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Mike & Mike: Justin Tuck on Jason Campbell


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It wasn't ALL on anyone. But if you seriously believe that the OL wasn't at least partly responsible for the second half collapse last season you're living in a fantasy world, considering how many people...coaches, analysts, etc...have said that a good amount of the blame can be put on the OL. But what would they know? You watched the games once on TV!

They were partly for health reasons and partially because Jason (for the first time in his life) was calling protection schemes which is Zorn's fault too but he believes the QB should be doing so. After the first couple of games the other teams saw this on tape and exploited the hell out of it especially the really good D's.

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Many and I mean MANY teams survive with an average oline and finish well. Look at the off season did the oline change? Not much and it wasn't all on the oline last year, you can blame them if you want but that would be wrong.

How can you call our o-line average toward the end of the season?????

Thomas was playing with a neck injury that could have paralyzed him for life with one wrong move.

Samuels was playing with an injury that was called season ending after the Ravens game. Yet he kept playing because we had no one to take his place. He skipped the Pro Bowl and went straight into surgery for not only the tri-cep injury but, also, knee surgery.

Kendall couldn't even practice during the week or his knees swelled so bad that he couldn't play on Sunday. Notice he wasn't given a contract this year.

The media is pounding our FO for not doing more during the draft to give the o-line some help. Do you really think this would be happening if our o-line had ended the season average? Of course not!

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How can you call our o-line average toward the end of the season?????

Thomas was playing with a neck injury that could have paralyzed him for life with one wrong move.

Samuels was playing with an injury that was called season ending after the Ravens game. Yet he kept playing because we had no one to take his place. He skipped the Pro Bowl and went straight into surgery for not only the tri-cep injury but, also, knee surgery.

Kendall couldn't even practice during the week or his knees swelled so bad that he couldn't play on Sunday. Notice he wasn't given a contract this year.

The media is pounding our FO for not doing more during the draft to give the o-line some help. Do you really think this would be happening if our o-line had ended the season average? Of course not!

What I posted is the truth "I know" I also know that if Buges said it was an issue then it was, if not then it wasn't.

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What I posted is the truth "I know" I also know that if Buges said it was an issue then it was, if not then it wasn't.

Buges also said after several games toward the end of the season that the o-line was "losing the one on one battles".

And he said the problem was with their technique. "It's the individual technique. One guy dropping his head against a good rusher, he's around you."

If they don't know their technique by 32 years old, I would say that is a problem.

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They were partly for health reasons and partially because Jason (for the first time in his life) was calling protection schemes which is Zorn's fault too but he believes the QB should be doing so. After the first couple of games the other teams saw this on tape and exploited the hell out of it especially the really good D's.

Jason can call protection schemes all day, but it makes no difference if guys are consistently losing their one-on-one battles. Zorn talked about that, as did Buges. You can call the correct blocking scheme, but if your guys are getting manhandled at the LOS by the guy lining up across from them it isn't going to make much difference.

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This is even better for us. If Campbell has an incredible fluke season, we franchise him & demand two first rounders. If Zorn can make JC good he can make CB incredible. Write it down: Year 3 he's lights out. CB is the real QB this city has been waiting for.

So real we tried to trade for Cutler and trade up for Sanchez.

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I know this sounds really bad but...Why couldn't Romo sits to pee been at that Rookie Mini Camp....

I know I know heartless right ....but somewhere deep down I would have liked to see Romo sits to pee buried under one of those lights...kinda like the wicked witch under that house in OZ....I kid I kid...

Really? :doh:

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Jason can call protection schemes all day, but it makes no difference if guys are consistently losing their one-on-one battles. Zorn talked about that, as did Buges. You can call the correct blocking scheme, but if your guys are getting manhandled at the LOS by the guy lining up across from them it isn't going to make much difference.


Ignorant people think that the QB is more important than the Oline for an offense. They are wrong. There is no getting around it, the most important part of an offense is the offensive line.

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Campbell is a better physical QB than Brennan, no doubt. He has a better arm, better mobility, better measurables, and even played in a better conference vs. better competition in college.

The same thing could be said of Campbell compared to Joe Montana. So what? If a QB can make plays and throw the ball 50 yards, he can play in the NFL. Just because you can heave a football 70 yards or run like the wind, that doesn't make you a great QB.

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Ignorant people think that the QB is more important than the Oline for an offense. They are wrong. There is no getting around it, the most important part of an offense is the offensive line.

No way bro, Colt would inspire the O-line with his 'swagger' and they would block better.:D


You're right, but on this site it doesn't really matter.

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This season will be his final indicator IMO.

If he plays great... he stays...

Plays bad... he's gone...

no more learning curve after this season.

This does get very draining and old, He's our QB and I'm on board BUT, The only reason ALL these JC threads are still here is JC followers are hoping to convince others about JC, well here's a wake up call, the ONLY convincing We need is on the field with WINS thats it. You can get all the cheerleaders you want praising him If he doesn't produce he's gone.

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Ignorant people think that the QB is more important than the Oline for an offense. They are wrong. There is no getting around it, the most important part of an offense is the offensive line.

When you make a claim you can't possibly prove while calling anyone who disagrees ignorant, you succeed only in sounding like an arrogant jerk. Was that your intent when you posted? If not, what WAS your intent?

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This season will be his final indicator IMO.

If he plays great... he stays...

Plays bad... he's gone...

no more learning curve after this season.

That's what JC "fans" said last year and the year before that...

There's always some excuse for one more year.

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Shaaaaatup Tuck.

If we could only block that douche!

I think alot of people have been coming up with alot of amorphous reasons to dislike Campbell and i all started when the Cutler talks began.
Oh it started well before that.
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possibly prove while calling anyone who disagrees ignorant, you succeed only in sounding like an arrogant jerk. Was that your intent when you posted? If not, what WAS your intent?

Compare the staggering amount of research that BLC and SCS have put into their posts on Campbell's performance with the Campbell Idolater shibboleths about offensive lines and "he doesn't have receivers!" even though he has two Pro Bowlers at receiver positions and Todd Collins made Reche Caldwell look like Christ on Wheels (Ok, forgive the exaggeration.)

When you stack up what SCS and BLC has shown about Campbell's record DIRECTLY related to the OTHER QBS in his same time here, along with his overall failures against top teams with basically the same cast--one begins to see that one side is interested in calling the other side 'racist' and 'hater' and 'ignorant' and the other, while imperfect, generally attempts to support its position and has brought dozens of very interesting facts to the table.

There are a few exceptions but typically, the stats are of the "see Montana and Campbell are the same variety" that lack all context and supporting, secondary statistical data.

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Buges also said after several games toward the end of the season that the o-line was "losing the one on one battles".

And he said the problem was with their technique. "It's the individual technique. One guy dropping his head against a good rusher, he's around you."

If they don't know their technique by 32 years old, I would say that is a problem.

Same can be said for a 27 year old qb also so where that quote was published please.

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This season will be his final indicator IMO.

If he plays great... he stays...

Plays bad... he's gone...

no more learning curve after this season.

The problem is - he won't do either. He'll continue to make a few tantalizing throws which make everyone think "Wow, he's really got something there," followed by throwing dumpoff passes with guys wide open downfield, or throwing errant short passes. I think at the end of this season, the "potential vs performance" debate will still be hotly contested.

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The problem is - he won't do either. He'll continue to make a few tantalizing throws which make everyone think "Wow, he's really got something there," followed by throwing dumpoff passes with guys wide open downfield, or throwing errant short passes. I think at the end of this season, the "potential vs performance" debate will still be hotly contested.

I agree 100%. My brother and I just had this conversation last night, and we were both saying the exact same thing.

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than it must be true!

I understand reading comprehension isn't your thing, but nowhere in my post did I claim that it had to be true or was made true because of a conversation I had. I replied to a post saying that I agreed with it, and stated that I had just had a conversation about the same thing, showing that I had put previous thought into it. That was all.

Now, before getting your panties in a wad again, ask a nearby adult to help you understand a post before you reply to it.

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I think alot of people have been coming up with alot of amorphous reasons to dislike Campbell and i all started when the Cutler talks began. Was everyone at the middle of this season saying Jason is the problem? Hell no. He was an MVP candidate through the first 8 weeks of the season!

Then he starts getting sacked and slammed all over the place when our decrepid offensive line starts breaking down and still the entire redskins world wasn't calling for campbell's head. Every game we were saying "our line is awful!" You watched that Pittsburgh game, the baltimore game (Geisinger out on an island against Suggs :doh:) the second dallas game, both Giants games. That line was getting eaten alive and everyone saw it. Snyderatto starts looking at Cutler and we all start saying it was Jason failing in the clutch? WHEN? Tell me when last year, he fell apart in the clutch or lost control of the huddle?

If I remember correctly, Portis was on the radio calling his coach a "genius". Cambpell was saying all the right things while getting knocked on his ass every play before he even got out of his drop.

His recievers? Anyone? anyone? Bueller? Bueller? . .. . hey were awful. Everyone was dissappointed to watch Deshaun Jackson torching people and running back punts for Tds every week while the guys we picked above him weren't smart enough to beat out thrash and randle el. 2 Yard punt returns after 10 minutes of dance moves. No separation from the secondary except Moss for a while. When they rolled the coverage to moss, packed th box against a terrible o-line, we fell apart. Samuels goes down, its just over!

Coincidentally, at the same time that Campbell apparrently suddenly couldn't play QB anymore, our diva running back went from 125 yards a game to 25 yards a game.

Then snyderatto, falls in love with sanchez and it intensifies. "he can't control the huddle", "he isn't a vocal leader" and a bunch of other things that you literally can't prove. Its just a vague complaint about the guy. What I saw was a guy who was working out with his team the day his idiot owner was shopping for his replacement and then saying he would handle it professionally regardless and did!

How we don't owe this guy his contract year is absolutely unbelievable to me. His second year in the same system since he got to washington! He deserves this year. He also deserves a right tackle.

Man, well said.... We need more people like you brother!

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