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CNN: Obama "Swagga" Segment


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this may be the stupidest **** i have ever seen

seriously why? lol

i dont care who you are this should offend you lol not offend you in an angry way but offend you because people are this ****ing stupid haha


click there for the video

We all expect a bit of fluff from cable news considering they have 24 hours a day to fill and there are only so many events to be "rocked" by, but when we hit a point at which CNN is spending Obama's 100th day in office "assessing his swagga" something is amiss.

T.J. Holmes sat down with four men who were never identified by name or title (as if we weren't supposed to care about who they were, just that they were black) to talk about Obama's "swagga." They were sweet and did the best they could with such a ridiculous topic, but anchor Kyra Phillips was way over the top. She asked for the theme song to "Shaft" to be played, she talked about Obama's "flava" and she insisted on getting a fist bump at the end. Here are her choicest moments...

huffington post

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The guy with four questions. Journalism is really sucking.....

I know, I will admit that I laughed when Obama said, "hang on, let me write that down."

They asked him easier questions than they asked Miss California.

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Liberal Media?......You Betcha

+1 Obama gets double the coverage and nearly 3x the positive coverage Bush received. Also, many things the media would have given bush hell about they give obama a pass on

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I made it 36 seconds... That was horrible...

It's **** like this that makes me think that some people still can't get past skin color...

You really think if Obama was white, yet the same personality and the same power towards the younger generation, he'd get the same treatment? NAH...

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Doesn't surprise me a bit. In his first days of the transition CNN had a bunch of "experts" talking about what and how Obama was doing during the transition. Evidently what these people were "expert" at was being black because not one of them was white and I had never heard of most of them. The questions posed to them to get their "black perspective" were so stupid and inane that I really began to wonder if I hadn't flipped on Idiocracy by mistake.

At this point CNN is trying so hard to be hip and non racist that they are being racist with the stereotypes they are using. Read Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News - by Bernard Goldberg. It really isn't the liberal hatefest that most people think it is. It's more about the underlying psychology that drives the media to be the way it is. It's an eye opener and what you learn about the news media can be seen on every network from CNN to Fox.

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