assume he got beat more often?

I'm curious, does anyone know where to find cornerback stats? Specifically in reference to catches, yards, and TDs allowed. I'd like to see how their stats compare both to eachother and to other NFL CBs.

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I'm curious, does anyone know where to find cornerback stats? Specifically in reference to catches, yards, and TDs allowed. I'd like to see how their stats compare both to eachother and to other NFL CBs.

There are a few defensive stats listed at


I didn't realize Rogers tied for first in passes defended.

And specifically, the stats on Rogers


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There are a few defensive stats listed at


I didn't realize he tied for first in passes defended.

And specifically, the stats on Rogers


Nice, thanks RCS! Both our corners are in the top 5 for passes defensed last year, that's awesome.

I still wonder about the other stats though, I think they might be even more telling. Be great if they were top 5 in those also.

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Nice, thanks RCS! Both our corners are in the top 5 for passes defensed last year, that's awesome.

I still wonder about the other stats though, I think they might be even more telling. Be great if they were top 5 in those also.

I searched the site until I found all the CB's.


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well carlos is the best cover corner in this team...so yeah still want him. This secondary is going to be porous without him, or someone else that is a cover corner to replace him.

So you would want to pay him a ton of money to barely see the field? Not thanks. Put that money on the DL which take more pressure of the Secondary and get another CB who may not be as talented but can hold his own and would cost less that can be on the field.

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+1... and if he could have made some of those picks last year he prob. would have gone to the probowl

but he cant make picks, which is his biggest problem. our whole defensive problem is getting turnovers and holding on to interceptions, and hes the biggest culprit for this problem.

do i like his cover abilities? damn right, hes awesome. but its pure pain when balls hit that dude in the chest or the face and he drops them. hall will not do that. so again, its a trade off. do you want better coverage and no turnovers, or less coverage and more turnovers?

ill take turnovers personally.

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id hope everyone on this board could agree with one thing: no more DBs in the first round. lol


We need an OL hands down in the first round next year.

I think as important as CBs are, the Giants have shown that you don't need a high profile roster full of CBs and Safties to have a good defense.

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i agree... Hall is a good corner but rogers is better.... Hall may be able to catch better than Carlos, though.

And cover better

this season will tell all....Rogers has improved ,but better than Hall..no:doh: I can Live with a Brady to Moss td pass...But Rogers lets no name wr's cook him

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