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People from PFT think that the Skins might be bluffing about wanting Sanchez


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"There are mounting rumors and reports that the Washington Redskins are interested in making a move into the upper reaches of the draft for a crack at USC quarterback Mark Sanchez.

Some league insiders, who are assessing the Redskins’ sudden interest in Sanchez in comparison to the team’s past pre-draft antics, believe that it’s very possibly a smokescreen.

Maybe it’s just part of a broader plan to motivate current starter Jason Campbell into becoming a high-end quarterback.

Or maybe the Redskins simply don’t want anyone to know what they actually plan to do with the 13th overall pick in the draft.

Frankly, we think that several of the teams linked to Sanchez might be bluffing. The Seahawks need a successor to Matt Hasselbeck, but they also need the next Walter Jones. "


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Nobody knows at this point, only 5 more days and we won't have to speculate about this anymore, thank God.

You've gotta be kidding me lol :)...

You think just because the draft is over that we will STOP speculating about Sanchez? The only way we'd come close to no longer speculating about the guy is if we do end up drafting him.

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How can it be a smokescreen when virtually every mock draft has Sanchez gone by the time the Redskins pick?

cause we will move up and trade with KC.

I don't think the FO is smart enough to do a smoke screen.

plus, when do you hear of other teams doing "smoke screens."

i think its a myth.

when does this ever happen?

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Lol a smokescreen to motivate Jason Campbell??? Yeah I think trying to trade for Cutler did that already. If anything this will shoot his confidence trying to trade for a one year wonder rookie QB over him. The fact is Snyder wants Sanchez. There is no smokescreen.

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PFT said we were getting Jim Schwartz, then Jim Fassel, then Steve Spaguolo.

PFT said we were getting Cutler...

They know NO more than any one of us.

That isn't true they have sources in the media within the NFL. And they never said we were getting Cutler, Spags, etc. They said we were favorites for Cutler and close to getting him which was the truth.

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The Redskins have tipped their hands before and actually pulled it off.

They've also drooled over a player and resisted the urge to move up and get him.

If anyone thinks they know what will happen between now and Saturday night, they are kidding themselves.

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PFT said we were getting Jim Schwartz, then Jim Fassel, then Steve Spaguolo.

PFT said we were getting Cutler...

They know NO more than any one of us.

they never said with any certainty we were getting any of those guys,it was just possibilities at the time...

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I don't beleive anything that comes out within two weeks of the draft. Half the teams at the top of the draft are suddenly interested in Sanchez (even the Rams radio guys are talking about it at #2). I don't think there's anyway we end up with him, though I wouldn't be heart broken if it happenned.

I'd just say that the moment we started to become very "interested" in Sanchez was about two or three weeks ago, when the smoke gets real thick right before the draft. I think if it was a smoke screen, it would have worked except that half the teams in front of us are blowing the same smoke, so who knows.

Maybe we're trying to keep another team from trading up in front of us to get the player we want (if that's not Sanchez).

For instance, we're planning on trading up to get Monroe or Orakpo at #3, but we don't want someone trading up to the 2nd pick to get him before us, so instead of saying we're trying to get Orakpo we say we're after Sanchez, then the only people worried about trading into the #2 slot are teams who want Sanchez, not the ones after Orakpo.

I really don't think it would be that hard, just put out lots of signals that you desperately want a QB. At this point I don't think anyone can tell what's real or not so any news coming out this week (other than the Lions signing someone) should be mostly ignored or filed away. This kind of stuff happens EVERY YEAR during the period just before the draft.

Other than that I have no idea why we'd blow smoke about Sanchez, so maybe it's real. Yeah we've got Sanchez who I think will be very good. If it's smoke, yeah we've got Orakpo or Monroe who I think will be very good. If it's all for nothing and we trade back, yeah we've got more picks to fill more needs. I'm pretty much happy with anything as long as we don't get shafted at 13, no one will trade with us, and we don't have any of the players we want there. Then the only smoke I'd see would be coming from my foul mouth.

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They are overdoing it if this is the case.

It's not like they pick 5th and need someone to move ahead of them so someone important slips down to where they pick. Too much can happen between the top five and where they pick for this to make sense.

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cause we will move up and trade with KC.

I don't think the FO is smart enough to do a smoke screen.

plus, when do you hear of other teams doing "smoke screens."

i think its a myth.

when does this ever happen?

Exactly. This FO has never done anything that elaborate. Where there is smoke, there is fire. However, the FO has kept secrets (such as announcing Gibbs, drafting Fred Davis without a workout), but when have they ever bluffed?

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I've read with much interest the forum peeps who seem to think that JC is a washed-up never was who, apparently, shames the very uniform he wears every time he so much as glances at it.

These are probably the very same think tank group who called the guy who worked on the Rosetta Stone last year before the draft as soon as they "knew" the (beloved) 'Skins would take nothing but D' in the first umpteen rounds. How'd that work out for ya?!

I can only hope the clowns at PFT are onto something here. The Dan and Vinny may not the best-of-the-best-of-the-best, but they agreed to draft JC only a few years ago. Even I know you can't judge a QB until the 4th-5th year. And that Colt dude must have some redeeming features? Right? ... anyone?

These "ZOMG we __NEED__ Sanchez or the stadium will probably implode" fans should look around the cabinet for something to calm their nerves.

Even I don't think (hope) The Dan is dumb enough to grab another QB instead of at least attempting to address the half-dozen other positions that need some upgrade/youth movement.

So, my 2-cents says:

NO to Sanchez!

Geez, give JC a chance. He wasn't exactly heading down the Heath Schuler path last year when the whole team up and had a seizure in the middle of the season.

And if you think the (beloved) 'Skins have a QB problem now, what on this green Earth makes you think a rookie QB is going to make anything better? At best he'd only really test the skillz of the equipment guys as they attempt to remove a zillion grass stains from the back of his uniform. He sure as hell won't win any games or get us closer to the big dance.

/end rant.


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I think they are bluffing and those are my exact thoughts also.

Look! we didn't get Cutler and hopefully that was enough to light a fire under Campbell's arse. Now! why not have Campbell to think his job is in jeopardy if he doesn't perform, because frankly it is.

I don't want to hear people like Wilbon or whomever sing the "poor Jason Campbell" tune. Just like Portis stated this is a competition and if you can't compete for you're job on the playing filed oh well. Even Joe Gibbs motto was, if a QB can't handle pressure or competition from another QB, then he's not franchise QB material. This my people was old school vintage Joe telling it like it was.

Look! franchise QB's are able to handle all kinds of pressure, it comes with the territory. You can't have no passionate weak minded QB when it comes to football and competition. Franchise QB's are leaders, lead by example and have the toughest skin. We didn't need a cry baby like Cutler anyway, just because his Coach hurt his little feelings he wanted to get traded. If that hurt his feelings wait till the Chicago fans start chewing his arse if he flops.

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