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yahoo news: woman sues zoo over splashing dolphins


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I wonder if her bathroom has wet floor signs in it so no one slips.

In my bathroom we put down rugs to prevent us from slipping. No sign needed. If a venue such as this it is reasonble to expect that simple safety measure are in place. It could have just as easily been a 5 year old or an elderly person. People die from falls every day. Sometimes a seemingly small bump to the head is all it takes. Non skid on areas that will be slippery and wet is a no brainer. The zoo was negligient if it didn't take minimum precautions in wet areas. I'm extremely anti lawsuit, but this one seems reasonable enough to me, except for the emotional suffering.

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This kind of stupidity, surprise at splashing around a dolphin tank, ranks right down there with the idiots that need the warning labels "do not stick hands underneath roaring lawn mower".

Hope she loses money when she loses her lawsuit. :mad:

Just because you know a surface is wet and slippery, doesn't mean you won't slip and fall. That's why they're called accidents. The zoo created the situation and is responsible for the safety of it's patrons within reason. Providing slip free walking in wet areas is definately within reason.

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Just because you know a surface is wet and slippery, doesn't mean you won't slip and fall. That's why they're called accidents. The zoo created the situation and is responsible for the safety of it's patrons within reason. Providing slip free walking in wet areas is definately within reason.

Nothing is 100% slip proof. While I agree they could've done more to prevent it, it is still a common sense issue. I've fallen on those "unslippable" surfaces.

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I slipped on my butt at the water slides two weekends ago. Do I have a case?

I mean, I had to sit down ever so gingerly FOR A WEEK!! And, I am still pretty upset about the emotional damage related to my bruised ego.

I think you need to post pics though so I can judge if you have a case...

preferably ones showing the damaged area :paranoid:

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Just because you know a surface is wet and slippery, doesn't mean you won't slip and fall. That's why they're called accidents. The zoo created the situation and is responsible for the safety of it's patrons within reason. Providing slip free walking in wet areas is definately within reason.
That's right, they're called ACCIDENTS. And at some point people, especially so-called adults, need to be held responsible for theirs, like this lady apparently. I doubt the whole amusement park can be made of nerf, nor should it, so some people might have an accident if they aren't careful, like in real life, you know?

So maybe the water park didn't make the floor around the dolphin tank of super-water-absorbent nerf. If a single woman slips where hundreds of people recently walked without slipping, then maybe she just needs to start watching where her fatass is stepping.

I doubt the dolphins and trainers doing their act snuck up on her, or were inconspicuous where they were splashing.

At what point do we start holding people to a "common sense" standard?

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I don't even know what to say to this. You're at a zoo at a show with dolphins. Their natural habitat is water. They're playful animals. If you slip on water after a dolphin show you should feel like a dumbass. You shouldn't get to sue. Stupid *****.

Not to mention that every dolphin show in the history of the world involves the dolphins splashing water on people.

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