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NFL.com: Campbell confident he can prove himself to be right man for the job


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Oh and just some food for thought. You know who was in the top ten for YAC for a QB? Tis means putting the ball on the spot where the receiver needed it to be. So in essence, his good completion % was not all checkdowns... though I do agree with some of that sentiment.


I'll be the first to admit that I do not know where WP gets its numbers... but I was ver surprised to see that.

-You don't think the amount of screen passes we threw had anything to do with that? Or the fact that, both Moss and Randle El are good in open space... But no, Campbell deserves all the credit for statistics that promote him... but when a statistic like TD's is brought up, its all of a sudden about the team

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I played golf yesterday with a friend who went to Redskins practice a few weeks back. He said, "Jason couldn't hit the broad side of a barn." He said the receivers were open in the 7 on 7, but Jason couldn't complete anything but check downs. He said Cooley was getting quite frustrated. Just passing the info along...

This isn't good to hear. I hope JC is making the best of his time before camp.

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I've got to say that playing the race card was dissapointing. I was very surprised to hear him say that and then to follow up by saying it wasn't an excuse. Even mentioning it is making an excuse.
Yeah, it's funny how he said he doesn't make excuses, but he sure as hell made a lot of them in that article. Playing the race card is pathetic, and the fact that he is stooping to that low now only reinforces my belief that he is not going to show much, if any, improvement this season.
What it will sadly do, on these here boards, is add weight to those amongst us who've already thrown up the race card at posters in response to anyone having the gall to suggest Jason's FOOTBALL smarts might not be the fastest.

But I guess if you already have your own, underlying, bigoted agenda, and use it to defend someone at any cost, the moral wrongness in that will always be lost on you.

As regards Jason himself, that's a low response to come out with, which in it's self is little more than an excuse as you mentioned.

Very disappointing, particularly as the one thing that's never been in question with Campbell is the dignified, professional manner he's always carried himself.


In case any of you don't want to go looking for it, I know I had to, as race never comes to mind when it comes to football. It's all about performance. For some of you, get your minds out of the gutter.

"There are still double-standards in this league for African-American quarterbacks. You have to be great to be good. And others who are half as good are considered great. That is not an excuse, that is a fact. I don't make excuses. I was raised to understand it is not always about you. You have to give respect to get respect. You have to work. I grew up in Taylorsville, Miss., where the village raised the family. What you did, someone saw it."
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Stacking the box may have been more about not having to cover the WR's, than it was that they HAD to stop Portis. Sure Portis did his damage and I may be wrong. But they didnt have to double moss or cover over the top, passes thrown his way were within 4 yds of the LOS. Thrash 30 catches in 3 years = decoy at best. Slow when featured; and any time we went deep early in games it was to 87 down the sideline. ARE is just weak and unable to consistently beat a #2 corner. The only time we would go deep to Moss would be late in the game after hammering portis into submission.

Couple our pathetic receiving core with injuries to our Oline; why wouldnt defenses press our tiny WR's and harass our ailing old offensive line. There was no risk to crowd the LOS.

Zorn did not adjust. he just kept throwing the short pass to moss and running portis up the gut. he played right into the defenses hands and made our offense crumble. When teams crowd the line, loft up a ball on a quick drop to your deep guy. Never abused the blitz. Never went 5 wide. Never went hurry up. never used the shotgun but in the final minute of the half. We rarely threw to Portis arguably our 2nd best player on the team. We were entirely predictable.

I cant believe so many try to hang it all on Jason.

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87 James Thrash. Always blanket covered going down the sideline on the only deep ball we would try early in games.

I get aggravated remembering the futility of our offensive approach. We let the defenses sub their fat slow DT's out and their speed guy in. I really hope Zorn sees a window of opportunity and calls two plays ina row to catch defenses with the wrong guys out there. Tire them out, make them burn a timeout. Dictate the game. instead more often than not, it was run run short pass and the world knew it. Or short pass run short pass.

And we never used Jason's wheels. The guy is big athletic and strong, and Zorn spent most of last year changing him instead of utilizing him. Roll him out, do some stuff Zorn!!! Adjust. Please, do something creative.

Thanks for reading my rants. Now back to work. Hail.

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87 James Thrash. Always blanket covered going down the sideline on the only deep ball we would try early in games.

I get aggravated remembering the futility of our offensive approach. We let the defenses sub their fat slow DT's out and their speed guy in. I really hope Zorn sees a window of opportunity and calls two plays ina row to catch defenses with the wrong guys out there. Tire them out, make them burn a timeout. Dictate the game. instead more often than not, it was run run short pass and the world knew it. Or short pass run short pass.

And we never used Jason's wheels. The guy is big athletic and strong, and Zorn spent most of last year changing him instead of utilizing him. Roll him out, do some stuff Zorn!!! Adjust. Please, do something creative.

Thanks for reading my rants. Now back to work. Hail.

Okay, still makes no sense, James Thrash is number (*edit* was) 83...

But again, I agree with the rest of your post on utilizing what we have

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-You don't think the amount of screen passes we threw had anything to do with that? Or the fact that, both Moss and Randle El are good in open space... But no, Campbell deserves all the credit for statistics that promote him... but when a statistic like TD's is brought up, its all of a sudden about the team

Well... if the offense is clicking, its because of Portis... right? And if its not, its all because of Campbell. Isnt that the story you guys sell?

Look. If you review my post history, I'll be the first to admit that JC has more growing to do. And he does hold the ball too long at times... and he did check down alot. I realize that. But unlike... "your side" shall we say... I realize that some of the things that made Campbell look bad was not all about Campbell.

1. He was sacked alot.

2. Even when he was not sacked, he had pressue in his face and/or was getting hit on every pass play.

3. The playcalling was surley predictable in the redzone.

In the end, it is what it is... andwhat I see on this board are the words "horrible"... "worst QB ever"... "terrible"... ad nauseum. Its just not that bad. The sky is not falling and the guy played fairly well for what we were.

No one seems to remember the temper we had around this time last year. New HC/OC, new system, new players... most level headed people were thinking 7-9 at worst, 9-7 at best and if we were lucky we make the playoffs. We overacheived that first 8 games and most people realize that.

At least our startingQB never cost us games.

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The weren't but a guy, who is connected, invited my buddy.

No offense, but I call BS. They are closed for a reason... which means personel only. Unless "your buddy" is on the coaching staff of the FO, I dont think even sniffed practice.

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31st in the league in 3rd down completion %.


He is lucky that the media in Washington is so soft, and that expectations are low.

If he was in a city like New York, the media and fans would be killing him.

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I didn't get that from Jason's interview. Jason from the beginning has taken full responsibility. I don't think he should have said that during the interview because people, such as yourself, would take it the wrong way. I understand what he is saying, if you don't get it, you don't get it. Its cool.

Eh, I think I'm leaning towards agreeing with you in that his words were taken out of context, but I also think it's understandable how some could reach such a conclusion with his quote - to an extent. I absolutely do not agree that black QB's are somehow judged differently. Either you can play the position or you cannot.

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31st in the league in completion %.


He is lucky that the media in Washington is so soft, and that expectations are low.

If he was in a city like New York, the media and fans would be killing him.

Try 14th.


31st goes to Russel

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It's hard to believe that Campbell actually pulled the race card considering a certain white qb was pulled for similar statistics.

9 games started in '06. Here are his quick stats expanded out to a full 16 games.

%: 62.3

Yards: 3,180

TD: 14

INT: 7

RAT: 86.5

Jason Campbell in '08

%: 62.3

Yards: 3,245

TD: 13

INT: 6

RAT: 84.3

Yet, one was run right out of town, and criticized constantly.

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31st in the league in completion %.


He is lucky that the media in Washington is so soft, and that expectations are low.

If he was in a city like New York, the media and fans would be killing him.

What? Campbell wasn't 31st in completion percentage. He was 14th, better than Cutler and the three other NFC East QBs.


And by the way, regarding the race issue, I'm sure he wasn't the one who brought it up. The interviewer probably asked a question regarding it, and then just wrote down the quote. That's how these things work.

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Sorry, meant 3rd down passing.

And even with that 31st standing in the league on 3rd down, many of the ones he did complete were for four yards on 3rd and 8.

The intelligence, ability to think on the run and coordination just aren't there.

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3rd down completion. Those are fairly important.

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I think there's way more to it than just JC not being intelligent or instinctive enough. Opposing teams could get to him with just 3 or 4 guys sometimes. To me, the o-line and problems at the WR position were just as important of a factor, if not more so, than JC.

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I think there's way more to it than just JC not being intelligent or instinctive enough. Opposing teams could get to him with just 3 or 4 guys sometimes. To me, the o-line and problems at the WR position were just as important of a factor, if not more so, than JC.

Todd Collins had the same line, and the same receivers for the most part.

Colt, although playing in preseason against scrubs, had a worse line, and worse receivers for the most part.

Again, if JC was performing like this in a tough media city, he would absolutely be getting crushed.

If JC was the qb for another team, everyone here would be laughing at him. If we played a team with JC at qb every week, we would likely win the division, literally. We might go 14-2.

If you really stop and think about it, rarely do we play a team with a worse QB.

Edit: Does anyone here actually believe that any team in the country looks at the Skins on the schedule, and thinks "Man, we have to come up with something special to stop that JC--he can really hurt us if we aren't careful?"

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Being a below average quarterback isn't going to cut it for Campbell. Potential goes out the window in your fifth season. Sadly, his past play is no indication that he will be getting better. The only thing that he's improved upon is his interception rate and completion percentage but that's a direct result of him becoming more and more of a bus driver quarterback than a game changing playmaker. He is no better than Mark Brunell for the past few years with his dink and dunk style.

He should have at maximum eight games to prove that he is the quarterback. He should be held to standards that Pro Bowl caliber quarterbacks are held at. That means no more 190 yards and 1 TD games. Right now he averages below that for his career, which is really sad.

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white folks love the word "race-card" when a statement they think is designed to make them feel guilty is said. then they talk about money, like making a bunch of money excuses intolerance, these are mostly republicans, (strong in redskin nation, but really a dying breed) that roll their windows up in black neighborhoods, and crack black jokes at bars during games.

With this type of thinking, you're just as bad as the people you criticize.

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