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Calling all hookers...a fishing thread.


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I'm wondering if there are any ESers out there that are into fishing as much as me. It's my favorite activity by far and always has been. I am a certified fishing nut, or nerd, whatever you want to call it. I fish for basically everything that swims in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and some other places too. Freshwater, sal****er, lakes, rivers, ponds, bays, ocean, from shore, boat, kayak, wading, everything.

What species do you like to fish for?


Been fishing lately?

Know somebody who loves to fish?

Hate fishing and think it's the dumbest most boring thing ever?

I want to hear about it.

And if you have any cool pictures pertaining to fish or fishing, I'd like to see those too.

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I am a very casual fly fisherman. I get up to the Smokies about once/year and wet a line (it's only 30 minutes, I have no excuse)

Did lots of fly fishing at Yellowstone 2 years ago when I went. Caught my first ever brook trout there.

I wish I had more time to devote to it. When I retire I want to be within walking distance of some good trout fishing.

Now, I also like some good old fashioned redneck fishin. A co-worker has a lakehouse and a dock and we go out on the lake from time to time and use bait, drink beer, and pull in fish. (minnows are awesome). That's pretty dam fun, I don't care if anyone thinks bait is cheating or not :)

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I haven't been in years but I love catching Rockfish. Got a trip lined up for September

Me too. Caught some this Spring from shore and kayak. I'll be after the big girls this fall ;)

I am a very casual fly fisherman. I get up to the Smokies about once/year and wet a line (it's only 30 minutes, I have no excuse)

Did lots of fly fishing at Yellowstone 2 years ago when I went. Caught my first ever brook trout there.

I wish I had more time to devote to it. When I retire I want to be within walking distance of some good trout fishing.

Now, I also like some good old fashioned redneck fishin. A co-worker has a lakehouse and a dock and we go out on the lake from time to time and use bait, drink beer, and pull in fish. (minnows are awesome). That's pretty dam fun, I don't care if anyone thinks bait is cheating or not :)

Funny you say that, fly fishing is the only type of fishing I don't do. I'm too impatient for it I think. Plus I like to be able to cast a long way :)

I'm always down for some redneck fishin too. No problem with bait here. I prefer lures but if it works, it works. I think catfish are the quintessential choice for redneck fishin. Sitting in mud and using nasty baits to catch slimy fish goes real well with a cold one for some reason. Catfish slime + cheap beer= win:D

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I think catfish are the quintessential choice for redneck fishin. Sitting in mud and using nasty baits to catch slimy fish goes real well with a cold one for some reason. Catfish slime + cheap beer= win:D

cool thing about catfish is that they'll bite about anytime... doesn't have to be dawn or dusk. (at least in my limited experience)

Bad thing about it is touching them. Yuck. It's like handling snot

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Fishing, golf and cooking are my three favorite things and I owe the fishing and golfing to my grandfather, RIP. I had a chance to tell him that exactly before he went and it was a rare pleasure to see the look of satisfaction on his face when I did.

Out here we're pretty limited to what we can fish for, at least day trip variety. I do my neck fishin' on the Rio Grande and it involes chicken livers, catfish and an excuse to drink at 6AM, though it usually isn't very productive.

Within 100 miles I have the option of black bass, walleye, white bass and some huge but fairly rare stripers (Elephant Butte and Caballo Resvrs) but our G&F department just sucks at management and the fishing isn't that great for all the trouble it takes to get to the lakes. I've had a few good trips though, over the years.

A little further than 100 and you start to get into really good trout waters. I go to the White Mountains in AZ (4 hrs to Big Lake and the Black and Blue Rivers) once or twice a year and fish for rainbow, brown, brook and Apache trout and it's really good. The valley surrounding Big Lake is one of the most beautiful places on earth IMO and at 9,000 feet it's always nice and cool even when it's hotter than hades here. The abundance of other wildlife like elk, deer, wolf and turkey are very bonus.

Go a days drive and you get to the San Juan River and a number of other world class trout fisheries. I caught a 5 lb/25" rainbow up on the Jicarilla Apache res (Stone Lake), along with another 5 over 20", and it was amazing.

Usually troll or cast a fly/rapala but I'm not too good to sit on the bank and toss power bait with a beer in my hand. Really get annoyed by fishing snobs and there seems to be no shortage of them here.

There's some other fishing threads if you can find them but I always appreciate a new one! Good job!

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KAOSkins, you guys have kind of a unique situation over there. Painfully hot climate and yet you have a good selection of cool water fish. Walleye, stripers, smallmouth, and trout. Pretty neat but I'm sure the lake fishing can be as tough as you said.

Over here we have a good variety of all kinds of fish. There's so much fishing pressure it can be tough to get on a good bite though, especially in the smaller lakes and rivers. This year I've devoted much more time and effort to sal****er fishing. I love the size and variety of the fish in the salt.

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I love fishing. Absolutely love it. I fish all over Prince William County, down to the james and Ni river, and all the way up to the Woodrow Wilson. I fish for everything under the sun, but my fav is bottom fishing for Catfish in the early AM or late night PM during the months of May-July. I still fish for Cats among other things throughout the rest of the year, but May-July is... for me at least, the best part of the season.

I caught a 10lb gar on live shad in the Occoquan a couple weeks ago. Unexpected catch, it hit as I was reeling in.

I go Catfishing at leesylvania state park b/c it has boat access, and I can fish a lot of rock walls for bass while we let our heavy action rods soak on the bottom.

My favorate bait for bottom fishing is Helgramites. Not a very common bait, but if yo ucan find them, they are like gold. if I use worms, I use Mean greenies, or green meanies... whatever they are, my other secret weapon for Catfish is clamsnouts. I have been places that have never even heard of clam snouts.

I like yo-zuri crank baits or Rapalla husky jerk baits if I am trolling for bass on my way to a fishing spot. Awesome action.

As far as soft baits for bass, I like stick baits, jig and pig, or Carolina rig plastic lizards. Pumpkin seed/clear in darker waters, Glitter green/gold in clearer waters.

I use gold hooks when its overcast outside.

To catch my own bait during the herring run ( I will catch herring, and take them home and freeze them, then use them for cut bait later that week or month) I use white darts with a pink eye and jig them off the footbridge at Old towne Occoquan.. Absolute crack for herring.

Fountain Head Park has good bass fishing.

Burke Lake has Muskee and Pike.

Im going to Mt. vernon this weekend to go Snakehead fishing. Someone last week caught a ten pounder on a rattle trap. i cant wait.

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Nice post Stew. Sounds like we fish some of the same places. I'll be out on the Potomac all day tomorrow looking for bass, assuming the thunderstorms don't materialize. The grass should be almost thick enough to walk on by now ;) I also hope to catch a snakehead, that would make my day :)

I still have never made it to DC or Occoquan for the herring run. One of these years I'll be there to stock up on bait. I used to fish Fountainhead occasionally, fished a tourney there once and did ok. Been to Burke a few times on shore but never did much. That place gets all kinds of pressure.

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KAOSkins, you guys have kind of a unique situation over there. Painfully hot climate and yet you have a good selection of cool water fish. Walleye, stripers, smallmouth, and trout. Pretty neat but I'm sure the lake fishing can be as tough as you said.

Over here we have a good variety of all kinds of fish. There's so much fishing pressure it can be tough to get on a good bite though, especially in the smaller lakes and rivers. This year I've devoted much more time and effort to sal****er fishing. I love the size and variety of the fish in the salt.

Yeah, you'd never think there would be fishing at all out here (we're not like Phoenix though) but the reservoirs they built for irrigation are really big, pretty deep and the water comes from snow melt so it's cold when it comes in. The water coming out of Elephant Butte is in the neighborhood of 65 degrees even in the middle of summer. The trout fishing, of course, is all at altitude in the mountains ('cept for some stocking in the winter) so it stays cool.

I love to salt water fish too, just don't get to go that often. Every other year or so I make it some how and I've been for tuna, dorado, rock fish, etc off San Diego and San Fransisco. I also have a friend in Houston and I've been a few times fishing the gulf for king fish, redfish, snapper, which was awesome. To be honest I basically like any and all fishing even if they're not biting. It's one of those things where I lose myself and all worries dissapear.

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I don't fish as much as I used to, but I still like getting out there. I had a very successful salmon trip with my dad this past spring up on Lake Ontario. I like going for Rock down at the Bay, that's some of my favorite tasting fish as well. I like trout fishing, but I won't go locally anymore, there are too many *******s that'll come in right on top of you. There are some nice trout streams up at my parents' getaway but I haven't fished them yet. I've also fished for bass and pike, used to catch a bunch of both in Canada.

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I love fishing but unfortunately I do not get to go a lot. I have my sal****er license but have only been once this year. I have fished since I was 4 and I definitely like sal****er better than freshwater. Freshwater does have its thrills though. I love hooking a skate and fighting it in. It just takes so much to either beach or gaff one. Blue fish are also great because even a small one can put up a heck of a fight! I want to go deep sea fishing sometime. The trips are expensive but I bet fighting a marlin or a shark would be a rush.

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Wow, I've been a Hooker all my life, and didn't know it.

Disgusting, I was even a Hooker at age 9 :paranoid:

Mickalino, there's no shame in being a hooker at a young age. I've been a hooker ever since my hands were big enough to hold a rod, and now I can't get enough of it. Uh...wait a second... :paranoid:

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I haven't been in years but I love catching Rockfish. Got a trip lined up for September

Check out "Patience" out of Solomons. My cousin is the Captain. He and my Grandfather built her in the back yard back in '76. Of course she's all glassed over now so she's in perfect shape. You WILL catch fish if you go out with them. Here's the link. http://www.patiencesportfishing.com/index.php

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Check out "Patience" out of Solomons. My cousin is the Captain. He and my Grandfather built her in the back yard back in '76. Of course she's all glassed over now so she's in perfect shape. You WILL catch fish if you go out with them. Here's the link. http://www.patiencesportfishing.com/index.php

Too cool. I wish my relatives were more interested in fishing.

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