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Tea Party Invites Janine Garafolo


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If the Veto is going to get overturned then why Veto it That is what i think they do. Thats why i believe when you here a president say I will sign this bill if it passes. It would be nice if they sent a message im going to Veto this and if you over ride it im going to issue an executive order.

The Dems didn't have the numbers to override a Bush veto. They would have needed a lot of Repub support.

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that's ok, in my encounters with you I've developed the sense that you're silly, don't know what you're talking about, and are just a dumb ideologue.

I could be wrong though.

I made it clear in multiple posts that I was not aiming my comments towards anyone in this forum. I also made it very clear that I think people can take issue with some of the massive spending and investment initiatives of the Bush and Obama administrations. Yet, people such as yourself continue to go after me personally.

Anyways, if you think I'm an ideologue, you don't know me very well. What kind of ideologue has voted at the local, state, and national level for Dems and Republicans, is "pro death penalty," is pro choice only for women in the 1st trimester, pro gay rights, hawkish on war, pro-gun control, pro flat tax, gets equally annoyed by hippies and preppie guys, voted for Obama but gets really annoyed when he sees Obama signs still in people's front yards, and thinks FDR AND GWB were among the worst US Presidents. Politically, I'm an iconoclast whose politics are VERY much issue-specific.

As for TARP, the bailouts, etc. if you search my posts on the subject, I'm critical of teabaggers, but I'm also not convinced that the massive spending will bail the country out of trouble. I've said on numerous occasions that I just don't know what the right answer is, but I'm entertained by teenagers and poorly educated adults who think they're Nobel Prize winning economists.

and for the record, most of us aren't saying we are being oppressed in the same way as the founding fathers, we're saying that we need to get back to the America they created and stop living in this fantasy land of spending like crazy. our civil liberties are slowly being chipped away.

What civil liberties of yours are being infringed upon? Please tell us how TARP, or the bailout of the auto industry, is violating your constitutional rights.

This ought to be good.

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I made it clear in multiple posts that I was not aiming my comments towards anyone in this forum. I also made it very clear that I think people can take issue with some of the massive spending and investment initiatives of the Bush and Obama administrations. Yet, people such as yourself continue to go after me personally.

Anyways, if you think I'm an ideologue, you don't know me very well. What kind of ideologue has voted at the local, state, and national level for Dems and Republicans, is "pro death penalty," is pro choice only for women in the 1st trimester, pro gay rights, hawkish on war, pro-gun control, pro flat tax, gets equally annoyed by hippies and preppie guys, voted for Obama but gets really annoyed when he sees Obama signs still in people's front yards, and thinks FDR AND GWB were among the worst US Presidents. Politically, I'm an iconoclast whose politics are VERY much issue-specific.

As for TARP, the bailouts, etc. if you search my posts on the subject, I'm critical of teabaggers, but I'm also not convinced that the massive spending will bail the country out of trouble. I've said on numerous occasions that I just don't know what the right answer is, but I'm entertained by teenagers and poorly educated adults who think they're Nobel Prize winning economists.

What civil liberties of yours are being infringed upon? Please tell us how TARP, or the bailout of the auto industry, is violating your constitutional rights.

This ought to be good.

I'm working on a PM response to this. you will get it shortly.

you avoided the meat of my last post, which annoys me a little.

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I think the new Tea Party would be taken seriously if they didn't choose a name than didn't jive with what they're doing.

I mean, how many of them had their taxes raised? Or are facing NEW taxes on something they want?

I am not sure if you have just ignored other posts in this thread or any other tea bagger thread, however it has been mentioned several times.

They are protesting government spending (amongst otehr things) which will result in increased taxes. Obama is already reconsidering his "no tax increases if you make under $250,000 k" b.s.

You don't think your taxes are not going to be increased do you?

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What civil liberties of yours are being infringed upon? Please tell us how TARP, or the bailout of the auto industry, is violating your constitutional rights.

This ought to be good.

Who do you think is gonna pay for all of this? The people are gonna be unfairly taxed to pay for the doubling of the nat'l debt. When our politicians admitted they didnt read nor understand the stimulus and passed it anyway----see 'No taxation without representation'.

To answer your question, yes our civil liberties have been violated.

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Who do you think is gonna pay for all of this? The people are gonna be unfairly taxed to pay for the doubling of the nat'l debt. When our politicians admitted they didnt read nor understand the stimulus and passed it anyway----see 'No taxation without representation'.

To answer your question, yes our civil liberties have been violated.

First, how are you not being represented? Are you a felon who lost the right to vote or a minor? Otherwise, our Founding Fathers would say you are represented. You're not unrepresented simply because you didn't vote for x, y, or z elected officials.

Second, you have no right whatsoever not to be taxed and certainly not a Constitutional right.

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who's getting paid? I know tons of folks who went to the last one and that plan to go to this new one, and each and every one of them not only is going voluntarilly, but also are working there for free.

I thought this was discussed ad nauseum last time (around April 15th if I recall).

Google Freedomworks (or even the lesser Americans for Prosperity), teaparties, and Richard Armey. See who backs those organizations (hint, billionaires).

Essentially, this is how the teaparties started - they started with paid people picketing, got the press to promote the hell out of them on the GOP media driven shows (Rush and Fox Network especially), and then eventually the non-paid people showed up.

Astroturfing is a common tool of the GOP. Its nefarious, but effective.

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I thought this was discussed ad nauseum last time (around April 15th if I recall).

Google Freedomworks (or even the lesser Americans for Prosperity), teaparties, and Richard Armey. See who backs those organizations (hint, billionaires).

Essentially, this is how the teaparties started - they started with paid people picketing, got the press to promote the hell out of them on the GOP media driven shows (Rush and Fox Network especially), and then eventually the non-paid people showed up.

Astroturfing is a common tool of the GOP. Its nefarious, but effective.

Actually, thats not how they "started" (Ron pauls supporters held the first ones well before the neo-con clowns got involved. ) But I still dont see that the people attending are paid to attend.

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Actually, thats not how they "started" (Ron pauls supporters held the first ones well before the neo-con clowns got involved. ) But I still dont see that the people attending are paid to attend.

You are right - I should amend that to this version (or round) of the teaparties.

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The Tea Parties would be more effective if they weren't co-opted by corporate shills, hypocritical Republicans, and people who normally disregard libertarians or criticized "unpatriotic protesters" during the Bush years.

I've read interviews with many people at these parties, and they aren't necessarily angry at Big Government spending -- they are angry about Big Government SOCIAL spending. Many of them are fine with our half-trillion dollar+ military budget, but complain if money is spent elsewhere, which, of course, is decried as "socialism."

I would bet money if the Republicans win in 2010 and 2012, except for the core Ron Paul fans (or libertarians), many of these Tea Partiers would melt back into the "My Country, right or wrong!" crowd and Tea Party numbers would drop.

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The Tea Parties would be more effective if they weren't co-opted by corporate shills, hypocritical Republicans, and people who normally disregard libertarians or criticized "unpatriotic protesters" during the Bush years.

I've read interviews with many people at these parties, and they aren't necessarily angry at Big Government spending -- they are angry about Big Government SOCIAL spending. Many of them are fine with our half-trillion dollar+ military budget, but complain if money is spent elsewhere, which, of course, is decried as "socialism."

I would bet money if the Republicans win in 2010 and 2012, except for the core Ron Paul fans (or libertarians), many of these Tea Partiers would melt back into the "My Country, right or wrong!" crowd and Tea Party numbers would drop.

You're probably right on ALL counts :(
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