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"It's Been a Long Strange Trip, Dude" (STB21 Hits 10,000 Posts!)


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Good evening all. I kinda promised myself I wouldn't make one of these threads after hitting a certain amount of posts, as I never have on previous solid numbers. But I felt this was a good time for a one and only hurray for me. I know most of the time you see me post something outrageous more often than something serious, and am probably seen as the "class clown" if you will. But I'd like to say something on a serious note here.

I want to thank all of you, from the mods, to the guys with only a couple of posts, from the bottom of my heart. I've had a rough last couple of years in life. Things haven't exactly been going the way that I wanted them to. I've faced many sleepless and lonely nights lying awake in my bed. But everyday I do wake up I log on here and see the familiar screen names. I've never even met any of you in real life, but I feel like I know you all, is that a good thing I'm not sure? :) But you're always here to make me laugh and smile, and am always able to talk about one of the constant things in all of our lives, the Washington Redskins, and you'll never know how much sitting at this computer helps me.

Thank you all.

Here's to another 10,000 pointless thoughts posted in the stadium!!


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Congrats bro! I've been watching your post count lately and knew you were going to hit 10k soon.


I kinda promised myself I wouldn't make one of these threads after hitting a certain amount of posts, as I never have on previous solid numbers.

hope you are joking because i remember the last time you hit a milestone you started a thread!

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I very well may be!

Not sure wheter to feel good or sad about that.


I don't know what to do now. I usually associate the ring of fame with those old, crotchety guys (you guys know who you are :silly:).

Now you're younger than me and you have the old guy avatar. I'm totally gonna be thrown off for a while.

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I don't know what to do now. I usually associate the ring of fame with those old, crotchety guys (you guys know who you are :silly:).

Now you're younger than me and you have the old guy avatar. I'm totally gonna be thrown off for a while.

We had to get a young buck in there at one point.

But I can't believe those older guys talk about what happens to ES once you hit 10,000!!!

This is soooooo AWESOME!!

lets see who falls for this

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