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Vick to the Eagles


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Horrible. Terribly. Disgusting.

I can't come to terms with this preposterous move. He is a horrible human being. I have a hard time rooting for any team that he is on. If he is on the field and does anything good, I won't be happy. I can't be.

But, regardless, he is a terrible football player. I have always thought he was putrid. I remember before the 04 NFCCG trying to tell everyone how bad he was and having everyone, including bubba, tell me how wonderful and dynamic he was.

Oh well, football is partially ruined for me until we get this bum off of our team.

It really must suck ... I have always thought Vick was over rated the best thing the Eagles could do would to be put him where he should have been all along either WR or RB ... The Falcons could have been unstoppable if only they had a real QB ... But I am so glad he didn't end up on the Skins . I could never root for a team with this human effluent on the team .

People who don't see the problem with what he has done really has to look in the mirror at themselves . Sure Vick got convicted of animal abuse but Vicks actions are the actions of a sick sick sick mind .

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Horrible. Terribly. Disgusting.

I can't come to terms with this preposterous move. He is a horrible human being. I have a hard time rooting for any team that he is on. If he is on the field and does anything good, I won't be happy. I can't be.

But, regardless, he is a terrible football player. I have always thought he was putrid. I remember before the 04 NFCCG trying to tell everyone how bad he was and having everyone, including bubba, tell me how wonderful and dynamic he was.

Oh well, football is partially ruined for me until we get this bum off of our team.

I just don't know what good he could possibly be for the Eagles. I originally picked the Eagles as the number one seed in the East. But after the injuries I thought it was up for grabs, now I think the Eagles fail, Eagles style. Sorry Westy.

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Actually, I think he didn't serve enough time. The only thing Vick is sorry about is that he got caught. If he didn't get caught, he would still be involved in dog fighting.

Man how in the hell do you know if he's sincere? A lot of people have stopped doing something because they were caught rather than stopping on their own. The fact of the matter is people question their sincerity if the don't stop something on their own. Why can't you just take it that. The man has been locked up. He's lost a 130 million dollar contract. This mess has gone over board but people still want blood. This is unbelievable. People grand standing like they're perfect. I wonder how many of these same folk have done something wrong we don't know about but you're not famous so we can't sit up and say oh don't forgive them.

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Man how in the hell do you know if he's sincere? A lot of people have stopped doing something because they were caught rather than stopping on their own. The fact of the matter is people question their sincerity if the don't stop something on their own. Why can't you just take it that. The man has been locked up. He's lost a 130 million dollar contract. This mess has gone over board but people still want blood. This is unbelievable. People grand standing like they're perfect. I wonder how many of these same folk have done something wrong we don't know about but you're not famous so we can't sit up and say oh don't forgive them.

I'm a convicted felon and I can't work minimum wage at some places.

I graduated high school with a guy who tortured and killed a dalmatian, let his pits rip it apart while it was tied up, mouth duct taped shut, ears cut off and tail cut off.

He did more than 2 years and will never have a normal job for the rest of his life.

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Would be classic if Mc Nugget does his annual playoff choke and they bring out Vick and he wins the NFCCG for them.

What would everyone say then?

Oh, give it back. He's a dog killer. LOL

A) probably won't happen, although it sounds like you're hoping it will

B) Those with integrity and morals wouldn't be watching in the first place.

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This is a case of Fat Andy and Banner trying to outsmart everyone. They will keep the guy and cater about 4-8 plays a game for him to showcase him and potentially create mismatches.

The media is RIPE for a Vick redemption. Reid is counting on this. If the Eagles make the playoffs and do anything, the Vick angle will receive much of the credit. The media will fall all over themselves to jerk the guy off and give him as much credit as possible for this new dynamic offense!

Then, in the offseason, Reid will collect his 3rd rounder for him and guys like Who Del will go on the Redskins messageboard and rip Andy for not keeping him.

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This is a case of Fat Andy and Banner trying to outsmart everyone. They will keep the guy and cater about 4-8 plays a game for him to showcase him and potentially create mismatches.

The media is RIPE for a Vick redemption. Reid is counting on this. If the Eagles make the playoffs and do anything, the Vick angle will receive much of the credit. The media will fall all over themselves to jerk the guy off and give him as much credit as possible for this new dynamic offense!

Then, in the offseason, Reid will collect his 3rd rounder for him and guys like Who Del will go on the Redskins messageboard and rip Andy for not keeping him.


Vick is the Eagles' problem now.

I hear McNabb isn't impressed with the acquisition.

His fragile ego is in a tailspin.

Should be fun to see how this plays out. I doubt there is anything to compare to this for destroying a team other than acquiring TO.

You do remember, don't you?

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Horrible. Terribly. Disgusting.

I can't come to terms with this preposterous move. He is a horrible human being. I have a hard time rooting for any team that he is on. If he is on the field and does anything good, I won't be happy. I can't be.

But, regardless, he is a terrible football player. I have always thought he was putrid. I remember before the 04 NFCCG trying to tell everyone how bad he was and having everyone, including bubba, tell me how wonderful and dynamic he was.

Oh well, football is partially ruined for me until we get this bum off of our team.

You have my sympathies, friend. I was praying that the Skins idiot front office wouldn't get him. I was fearing what you're going through. :cheers:

This is only pre-season. Maybe he'll get cut before he plays a regular season game. :whoknows:

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Listening to Cowherd the other day and he pointed out an interesting point about the Vick signing. Andy Reid talked to him a couple days before and no one knew about it. McNabb texted Reid about it as soon as Goodell gave Vick the green light. He'd been signed for 48 hours before anyone knew about it.

CC was pointing out that that's a tight lipped ship they run over there. There's no secrecy at Redskins Park. People knew about Favre going to the Vikings. With the amount of media coverage NFL teams get it's crazy how this can be kept under wraps.

(Apologies if someone brought this up already.)

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A guy at my work is a big Iggles fan- we talk smack all the time. I saw him today for the first time since Vick signed. He's pissed. He said pretty much what Westy posted. I told him it's just another reason for me to hate the iggles. so glad it's them not us.

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