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Carlos Rogers = The New Shawn Springs


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but he cant make picks, which is his biggest problem. our whole defensive problem is getting turnovers and holding on to interceptions, and hes the biggest culprit for this problem.

do i like his cover abilities? damn right, hes awesome. but its pure pain when balls hit that dude in the chest or the face and he drops them. hall will not do that. so again, its a trade off. do you want better coverage and no turnovers, or less coverage and more turnovers?

ill take turnovers personally.

No contest. Better coverage. The best DB in the league, Ed Reed, only got 9 interceptions last year. Not sure if that counts the post season but, if so, that's only 1 for every 2 games played. Hall had 5.

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D hall has better coverage than Rogers:doh:Hall is our best DB

Yeah Hall was routinely beaten and burned when he was in Oakland.

So you would want to pay him a ton of money to barely see the field? Not thanks. Put that money on the DL which take more pressure of the Secondary and get another CB who may not be as talented but can hold his own and would cost less that can be on the field.

barely see him on the field? what the hell are you talking about.

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And cover better

this season will tell all....Rogers has improved ,but better than Hall..no:doh: I can Live with a Brady to Moss td pass...But Rogers lets no name wr's cook him

do you have examples? i seem to remember him being touted as the 'best' in the NFL the first half of last season... Hall, not so much.

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Rogers will be back.

The MCL or ACL tear in 2007 would have ended Shawn's career, but Carlos fought hard and had a awesome season last year.

I remember reading on an Auburn board that Carlos, Cadillac and Ronnie Brown were all at the same rehab center in Birmingham at the same time recovering from knee surgery. And all three are back playing at top level. I have to think they all pushed each other.

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Anybody else concerned about Carlos' constant little injuries that he's had the last few years? Every year it's something new. No way he deserves an extension if he can't show even the slightest bit of durability. He won't play through any pain and doesn't even make plays when he is out there (Stone Hands have been discussed over and over again.)

With Smoot deteriorating and Tryon not starting material, my prediction is that we go CB in the early rounds of the draft next year or that in the uncapped year next year, we target a big name FA CB.

2010 will be Carlos' last year in the burgundy and gold. You heard it here first.

Last few years? He tore an ACL in 2007 and has been pretty much injury free the rest of his career. Every year it's something new? Not quite.

Won't play through pain? You think it felt good to be a starting CB less than 12 months from an ACL tear? This is an injury most predicted he would start the season on the PUP list at best. The fact that he rehabbed and came back to start the season shows he has more heart than 90% of the rest of this team.

Interceptions are not the only way CB's make plays. We're talking about a guy with 24 pass deflections last season. He may have only had 2 interceptions but he averaged 36.5 yards each time the ball was in his hands with his long being 42, meaning that isn't a skewed average.

Rogers has been a durable CB especially when you consider his style of play. This isn't a CB that dives at WR and RB's shoestrings to make a tackle he lays the wood like a safety. Carlos Rogers is by far the best CB in Washington and possibly the NFCE. You are probably right that he won't be in Washington in 2010 but not for a lack of talent but because his price tag will likely be more than we can afford. Not exactly a bold prediction if you've seen our cap numbers.

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So..........everybody forgets that when we made the trade for DHall last year, Carlos was immediately relegated to 3rd CB and was PISSED about it. If he's our best corner, why would the coaches have made him our nickel CB until he actually complained to the Post (La Canfora)?

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do you have examples? i seem to remember him being touted as the 'best' in the NFL the first half of last season... Hall, not so much.
Best in the NFL?wtf...anyway like i stated Rogers has Improved,but to say he is better than Hall is crazy

Time will tell..by mid season you are on Record saying Los is the best Db...I am on record for Hall..when it all goes down remember what you have said..this site is full with hypocrites

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Last few years? He tore an ACL in 2007 and has been pretty much injury free the rest of his career. Every year it's something new? Not quite.

Carlos tore, both, his ACL and MCL at the same time. I posted more than once, that he wouldn't be back or that if he did come back, he would never play at a decent level. I've never been so glad to be so wrong.

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So, does anyone have stats to back up what they say about Rogers being unquestionably better in coverage? We hardly get to see corners play on TV broadcasts so I don't know how one would come to this conclusion without stats showing how many catches, yards, and TDs each one allowed. Did Greg Blatche say Rogers was better in coverage maybe?

So far I've only seen stats for passes defensed, where Carlos had 3 more than DeAngelo last year. This might mean Carlos is better at knocking down passes. It may also mean that he's targeted more often and has more chances to defend them.

I'm not saying either one is better or worse in coverage, I'm just trying to figure out how someone would know.


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but he cant make picks, which is his biggest problem. our whole defensive problem is getting turnovers and holding on to interceptions, and hes the biggest culprit for this problem.

do i like his cover abilities? damn right, hes awesome. but its pure pain when balls hit that dude in the chest or the face and he drops them. hall will not do that. so again, its a trade off. do you want better coverage and no turnovers, or less coverage and more turnovers?

ill take turnovers personally.

DeAngelo Hall makes more picks, but also gives up more touchdowns and big plays, and commits more penalties. In that tradeoff, I'll take Rogers by a longshot. There are 10 other guys on defense who can force turnovers too, and when Rogers's game is so strong in other areas, picking off 6 or 8 passes becomes a luxury.

Rogers is only responsible for 2 or 3 missed turnovers a season due to his stone hands. Adding 2 or 3 to our poor turnover tally would still mean we force fewer turnovers than we should. In short, our lack of forced turnovers is not all (or even mostly) Rogers's fault.

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Best in the NFL?wtf...anyway like i stated Rogers has Improved,but to say he is better than Hall is crazy

Time will tell..by mid season you are on Record saying Los is the best Db...I am on record for Hall..when it all goes down remember what you have said..this site is full with hypocrites

listen... i'm just telling you what analysts were saying about carlos in the first half of the season... his second half was not as good...

and yes, i do think he's better... let's not get all bent out of shape and start calling people hypocrites... that's just ridiculous.

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So, does anyone have stats to back up what they say about Rogers being unquestionably better in coverage? We hardly get to see corners play on TV broadcasts so I don't know how one would come to this conclusion without stats showing how many catches, yards, and TDs each one allowed. Did Greg Blatche say Rogers was better in coverage maybe?

So far I've only seen stats for passes defensed, where Carlos had 3 more than DeAngelo last year. This might mean Carlos is better at knocking down passes. It may also mean that he's targeted more often and has more chances to defend them.

I'm not saying either one is better or worse in coverage, I'm just trying to figure out how someone would know.


I'll say it for you Hall is better!the funny thing is after the season ends this year most of you on here will be voting for Hall to make the Probowl..another Extremeskins hypocrisy:doh:
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DeAngelo Hall makes more picks, but also gives up more touchdowns and big plays, and commits more penalties. In that tradeoff, I'll take Rogers by a longshot. There are 10 other guys on defense who can force turnovers too, and when Rogers's game is so strong in other areas, picking off 6 or 8 passes becomes a luxury.

Rogers is only responsible for 2 or 3 missed turnovers a season due to his stone hands. Adding 2 or 3 to our poor turnover tally would still mean we force fewer turnovers than we should. In short, our lack of forced turnovers is not all (or even mostly) Rogers's fault.

i still think some of you guys are way too down on hall. is it cause hes a loud mouth and you guys just dont like him personally? he was a 1st round draft pick, got huge money in oakland, got huge money here, played well for us last year, yet some of you treat him like hes ade jimoh. the guy makes mistakes but theres enough football minds in the league that think the guy can play. he was a good part of our #4 defense last year down the stretch.

ill bet anybody that rogers wont get the money hall just got.

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listen... i'm just telling you what analysts were saying about carlos in the first half of the season... his second half was not as good...

and yes, i do think he's better... let's not get all bent out of shape and start calling people hypocrites... that's just ridiculous.

F.Y.I not calling you a hypocrite...just saying people on here contradict themselfs all the time..it pisses me off to hear a fan 10 games in a season yelling for CP to be MVP six games later you want him traded...my point i was trying to make to you is when its all said and done stick with what you said ,and I'll stick to my opinion:D

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I'll say it for you Hall is better!the funny thing is after the season ends this year most of you on here will be voting for Hall to make the Probowl..another Extremeskins hypocrisy:doh:

look, people aren't hypocrites because they think one thing and then change their tune if something proves them wrong..... can't people's opinions change?

i think, as fans, we are all entitled to that, right? especially if one of our own catches fire....

just be careful where you spit... it might fly back in your face

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i still think some of you guys are way too down on hall. is it cause hes a loud mouth and you guys just dont like him personally? he was a 1st round draft pick, got huge money in oakland, got huge money here, played well for us last year, yet some of you treat him like hes ade jimoh. the guy makes mistakes but theres enough football minds in the league that think the guy can play. he was a good part of our #4 defense last year down the stretch.

ill bet anybody that rogers wont get the money hall just got.

Does contract size dictate skill level? Eli Manning got a bigger contract than Philip Rivers in the same offseason but I don't believe Eli is the better QB by any stretch.

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look, people aren't hypocrites because they think one thing and then change their tune if something proves them wrong..... can't people's opinions change?

i think, as fans, we are all entitled to that, right? especially if one of our own catches fire....

just be careful where you spit... it might fly back in your face

You have some good points..All I am saying if you change your mind cool...but be a man...Eat Crow,but don't just switch up and be game to game fan..most of the fans on here are game to Game fans...Meaning..after every Game their opinion will change!Example when Kelly was the number 3wr people were prasing Thomas...Now that Zorn has made Kelly the #2 you hear bad things about Thomas now...to me thats a hypocrite!

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You have some good points..All I am saying if you change your mind cool...but be a man...Eat Crow,but don't just switch up and be game to game fan..most of the fans on here are game to Game fans...Meaning..after every Game their opinion will change!Example when Kelly was the number 3wr people were prasing Thomas...Now that Zorn has made Kelly the #2 you hear bad things about Thomas now...to me thats a hypocrite!

you can eat crow and change your tune as long as you own up to it... right? i think we all will be excited if BOTH rogers and hall step it up this year....

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i still think some of you guys are way too down on hall. is it cause hes a loud mouth and you guys just dont like him personally? he was a 1st round draft pick, got huge money in oakland, got huge money here, played well for us last year, yet some of you treat him like hes ade jimoh. the guy makes mistakes but theres enough football minds in the league that think the guy can play. he was a good part of our #4 defense last year down the stretch.

ill bet anybody that rogers wont get the money hall just got.

I never said Hall was bad, but I don't think he was worth the contract he got here, and he proved he wasn't worth the money Oakland gave him--even Al Davis recognized that. He played pretty well here last year, sure, as a PART of the defense, like you said. He has shown in his time in Atlanta and Oakland that he cannot be counted on as a #1 corner. That's why I don't think he should have gotten the contract he did. That's my main complaint against him.

Also, I still think Rogers is the better player. If you look beyond the interception numbers, I think you will too. He may not get big money, but that's because he doesn't make the picks. Hall makes the picks, but is less impressive at the other things.

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