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WEx: Skins not interested in taking Vick


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Skins not interested in taking Vick

By: John Keim

Examiner Staff Writer

06/09/09 10:13 PM EDT

The Redskins might be a logical pick to pursue Michael Vick except for one problem: They don’t want him.

According to multiple league sources, the Redskins briefly discussed signing the ex-Falcons quarterback and came to a quick and unanimous conclusion. It would not work here. It’s a message league sources say has been consistent since January.

Vick is in house confinement until July 20 — and one league source said he’s struggling to find time to work out, especially in a way to prepare for an NFL season. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell still has not said if Vick will receive further punishment. The former Virginia Tech star served 19 months in prison for his role in running a dogfighting ring.

Atlanta still owns his rights, but it’s expected the Falcons eventually will release him. If there are any suitors, they’re keeping it a secret.

But it’s clear that Washington won’t be one of them. Those who expected the Redskins to pursue Vick pointed to owner Dan Snyder’s penchant for chasing big names, most of which happened earlier in his tenure as owner. Not to mention that the Redskins pursued quarterbacks Jay Cutler and Mark Sanchez this offseason in an effort to replace starter Jason Campbell.

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Well we were allegedly not interested in Jay Cutler and before him Jason Taylor so I'm not going to be jumping up and down for joy over this report just yet.

Until Goodell announces that Vick is suspended for the upcoming season or Vick signs with another team, I'm still going to be nervous that Danny is going to do something very stupid.

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I feel JC can get the job done if the Skins Shore up the offensive line.

On the other hand if for some odd reason JC didn't work out, and Vick was available, I'd take him in heart beat. All Vick did was win. He was a defensive coordinator's nightmare.

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dont understand the hate for vick. he ****ed up, he did his time. he gets a second chance. and i agree with dc money, vick did make plays and he did win. playmaker... sometehing the skins have lacked for a long time. either way it doesnt matter wether we get him or not, he is an athlete, and i thnk jail would have only made him a harder and more viscious football player woof woof

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I hope this is the last time I hear the Skins and Vick in the same sentence. I believe that Snyder understands the risks the guy would bring.

I was thinking about this the other day--as we all know, Snyder likes the big names not just because he always thinks we're "one player away" but because big names = big money. Vick may be a big name, but with the public backlash that would come with signing Vick, it probably doesn't come out to a good business decision.

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