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Let The Matt Weiters ERA Begin, O's Fans.


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Well O's fans I think we finally may be seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. Andy McPhail's plan seems to be falling into place. We have rookies coming up and making IMMEDIATE impacts. Who the hell does this Reimold kid think he is and what's up with Bergesen, Berken and Hernandez winning their major league debut? Adam Jones has made such quick progression and has All-Star written all over him.

Now we are bringing up the prize in Matt Weiters. I hope this kid lives up to the hype and hope he has nerves of steel with the expectations put on his shoulders. I however eventually see him being moved to first base and not our everyday catcher.

The future is looking bright O's fans........finally.

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I can't wait! I'm going to game on Saturday to see Wieters in action. Hopefully it'll bring more people out to the Yard. I was there on Monday and you would've thought with it being an afternoon game on Memorial day it would be packed, but there really weren't as many people as I thought there would be. Either way, it finally looks like the O's are getting things turned around!

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I'm not going to lie, I wished Wieters wasn't going to be called up for another week, so I could see him play one more time down here with the Tides. However, I'm glad he's up with the O's because they need a a catcher that can hit bad.

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If Reimold pans out, their outfield is SET. Markakis, Jones, and Reimold could end up being the premier outfield in the East. I'm hoping we get some up and comers like Scott Moore at 3B and eventually Brandon Snyder at 1B to pan out.

That with Tillman, Matusz, and Arrieta will really turn this team around. Hopefully we see Tillman making his debut sometime soon.

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If Reimold pans out, their outfield is SET. Markakis, Jones, and Reimold could end up being the premier outfield in the East. I'm hoping we get some up and comers like Scott Moore at 3B and eventually Brandon Snyder at 1B to pan out.

That with Tillman, Matusz, and Arrieta will really turn this team around. Hopefully we see Tillman making his debut sometime soon.

I agree, if Reimold works out we should have the best OF in the majors possibly. We should have some good young pitching as well. My concern will be with the middle infield. Roberts is 30 or 31 now so we'll need to have a solid 2B coming up in a few years and the same with SS. But overall this team should be able to compete starting next year and beyond.

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I will admit I havent followed the Orioles or MLB for that matter in probaly 8-10 years and I will admit I dont know much about how trades and contracts work in MLB. But wont having Peter Angelos as an owner pretty much screw the Orioles out of having any chance of competing?? Wont all these players end up being not resigned when their contract is up since Angelos doenst like spending money. Again excuse my ignorance if this post is stupid. I used to watch when we had Brady leading, Raphie, Mussina, Davey Johnson. Those were the days. I would love to get back on the bandwagon.

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I will admit I havent followed the Orioles or MLB for that matter in probaly 8-10 years and I will admit I dont know much about how trades and contracts work in MLB. But wont having Peter Angelos as an owner pretty much screw the Orioles out of having any chance of competing?? Wont all these players end up being not resigned when their contract is up since Angelos doenst like spending money. Again excuse my ignorance is this post is stupid. I would love to get back on the Orioles bandwagon.

Spending money has never been an issue. Poor baseball decisions have been the biggest issue. Angelos never let the baseball people make moves without him getting involved. MacPhail seems to have a larger leash. We actually extended Markakis and Roberts this last offseason. We have also put a lot of money into the draft in the last couple years.

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I will admit I havent followed the Orioles or MLB for that matter in probaly 8-10 years and I will admit I dont know much about how trades and contracts work in MLB. But wont having Peter Angelos as an owner pretty much screw the Orioles out of having any chance of competing?? Wont all these players end up being not resigned when their contract is up since Angelos doenst like spending money. Again excuse my ignorance if this post is stupid. I used to watch when we had Brady leading, Raphie, Mussina, Davey Johnson. Those were the days. I would love to get back on the bandwagon.

I think Angelos has become less involved since they brought in Andy McPhail to be the GM. Angelos has pretty much let McPhail run the show and do what he thinks is in the best interest. I'm sure Angelos still has some input, but its not as bad as it was before.

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On top of the success the younger O's players are having, at least 27 million in contracts comes off the books next year with Mora (8M), Huff (8M), Baez(7M), and Walker (4.5M). Maybe they resign Mora for another year or two but not at 8M.

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Hope your guys' optimism comes to fruition. Im tired of the same old song and dance from the Orioles. Im not a huge baseball fan I admit. Its hard for me to get into it unless the Orioles have a good team. I would root for the Nats too but there is nothing to root for there.

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Hope things start turning around and soon!

Of course, but don't expect a catcher to do it all. A great catcher is an important part of a winning team, especially if he can weild a bat like no other, but unless the team is firing on all cylinders you'll have a very good player on a team that still can't come close to the top of the AL east.

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I hope this guy's future pans out the way O's fans had hoped.

We'll have Strasburg on the mound for us Nats fans in the not too distant future :D

With all of the hype, can you imagine the first time Wieters and Strasberg face each other in interleague play?

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