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Tea Party Invites Janine Garafolo


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I'm sad the "tea Party" movement was co-opted by the neo-cons. Just takes away from credibility in my book.

That said, The vast majority of folks that i know who attended the last ones were regular, hard working Americans who are simply concerned over the spending levels and it's negative economic impact.

To paint them as anything other than that is false, misleading, and outright wrong.

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I DO hate the hypocrisy of those (esp. Congressional Repubs) who now complain about spending. Yes, it's more than Bush, but :secret: your party controlled Congress during most of Bush's term.

I hate massive spending, party label be damned.

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I DO hate the hypocrisy of those (esp. Congressional Repubs) who now complain about spending. Yes, it's more than Bush, but :secret: your party controlled Congress during most of Bush's term.

I hate massive spending, party label be damned.

Thats why they won't be seeing any power for a very long time.

I know I have stated this quite a few times, but the math simply never works for the next generation or so for Republicans to have control of Congress

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i wanted something more to laugh at....

there is a "tea party" this weekend here...I wanna make a sign "Ghey TeaBaggers" and bring all my homo friends. lol

If they are for smaller government and against taxation without representation bring them.

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The funny thing is the liberals completely ignore the fact that some of the Dallas protesters mentioned how they were protesting the Patriot Act during President Bush's Admin.

One of the babes was on Fox n Friends and responded to Janine's where were you protesters during the 8 yrs of Bush and she answered "Working."

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I will proudly be there again this 4th of July to protest the Cap and Trade scam that passed through Congress despite the will of the American people.

Doesn't Congress represent the will of the American people? Isn't that who voted for them?

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Doesn't Congress represent the will of the American people? Isn't that who voted for them?

I'd say when you look at an issue such as immigration, Congress was attempting to do the exact OPPOSITE of the will of the American people

They represent the will of those who financed them :)

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I'd say when you look at an issue such as immigration, Congress was attempting to do the exact OPPOSITE of the will of the American people

They represent the will of those who financed them :)

Touche. :)

I just constantly hear how Congress goes against the Will of the People all the time, and yet its members enjoy a nearly 98% incumbency rate.

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But then again, if you think any of the above you are considered either a hack, a racist, or someone who is a hypocrite because they weren't front and center when Bush was doing all of the above (at a slower pace, but via the same means).

Pretty sad that people can't take the blinders off.

What "blinders" are you referring to?

In any case, I just find teabaggers funny. First, they chose a hilarious name that has more than one or two meanings. Second, like many nuts, they act like they are this generation's George Washingtons and Thomas Jeffersons when, in reality, many of them are dumb ideologues.

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What "blinders" are you referring to?

In any case, I just find teabaggers funny. First, they chose a hilarious name that has more than one or two meanings. Second, like many nuts, they act like they are this generation's George Washingtons and Thomas Jeffersons when, in reality, many of them are dumb ideologues.

I love how they have to get permission to "speak out." And they don't even actually dump any tea.

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What "blinders" are you referring to?

In any case, I just find teabaggers funny. First, they chose a hilarious name that has more than one or two meanings. Second, like many nuts, they act like they are this generation's George Washingtons and Thomas Jeffersons when, in reality, many of them are dumb ideologues.

nice name calling- can some of you debate the topic without acting like a bunch of 3 year olds and calling each other names?

Where were all of you when the people were protesting the WTO riots and breaking windows, looting windows, setting things on fire and pretty much taking over citiies (like Seattle) ?? Where was your outrage then?

But now "you all" who want to laugh at the people who peacefully protest, who hold concerts, bring their kids- who DON'T burn down the city, who DON'T smash in business windows- who DON'T cover their faces because they are committing crimes.

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My political alignment is independent with liberal leanings...with that being said...could we please drop Miss Garafolo, Micheal Moore, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill Maher off at a deserted island and forget that they are there.

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I find it interesting that these Tea Party people think of themselves as patriotic (and I'm not saying they aren't) and at the same time, many of the same people questioned the patriotism of those who opposed the war in Iraq. :2cents:

...and many of them are the evolution of Ron Paul's campaign, which was specifically against the war in Iraq.

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I find it interesting that these Tea Party people think of themselves as patriotic (and I'm not saying they aren't) and at the same time, many of the same people questioned the patriotism of those who opposed the war in Iraq. :2cents:
You're generalizing. I opposed Iraq and Bush's spending.

And Madison, who are you calling a dumb ideologue? :saber:

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Where were all of you when the people were protesting the WTO riots and breaking windows, looting windows, setting things on fire and pretty much taking over citiies (like Seattle) ?? Where was your outrage then?

I was annoyed by the WTO protestors and entertained by the Teabaggers. The WTO protestors were obnoxious, violent, and incoherent (I saw signs protesting whaling, nukes, etc.). The Teabaggers are funny, for the reasons I mentioned in my above post.

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