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Presstv: Israel warships move within cruise-missile range of Iran


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Any resentment Iranians feel towards their government after the election will dissappear after the first Israeli ship launches anything at Iranian soil. It would royally screw up the unrest that I feel is very needed in Iran towards its government.

That would be the main reason why Israel would strike. They don't want a moderate Iran with improved relations with the west. It would severely diminish Israel's perceived role in the middle east.

Also, Press TV is the Iranian regimes official English language propaganda machine. Most of what they report is false or greatly skewed. However, in this case, other news sources have reported the movement of the ships what it means is very debatable.

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That would be the main reason why Israel would strike. They don't want a moderate Iran with improved relations with the west. It would severely diminish Israel's perceived role in the middle east.

Can you elaborate on what exactly you mean?

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Besides our troops being attacked, we will see if the urban legend of Iranian sleeper cells in the U.S. is true. Iran has been alleged to have said that if they are attacked, they will unleash the cells in the U.S. If that happens, then all hell breaks loose.

That's a scary thought...hopefully just an urban legend. Can you imagine the witch hunt that would follow a few domestic attacks?

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the last thing Israel wants is any sort of "moderate" or "reformed" or any different version of Iran... the fear over the nuclear program is a farce used to rile up the United States and keep the status quo as much as possible. Ironically enough, the Islamic Republic and Israel have pretty much the same goals.

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the last thing Israel wants is any sort of "moderate" or "reformed" or any different version of Iran... the fear over the nuclear program is a farce used to rile up the United States and keep the status quo as much as possible. Ironically enough, the Islamic Republic and Israel have pretty much the same goals.

This might be the dumbest thing ever written. I dont even know where to begin.

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Attack on Iran to Include Ground Forces

Dr. Sam Vaknin

16 Jul 2009

An eventual attack on Iran may include ground forces. Units of Sayeret Matka"l ("Headquarters Scouts", Israel's elite special forces) have been transferred to the mock in Biq'at Hayareach ("Moon Vale"), not far from Eilat. They have spent the last few weeks training there: parachuting, paragliding, urban warfare (laba"b in Hebrew), and hand to hand combat. Special emphasis is placed on explosives. The area is isolated (it got its name from its eerie similarity to the moonscape), but various civilian suppliers have reported massive explosions during the day.

In my previous article, titled "Preparations for Attack in Iran Almost Complete" (dated July 10), I revealed the existence of the training mock near Eilat and Aqaba by the Red Sea. A few days later, Israel made the presence of its Navy in the Red Sea public. Though it has not been a secret hitherto, it has hardly been trumpeted. The navy's role is support the mission with sea-launched precision cruise missiles (of Israeli manufacture). In general, Israel is trying to minimize the involvement of American materiel in its forthcoming foray into Iran.

One word about the "windows" mentioned in my earlier article. As any military planner and intelligence agent knows, these are not actual operational dates. "Windows" are possible operational dates and are dictated by the confluence of weather projections, known troop movements, political and geopolitical circumstances, and military preparedness. Additional windows exist in September and October this year (I have the dates). It is likely, therefore, that Israel will attack in July or August, but no later than October this year.


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That would be the main reason why Israel would strike. They don't want a moderate Iran with improved relations with the west. It would severely diminish Israel's perceived role in the middle east.

Uhhhh....no. But thanks for the theory. :silly:

A moderate Iran would not be supporting suicide bombers and would greatly improve the chances of peace for them in Palestine. They just believe there is zero chance of a moderate Iran no matter what they do. Judging from these last failed elections and past history, it's hard to argue with them.

the last thing Israel wants is any sort of "moderate" or "reformed" or any different version of Iran... the fear over the nuclear program is a farce used to rile up the United States and keep the status quo as much as possible. Ironically enough, the Islamic Republic and Israel have pretty much the same goals.

Yeah, because a nuclear Iran isn't a scary thought to a nation they have repeatedly threatened to "wipe off of the face of the earth". Seriously, do you have to practice to think up these crazy theories or do they just come to you naturally?

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Uhhhh....no. But thanks for the theory. :silly:

A moderate Iran would not be supporting suicide bombers and would greatly improve the chances of peace for them in Palestine. They just believe there is zero chance of a moderate Iran no matter what they do. Judging from these last failed elections and past history, it's hard to argue with them.

Yeah, because a nuclear Iran isn't a scary thought to a nation they have repeatedly threatened to "wipe off of the face of the earth". Seriously, do you have to practice to think up these crazy theories or do they just come to you naturally?

You are not a student of history if that is your take on it. Iran has been moderate for 2500 years prior to the last 30. Israel actually does think that there is a chance for a moderate Iran which will marginalize Israel's relevance in the region and distance it further from the Sunni Arab states it has built relationships with. They armed the Iranian regime in the 80's and Mossad help Khomeini survive a coup attempt.

A moderate Iran would also put the issue of a nuclear free Middle East at top of most agendas. That is the last thing Israel wants.

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Yeah, I agree. We were in Vietnam for 14 years, never lost a battle; How can anybody suggest we lost that war?

Actually, to be a little more accurate, we were in Vietnam for WAY longer then 14 years. We entered into a conflict with them while troops were still fighting off the N. Koreans/Chinese in Korea in '51. When did we finally leave from Vietnam? '78? By my count, that's 27 years.

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Actually, to be a little more accurate, we were in Vietnam for WAY longer then 14 years. We entered into a conflict with them while troops were still fighting off the N. Koreans/Chinese in Korea in '51. When did we finally leave from Vietnam? '78? By my count, that's 27 years.

We did not send troops in 51. We didn't send troops in until 60 or 61 I believe.

We were providing weapons to the South before we put boots on the ground.

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There is an overwhelming body of evidence that after destabilizing Iran for the past few weeks, Israeli government is going to directly attack Iran from airstrips in Egypt with flights over Saudi Arabia and via nuclear powered submarines that are capable of carrying nuclear tipped missiles. In anticipation of an imminent attack, Turkey and the Gulf states have placed their armed forces on alert.

British newspapers are reporting increased Israeli activity in the region. The chatter is growing. First there was a report in the Times. Now the London Daily News has investigated Israeli submarine movements. These revelations come on the heel of the Biden statement that seemed to have given a nod to Israel. President Obama later denied that the US had given a green signal to Israel to attack Iran.

The head of Mossad, Israel’s overseas intelligence service, has assured Benjamin Netanyahu, its prime minister, that Saudi Arabia would turn a blind eye to Israeli jets flying over the kingdom during any future raid on Iran’s nuclear sites.

Earlier this year Meir Dagan, Mossad’s director since 2002, held secret talks with Saudi officials to discuss the possibility.

The Israeli press has already carried unconfirmed reports that high-ranking officials, including Ehud Olmert, the former prime minister, held meetings with Saudi colleagues. The reports were denied by Saudi officials.

“The Saudis have tacitly agreed to the Israeli air force flying through their airspace on a mission which is supposed to be in the common interests of both Israel and Saudi Arabia,” a diplomatic source said last week.

Although the countries have no formal diplomatic relations, an Israeli defence source confirmed that Mossad maintained “working relations” with the Saudis. The UK Times\

In return for Jundullah terror or maybe because of it Iran has been supporting the Palestinians, Hamas and Hizbullah in and around Israeli borders. Israel’s new neighbor-”Iran”- Impact of a Hizbullah run Labanon

The proxy wars continue.

Israel acquired Nuclear weapons in the 80s and stockpiles 259 bombs which makes it impregnable to Arab Armies. It does not want to let Iran have Nuclear weapons, but has failed miserably to either sabotage or eliminate the Iranian Atomic program. Tehran learned its lessons from the Israeli raid on the Iraqi Nuclear reactor, and has placed most of its plants underground, in deep reinforced concrete bunkers, and inside caves which cannot be bombed by any Israeli aircraft. Many of Pakistan’s missiles and her 250 nuclear bombs are also hidden deep under mountainous caves. The mountains hide them from prying satellites, and the caves provide protection from aerial bombing or sabotage. Obama’s missing opportunity to reach out to Muslims?

“This is preparation that should be taken seriously. Israel is investing time in preparing itself for the complexity of an attack on Iran” – IDF spokesman in The Times

International News DeskIsraeli warships in the Red Sea port of Eilat are believed to be on “high alert” and ready to attack and eliminate Iranian nuclear plants in what is an escalation of “preparedness” of the IDF (Israeli Defence Force).The Times has confirmed that two missile class warships “sailed through the Suez” only ten days after the nuclear armed Dolphin submarines also passed through the Suez. The passage through the Suez is a sign of the strengthening ties between Israel and Egypt who has a “shared distrust of Iran”.

.org. Globalsecurity role, given that 533mm torpedo tubes would have been sufficient for the weaponry that was to be installed on board” reports ar capabilities “the detection that the submarines were equipped with two types of torpedo tubes (533mm and 650mm respectively) fueled speculation that the submarine might have a possible nuclear armed vessel is described by its German manufacturers in vague terms of its nuclear The Dolphin Submarines a German Type 212 nucle


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I just read an article that said Israel would need U.S. permission for Iranian air strikes.


When this was first proposed Israel didn't have the air refueling capacity to pull off the mission with the requisite number of planes. Nor did they have the specialized stand off weaponry which would allow fighters to bomb more effectively these instalations which are guarded by SAMS.

So Israel was trying to purchase a lot of that equipment from us and since we knew what they wanted it we weren't that eager to sell it to them.

Finally there is a pretty sophisticated US Airforce and Navy Air Wing in and around the Persion Gulf which Israel would need permission or some sort of agreement to fly through and around.

There are transponder codes which would allow the ISraeli's to fly through American controlled airspace unchallenged. We denied Israel these transponder codes in the first gulf war. If she would hit Iran we would have to provide them this time..

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You are not a student of history if that is your take on it. Iran has been moderate for 2500 years prior to the last 30. Israel actually does think that there is a chance for a moderate Iran which will marginalize Israel's relevance in the region and distance it further from the Sunni Arab states it has built relationships with. They armed the Iranian regime in the 80's and Mossad help Khomeini survive a coup attempt.

A moderate Iran would also put the issue of a nuclear free Middle East at top of most agendas. That is the last thing Israel wants.

I agree with Mike on this one. Knowing if you want five opinions on any given subject, all you have to do is assemble four Israeli's. Still It's really streching it claim Israel wants a radical Iran. Iran is the primary sponsor of both Hezbollah and Hamas; and Israel and Iran under the Shah were very strong allies.

I don't think Israel wants a radical Iran. I don't think Israel needs to creat enemies to remain relivant. I think Israel would love peace, it's the price for peace and whether it's really an option which concern the Israelis.

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It's a misdirection ploy,they are really gonna base the attack out of Turkey

(don't tell no one I told ya though:shutup:)

You know the ruling party in Turkey now is a religous Islamic party. They've been very critical of Israel. Remember the Turkish PM lit into the Israeli President at the UN conference a few months back over the Gaza bombings.

If Turkey wouldn't let us bomb Iraq from their territory and we were offering them billions. I don't see these Turks letting Israel use their facilities to bomb Iran. Their is just not much in it for Turkey.

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as i've stated over the years: No 5 countries could take down the United States based on location and sheer awesom'ness in technology we possess.

Those same 5 countries will just need to devalue the dollar and prop up the Euro / Something else and their mission is done.. We are now europe and can't afford anything.

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