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Just Got back from Magic/Lakers game: MY THOUGHTS


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you realize you're wasting your breath and effort right califan? :silly:

go check out the nationals fail thread. i have mooney telling me i'm not a serious redskin fan because i root for the orioles instead of the nationals. apparently you can only root for all washington or all baltmore teams lol

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Cali, im pretty sure the term "bandwagon" never came up once in any of my posts. That was your, and others doing.

I simply stated my opinion, and gave my reason why. If you want to choose the teams you root for that way, then thats your choice. I just think that the point of being a fan is to be able to stick with the team through good and bad... And when I see people that are fans of team only because that team is good, it makes me laugh. Because thats not the point of being a fan. Im not saying you are this way, but in most cases, people will only cheer for their team when they are in fact doing well. Thats not what a fan is.

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go check out the nationals fail thread. i have mooney telling me i'm not a serious redskin fan because i root for the orioles instead of the nationals. apparently you can only root for all washington or all baltmore teams lol

even though the nattys are just the expos moved over to the US? the orioles were everyones team when cal played man!!

LoL...well, my lengthy rant was more voicing my irritation than in convincing him of anything :D...

word brother..word indeed

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go check out the nationals fail thread. i have mooney telling me i'm not a serious redskin fan because i root for the orioles instead of the nationals. apparently you can only root for all washington or all baltmore teams lol

if you can stick through 20 years of horrible baseball like the orioles have been through, and still cheer for them, no one should be able to question anything about that.

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Cali, im pretty sure the term "bandwagon" never came up once in any of my posts. That was your, and others doing.

I simply stated my opinion, and gave my reason why. If you want to choose the teams you root for that way, then thats your choice. I just think that the point of being a fan is to be able to stick with the team through good and bad... And when I see people that are fans of team only because that team is good, it makes me laugh. Because thats not the point of being a fan. Im not saying you are this way, but in most cases, people will only cheer for their team when they are in fact doing well. Thats not what a fan is.

Now I agree there, I can't stand that either. I know a few people who have done that, one was an Oriole fan who's now a Yankee fan. I don't care who you like, just stick with them through thick and thin. The losing seasons make the winning seasons that much better!

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speaking of cheesy fouls and non calls.

i remember lambeer hitting rambis on the way to the basket and clothslining him and geting little more then a foul called.

i remember parrish clubbing lambeer over the head and repeatedly and the refs just telling the benches "calm it down". no foul called.

the NBA is sissified.

No joke man, Jordan got bullied in the late 80's by the Pistons. They'd have all fouled out of the game today.

And this hilarious clip:


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Cali, im pretty sure the term "bandwagon" never came up once in any of my posts. That was your, and others doing.


the only reason you have any liking for the lakers is because they are good.
I can't stand when people have no affiliation to a team except for their W-L record.

You just used the definition of "bandwagon fan" in two of your posts lol...that's like saying you hate those animals that bark all the time and have fur, and lick your face and wag their tails constantly...then coming back and saying "I never used the word "dog"...that was your doing."

I simply stated my opinion, and gave my reason why.

Oh, sorry...I missed the memo that said when skinsngibbs4life states his opinion and reasoning on a thread, giving a counter-argument by doing the same thing back is forbidden. Hope I don't get banned for this.

If you want to choose the teams you root for that way, then thats your choice. I just think that the point of being a fan is to be able to stick with the team through good and bad... And when I see people that are fans of team only because that team is good, it makes me laugh.

And NOBODY hear has said they only stick with a team when it's good...but you make the assumption that if someone is a fan of a team that they did not grow up around, then they must be doing just that. Point out anything, in ANYONE'S posts, that indicate their only reason for being a fan of the Lakers or Magic (or any team) was due to nothing more than them being good. Because if you can't do that, then your earlier comments to BigMike (and indirectly to or about other fans) have no basis, and thus become fair game for debate.

Because thats not the point of being a fan. Im not saying you are this way, but in most cases, people will only cheer for their team when they are in fact doing well. Thats not what a fan is.

Again...you can't make some sweeping declaration about anyone's fan status from the extremelely small amount of info you're given here...which was pointed out to you earlier by someone else. It's a shame you tried to do just that, though.

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If you want to catch fairweather fans just visit Orange County. Before LT there were literally ZERO Chargers fans here (they were either Rams or Raiders fans). Now that they've been good the past few seasons, what do you know, Chargers fans everywhere. Bulls fans in the 1990's were many but how many were actually just 'Jordan' fans and where are they now? Hate the bandwagon routine. Stick w/your team through thick and thin.

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Nick Van Exel! Del Harris!...(I actually liked Nick)


I just remember when they traded for Kobe how he would dribble down to the middle of the paint, stop, and then just jump and try to create. i used to wanna strangle him.

but once shaq and phil got there you knew they were going to do something special there. and boy do queens fans hate them and are bitter to this day.

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were the lakers even any good in the 90s?

were they any good in the times between pat and phil?

It had it's moments like when I was at the Forum and yelled "GIVE IT TO PEELER" whenever he didn't have the ball and when it was dead quiet. Or when Cedric Ceballos was stranded in Lake Havasu during the regular season. Or when Nickky V on a huddle break said 1 - 2 - Cancun! during a playoff elimination game.

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I just remember when they traded for Kobe how he would dribble down to the middle of the paint, stop, and then just jump and try to create. i used to wanna strangle him.

but once shaq and phil got there you knew they were going to do something special there. and boy do queens fans hate them and are bitter to this day.

Man, that Sac/Lakers rivalry was GREAT lol :yes:...those were the best games, bar-none. I enjoyed them as much as the Finals sometimes. And Phil always taking jabs at the city of Sacramento lol...

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Wouldn't that mean they had more banners than anyone else??

Tell me who has more.......:D

Not necessarily. ESPN just ranked the franchises and LA was #1 based on the fact that they always have winning seasons, as opposed to the Celtics who had plenty of losing seasons in the 90's and earlier this decade.

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I just remember when they traded for Kobe how he would dribble down to the middle of the paint, stop, and then just jump and try to create. i used to wanna strangle him.

but once shaq and phil got there you knew they were going to do something special there. and boy do queens fans hate them and are bitter to this day.

I've been a fan since the days of Magic, KAreem, Norm, Wilkes, Rambis, MacAdo through Showtime to this day...mainly becuase everyone else in my family was pulling for the Celtics. I have only ever cried twice realted to sports 1) Super Bowl 18 2) June 14, 1989 with 47 seconds left the Pistons were about to sweep the Lakers...and Kareem came out of the game...for the last time.

I remember when Vlade was drafted there were reports that Red Auerbach was pissed because he wanted Vlade.

Yeah the early Kobe days were interesting he'd drive the lane and get tripled team...and two of the guys were Lakers.

The Queens series...I think I was prouder of that series win more than any other time of the Kobe/ Shaq era.

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I've been reading about this so called "fanhood". So I'm a bandwagoner because I root for 1 team outside my other local teams that I root for? Dude, I've been watching far more basketball(college and pro) you can probably even remember. But since I see your only 22, you don't even remember when the NBA on CBS was even on. I've been a fan of the Lakers since the Magic, Kareem, Big Game James, Byron Scott, etc. era. I guess since the Lakers are on the brink of winning the title, anyone who goes with the Lakers that live outside the LA area are all bandwagon fans. I guess that goes for anyone who lives in the area that roots for the Celtics, Bulls, Rockets, Spurs, Heat, etc.

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I've been reading about this so called "fanhood". So I'm a bandwagoner because I root for 1 team outside my other local teams that I root for? .

I know how you feel. I caught crap here last year at Finals time.

Some people attack instead of debate. Just means they've got nothin'.

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I've been reading about this so called "fanhood". So I'm a bandwagoner because I root for 1 team outside my other local teams that I root for? Dude, I've been watching far more basketball(college and pro) you can probably even remember. But since I see your only 22, you don't even remember when the NBA on CBS was even on. I've been a fan of the Lakers since the Magic, Kareem, Big Game James, Byron Scott, etc. era. I guess since the Lakers are on the brink of winning the title, anyone who goes with the Lakers that live outside the LA area are all bandwagon fans. I guess that goes for anyone who lives in the area that roots for the Celtics, Bulls, Rockets, Spurs, Heat, etc.

Good for you. You became a fan of a team because they were good. You want a cookie?

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