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Coeur D Alene, ID: Female suing police for sexual misconduct during search


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Wait - did you say that this girl has something like 72 (six dozen) alcohol priors? Is that even possible?

oops, meant 6 ( or half dozen)...I'll go fix that.

imo, it doesn't matter if he did, or didn't touch her innappropriately. He should have had a female officer come out and pat her down, bottom line. "I don't wanna have to get another officer out here" doesn't cut it, that's BS.

Bringing a female officer out to pat her down would have been the right thing to do. It's the only way to protect himself from a false allegation, and to protect her from possibly being touched wrongly by a male officer. It's for the protection and comfort, of both parties.

I wonder what some of ES's ladies think about this. Most of you are saying he didn't do anything wrong.....i'm not so sure.

As an "ES Lady" and a former cop- I'll say this. There was nothing wrong with the way he searched her. If you watch the video, you can see him using the back of his hand as he checked her bra area - which is the way I would have searched. And yes, women hide drugs/knives in their bras very easily- even a gun.

Brining a female cop to the scene isn't always practicle. First- this city is about 45K people. I'm not sure how many females are even on the force, and one may not have been on duty that night. And who is not uncomfortable being searched? wait- I take that back...I do recall a few guys asking me to search them again.:silly:

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watched the video and didn't see the officer do anything outside what I'd expect they'd have to do before arresting someone. One can't expect them not to search a female suspect and none of the touching seemed outside of a quick pat down to make certain there was nothing hidden.

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imo, it doesn't matter if he did, or didn't touch her innappropriately. He should have had a female officer come out and pat her down, bottom line. "I don't wanna have to get another officer out here" doesn't cut it, that's BS.

Bringing a female officer out to pat her down would have been the right thing to do. It's the only way to protect himself from a false allegation, and to protect her from possibly being touched wrongly by a male officer. It's for the protection and comfort, of both parties.

I wonder what some of ES's ladies think about this. Most of you are saying he didn't do anything wrong.....i'm not so sure.

If she'd been a black female, should he be required to call a black female officer?

How about if she'd been Muslim?

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That doesn't seem practical to me. :whoknows:

Well, now as to "practical" . . .

It does occur to me that it's probably not a huge breach of the officer's safety if he simply skips those parts of the search, and we'll have a female officer search her when she gets to the jail. (We all know that she's going to get searched, again, when she gets to the jail.)

Although as long as we're talking about what makes people uncomfortable, I can see the officer arguing that it makes him uncomfortable to have somebody in the back of his car who hasn't been searched. :)

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It's a difficult situation. Female officers are not always going to be able to drop what they are doing come running when a woman needs to be patted down. The suing for making someone uncomfortable for a standard pat down would inevitably cause many frivolous lawsuits. What if a police officer pats down a gay man man in a way that makes him uncomfortable? What is someone has some kind of aversion to being touched by anyone?

It's unfortunate, and not something that makes me comfortable seeing, but with a camera there and witnesses I feel abuses of it can be minimized. I'm assuming when people are taken back to the precinct and strip searched that is done by only members of the same sex. Can anyone confirm that?

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I thought it already was SOP to have a female cop pat down a female suspect. Not just to make the suspect 'more comfortable' but to avoid accusations like the one in this thread from occurring in the first place. As protection for the officers as much as for the suspect.

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I thought it already was SOP to have a female cop pat down a female suspect. Not just to make the suspect 'more comfortable' but to avoid accusations like the one in this thread from occurring in the first place. As protection for the officers as much as for the suspect.

Oh, I certainly assume that different departments have different rules for "lawsuit prevention."

(For example, the rescue squad I was on, our policy was "every person who's been in a car accident has a broken neck, until the Doctor says he doesn't". The two adjoining cities had no such policies.)

(FWIW, the only patient I ever saw who did, in fact, have a broken neck, was a middle-aged guy, playing softball, who collided with another player while trying to catch a pop fly.)

That said, however, failure to have such a policy doesn't imply anything wrong. Bosses get paid to make decisions like that.

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If this cop has anything happen to him, we need to do away with cops altogether. There will be no point to having cops if the suspect gets to decide who they are comfortable with conducting a search. This was a quick field search. She will get thoroughly searched by a female when she gets to booking. I am sure that will make her uncomfortable too. Can she sue for her civil rights being violated when the female officer strip searches her and actually looks ate her vajayjay? The cop had gloves on and used the back of his hand to complete the search. Not only that, the cop in the car focused the camera on the suspect the entire time, most likely so this wouldn't be happening. Hell, they turned the dash cam around and focused on her in the back seat.

As a side note, if she had a dime bag on her and the cop didn't find it, she would be charged with a felony for introducing a controlled substance to a correctional facility. And I would bet that this same attorney would be suing the same cop for not searching his client and causing her simple DUI charge to be escalated to a felony. Damned if you do, darned if you don't.

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As a side note, if she had a dime bag on her and the cop didn't find it, she would be charged with a felony for introducing a controlled substance to a correctional facility. And I would bet that this same attorney would be suing the same cop for not searching his client and causing her simple DUI charge to be escalated to a felony. Damned if you do, darned if you don't.

1) Personally, I really have a problem with "If something I just made up happened, then this would have happened" arguments.

2) And besides, if she'd been caught with drugs on her when she got to the jail, they'd be claiming that the officer planted it on her. :)

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I thought it already was SOP to have a female cop pat down a female suspect. Not just to make the suspect 'more comfortable' but to avoid accusations like the one in this thread from occurring in the first place. As protection for the officers as much as for the suspect.

no- one due to the fact there aren't as many female cops as you might think. That is why we are taught to pat down the bra area with the back of our hand (male and female cops). Same for female cops searching men. We found a lot of drugs in guys underwear. Even after every search, I let them know that if they had something up their privates, or in their underwear and we didn't find it- the jail would and it would be an automatic felony.

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oops, meant 6 ( or half dozen)...I'll go fix that.

As an "ES Lady" and a former cop- I'll say this. There was nothing wrong with the way he searched her. If you watch the video, you can see him using the back of his hand as he checked her bra area - which is the way I would have searched. And yes, women hide drugs/knives in their bras very easily- even a gun.

Brining a female cop to the scene isn't always practicle. First- this city is about 45K people. I'm not sure how many females are even on the force, and one may not have been on duty that night. And who is not uncomfortable being searched? wait- I take that back...I do recall a few guys asking me to search them again.:silly:

I don't even want to be searched at an airport, let alone by a police officer. It's my right as a citizen, to be treated as though i'm innocent, until proven guilty. Searching someone with the back of your hand, may not be any more comforting, or assuring than if she were being searched with the front of the hand. She was still timid, she was still on edge, and she was in handcuffs. She was for all intents and purposes, powerless, and being treated like a criminal.

and as far as there not being a female officer working that night...hahaha, right. you're telling me there's not ONE single female officer on the force who's working at a desk, or on patrol, or GOD FORBID, one that's at home who should be "on call"?? It's called adapting to the situation at hand. And if you can't do it, well then you're running a piss-poor operation.

Cops can take duties into their own hands in plain clothes when they see a crime being committed...so why exactly can't one be called when one is needed?? My tax dollars pay for law enforcement, NOT for BS excuses and abuse of power.

I'll keep a list of people Im uncomfortable with patting me down.

1- Men

2- Muslim woman

3- Redheads

4- Libruls

5- Small breasted woman.

Bascially, Im uncomfortable with anyone patting me down unless its a young longhaired blond with big juggs and an Australian accent.

I demand that only those people pat me down.

The comparisson of "demand" is far fetched at best. She didn't DEMAND anything in that video. She didn't demand he stop, she didn't demand to be let go, she didn't even DEMAND to call her father. She asked. And she was INCREDIBLEY civil throughout the entire event. While she was being groped by someone who thinks he can do whatever he wants, simply because he wears a badge.

The officer was civil enough, but you could tell he had it out for her from the very beginning. Can you say "abuse of power"? Not to mention, she was attractive, so coping a feel should add a little flavor to an otherwise boring night on patrol.

Bottom line folks, if the police department can't afford to put a reasonable amount of female officers on the force, so that at least ONE can be called upon to search a female suspect, then that's a major FAIL. We're not talking about having a SWAT team of 10 - 15 female officers coming to the scene, we're talking about ONE female cop.

And quickly, on the topic of "practicality". Lets talk about the REAL odds that there wasn't a female officer on duty in the area. BS to the highest degree. Don't believe it if you don't want to, but it's blindingly obvious. 45,000 people or not, that wasn't Mayberry, and this isn't 1950.

Everyone arguing against this young ladies right to having a female officer pat her down, i'm sorry but in my opinion, you have FAR too much faith in our police. And furthermore, you've OBVIOUSLY never been wrongly searched/interrogated/arrested buy a police officer.

The girl admitted to drinking. She registered a .02. So lets arrest all the honest people while some crackhead is out there slinging to a 12 year old. Again, i'm glad my tax dollars are paying the salary of some (more likely hundreds) power-tripping cop who thinks he can do what he wants, and doesn't do what's right, because "he doesn't want to have to do that".

The ridiculousness stuns me. If it were you, as the girl in that situation, you would feel helpless and wronged. I'm not saying she's a saint, she was drinking underage, and admitted to it. But since when did honesty not become the best policy, and instead just a trick to get you in handcuffs? The girl CLEARLY was not a threat. Oh I know, women carry guns, knives, bombs, nuclear warheads, appache missiles, sawed off shotguns and everything else in their bra and panties, so instead of using some decency, let's treat her like every other criminal we've ever encountered with an illegal gun operation hanging out of her snatch.

Ludicrous, AND innapropriate. I might be in the minority here, but i guess that just shows you how many in here have never had a first hand encounter with a "dirty" officer. After the first one, you'll lose faith in the rest of them. Believe that. It only takes one to give the whole operation a bad name. And it's officers like the one in this video, who tip toe on the line until one day they do something that gets them busted.

So, i'm done. We'll agree to disagree, and that's that.

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I don't even want to be searched at an airport, let alone by a police officer. It's my right as a citizen, to be treated as though i'm innocent, until proven guilty. Searching someone with the back of your hand, may not be any more comforting, or assuring than if she were being searched with the front of the hand. She was still timid, she was still on edge, and she was in handcuffs. She was for all intents and purposes, powerless, and being treated like a criminal.

Uh, Captain Reality, here.

She was treated like someone who was under arrest.

Because she was under arrest.

Funny how that works.

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I don't even want to be searched at an airport, let alone by a police officer. It's my right as a citizen, to be treated as though i'm innocent, until proven guilty. Searching someone with the back of your hand, may not be any more comforting, or assuring than if she were being searched with the front of the hand. She was still timid, she was still on edge, and she was in handcuffs. She was for all intents and purposes, powerless, and being treated like a criminal.

and as far as there not being a female officer working that night...hahaha, right. you're telling me there's not ONE single female officer on the force who's working at a desk, or on patrol, or GOD FORBID, one that's at home who should be "on call"?? It's called adapting to the situation at hand. And if you can't do it, well then you're running a piss-poor operation.

Cops can take duties into their own hands in plain clothes when they see a crime being committed...so why exactly can't one be called when one is needed?? My tax dollars pay for law enforcement, NOT for BS excuses and abuse of power.

You do realize that this police department is probably under 25 officers. Since you are a taxpayer do you want your money to be spent of unnessesary overtime? The fact remains that a female officer is not always present. There have be incidents of women with hidden weapons on them. You never know who you are going to encounter. I have no problems with a professional search like this was.

The girl admittedly broke the law. You said that she was no danger, but she is already establishing a pattern of underage drinking and now driving. The officer did the right thing.

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The girl admittedly broke the law. You said that she was no danger, but she is already establishing a pattern of underage drinking and now driving. The officer did the right thing.

I dunno about "admittedly broke the law".

But I do wonder why the charges got dropped.

I understand that .20 is right on the border line for being illegal. Kind of like a speeding ticket for 1 MPH over.

However, this is a 19 year old, on her third time in possession of alcohol. I'm thinking that if I'm the DA, then my decision is "Sorry. You used up your 'youthful offender second chance' card two DUIs ago."

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Uh, Captain Reality, here.

She was treated like someone who was under arrest.

Because she was under arrest.

Funny how that works.

Hey Captain Reality, you ever been arrested? Cuz that's not how you're treated when you're "under arrest".

a blind man could see that, plain and simple.

You do realize that this police department is probably under 25 officers. Since you are a taxpayer do you want your money to be spent of unnessesary overtime? The fact remains that a female officer is not always present. There have be incidents of women with hidden weapons on them. You never know who you are going to encounter. I have no problems with a professional search like this was.

The girl admittedly broke the law. You said that she was no danger, but she is already establishing a pattern of underage drinking and now driving. The officer did the right thing.

And 25 officers or not, that excuses the little small town police department from following a reasonable act? The act of being patted down by someone of the same sex because it preserves your right to privacy??? You can get a pat down from someone of the same sex at the friggin airport, but not from your police department???


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Hey Captain Reality, you ever been arrested? Cuz that's not how you're treated when you're "under arrest".

Yes, I have been. And yes, I was.

a blind man could see that, plain and simple.

Well maybe that's my problem. I actually watched the video.

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But I do wonder why the charges got dropped.


the charge was "lowered" to ...damn now I gotta go back and look but she did get a charge, just not the DUI.

Yes, I have been. And yes, I was.

Well maybe that's my problem. I actually watched the video.

that response was great.

Drop- you saying that one bad cop makes you not like all cops- is the same type of discrimination if I said I don't like black people cuz one black person "did me wrong". There are a thousand times more good officers than bad- but those never make the news. well, I take that back. Just yesterday at my old PD, 9 officers received life saving awards for 5 different events. Including two where officers entered a burning house to save people's lives.

Again on the search- this being said from a female- If I was arrested, I would have no issue with that search. It was by the books 100%

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"a thousand times more good officers than bad" is a nice exageration, lol, but you are certainly entitled to believe what you like. i never said that all cops were bad, i just said once you encounter one that is, it'll make you think twice about the rest of them, and who they really are.

sorry, i just see excuse after excuse as to why this girl was denied her constitutional right to privacy. i can go over the fourth amendment forever, but the bottom line is you saw the search as reasonable, and i didn't.

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Should have been a woman officer maybe, though i didnt see any groping.

State of Idaho vs. Natalie Jean Reighard

No hearings scheduled

Case: CR-2008-0008927 Magistrate Judge: Penny E. Friedlander Amount due: $0.00 Closed

Charges: Violation Date Charge Citation Disposition

05/03/2008 I18-2403(1) {M} Theft-petit

Arresting Officer: Coeur d' Alene Officer,, CDA 102877 Finding: Dismissed on Motion of Prosecutor

Disposition date: 12/10/2008

Fines/fees: $0.00

05/03/2008 I23-949 Alcoholic Bev-possess/consume/purchase By Minor

Arresting Officer: Coeur d' Alene Officer,, CDA 102877 Finding: Guilty

Disposition date: 12/10/2008

Fines/fees: $200.00

State of Idaho vs. Natalie Jean Reighard

No hearings scheduled

Case: CR-2008-0016848 Magistrate Judge: Penny E. Friedlander Amount due: $0.00 Closed pending clerk action

Charges: Violation Date Charge Citation Disposition

08/06/2008 Original: I18-8004(1)(D) Driving Under The Influence (under Age 21)

Amended: I49-1401(3) Driving-inattentive/careless

Arresting Officer: Reneau K78, Jared, CDA 101850 Finding: Guilty

Disposition date: 12/10/2008

Fines/fees: $300.00

Jail: 90 days

Suspended Jail: 86 days

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"a thousand times more good officers than bad" is a nice exageration, lol, but you are certainly entitled to believe what you like. i never said that all cops were bad, i just said once you encounter one that is, it'll make you think twice about the rest of them, and who they really are.

sorry, i just see excuse after excuse as to why this girl was denied her constitutional right to privacy. i can go over the fourth amendment forever, but the bottom line is you saw the search as reasonable, and i didn't.

If you break the law and are taken into custody by the police you are searched. This is for officer safety. Her rights were not violated. You don't get to dictate who searches you. Personally, I would feel more uncomfortable with a male searching me than a female. So does that mean they have to bring a female officer out to search me? If a female officer is availible then fine, bring her out. If one is not readily availibe then do your job in a professional manner. Its pretty obvious, you just don't like the police.

By the way she was not to innocent. She got 90 days in jail.

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