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Which Athletes do you Hate the Most


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Yea I feel you on that, can't argue with you there. It's the arrogance with Kobe tha irritates me though, just like with most of the other people who have been mentioned in this thread, a bunch of arrogate *******!

Note that I also listed Kobe and Arenas in my list along with Lebron. Kobe for the arrogance factor, which I agree with you on. And Gilbert cause he is stealing money from the Wizards organization.

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NBA Lebron James, Allen Iverson, Larry Hughes

NFL Antonio Pierce, Tony Romo sits to pee, Ray Lewis, Julius Peppers, Brandon Jacobs, Jason Taylor

MLB Mark Texiera, Alex Rodriguez, David Wright

NHL Sidney Crosby, Donald Briere, Evangeni Malkin, Sean Avery

Golf Phil Mickelson

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The entire manchester united roster, minus paul scholes and ryan giggs.

Hate, hate, hate with a Passion cristaino ****ing ronaldo. To give you an idea of how big a douche this guy is, last summer when he wanted to move to real madrid he likened his situation to that of a slave because Man U wouldn't let him go. This guy makes 10m a year and he called himself a slave.

Chelsea ****ing football club. Especially Didier Drogba, Frank Lampard. One is a diving ****, the other is just a douche.

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Surprised at all the hate for Avery - I wonder if these answers would have been the same one week ago.

Also - I saw someone added Antonio Pierce. Can't believe I forgot that guy. I told my friend that out of habit I have to hate the 53 Dallas Cowboys more than anyone, but Pierce is a VERY close 54th.

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NBA - Lebron. I hate him, his team, and he's a Cowboy and Yankee fan so screw him!

NFL - Romo sits to pee. That smile makes me wanna kick him in his face.

MLB - A-Rod. You suck, your roids are the only reason you did anything and now that your off them (maybe) you still suck. HAHAHA!

NHL - Crosby. Go join Lebron with the crybabies.

NCAAB - Gerald Henderson. You broke Tyler's nose on purpose and didn't get hardly enough punishment and you play for Duke. Good enough for me.

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There's a bunch of players I used to hate such as LeBron and Curt Schilling and Matt Ryan and BC players but most of my hate has eroded away. I guess the only player I don't like is Crab Dribble, that's it.

Oh yeah, and all the stupid Cowboys, they all suck lol

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Why is everyone hatin on Teixeira? Just because he decided not to sign with Orioles?

Delusional O's fans who actually thought he was going to sign with Baltimore. :) We Nats fans were realistic enough to know it was a longshot that he'd sign with us, so we're not bitter. We're just glad the team stepped up and made him a solid offer.

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Delusional O's fans who actually thought he was going to sign with Baltimore. :) We Nats fans were realistic enough to know it was a longshot that he'd sign with us, so we're not bitter. We're just glad the team stepped up and made him a solid offer.

If the O's really wanted him they would have offered more years, but i actually heard he didnt want to come back to baltimore (grew up here) because it was too close to home. he also wanted his kids to grow up in one place and not have to move (which is why he went with yanks cause they offered him most years).

Hes an insanely nice guy, (went to same high school as me and have met him a few times) and people hate him just because he went with another team? dumb. at least with most of these athletes theres a better reason to not like someone (lebron has killed the wizards, crosby is a whiner and has rivalry with AO) but teixeira hasnt done anything wrong.

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NBA- Lebron James and Paul Pierce (that "knee injury" in the playoffs was so bogus)

NFL- Antonio Pierce, Polamalu (just b/c i think he's vastly overrated), Tom Brady, Belichick, and pretty much anyone on the Pats

MLB- Who cares, it's baseball. But I'd go with Barry Bonds

NHL- Crosby

NCAAB- Was Reddick when he was in college, hated Battier and Sheldon Williams too. Now I'd go with Singler or Scheyer (I hate duke whities)

NCAAF- Can't think of anyone.

Overall: Lebron James. Absolutely hate him

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JJ Reddick

Greg Paulus

Jon Scheyer

Derek Jeter

Grevis Vazquez

Tony Romo sits to pee

Troy Aikman

Emmith Smiff

Ray Lewis

Barry Bonds

Mark Teixiera

I know there are more I'm forgetting

All you guys hating on Teixeira crack me up. I mean, did you guys REALLY think he was ever going to the Orioles. My gawd, get over it. There's nothing at all wrong with the guy. He's a class act, in fact.

And, dude, Troy Aikman? Seriously? I know he's a former puke. But he's still not a bad guy. I think he's excellent on TV calling games.

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Curt Shilling. Not only hated by normal people but also hated by those in his profession. I know a couple of ex-MLB'ers and they have confirmed to me that nobody likes Shilling, not even those on his team.

The saying is, "I like Shilling once every 5 days" because he was a pretty good pitcher, especially in the post season.

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I don't really hate any athlete, because it seems pointless. And we don't really know them. We see 30 second clips that may or may not be edited to put them in that light. We only see what the media wants us to see.

I stopped subscribing to SI and ESPN the Magazine for similar reasons. It's all the same story templates.

"Misunderstood athlete."

"Great Athlete who worked more than anyone else to make it happen"

"Comeback athlete"

"Supporting cast athlete who makes team better."

and a couple more, but basically it's the same song and dance.

TO seems like a giant idiot, but I really doubt that's all there is to him.

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Delusional O's fans who actually thought he was going to sign with Baltimore. :) We Nats fans were realistic enough to know it was a longshot that he'd sign with us, so we're not bitter. We're just glad the team stepped up and made him a solid offer.

the reason i don't like him is because he talked all about how he would love to come home and play for the o's and that he was a huge o's fan growing up. free agency comes around and we offer him a contract, maybe not the best offer he has seen, but he goes and signs with the yankees instead. can't really blame the guy for taking more money. well, the idiot then proclaims at his yankee press conference that when his dad used to take him to orioles/yankees games he would wear a yankee hat and root for the yankees. then, on opening day they interview him and he said in a perfect world he would be an oriole.

so to me, he seems to cater to the media depending on where he is. when he's in baltimore he talks about how he loved the o's growing up and would lvoe to play for them. when he's in new york, he talks about how he was a big don mattingly fan and he always rooted for the yanks when they played the o's. how can you be an oriole fan but cheer for the yankees? thats like one of us saying we love the redskins but i really like jason witten so i root for the cowboys when they play the skins. it just doesn't work that way!! :chair:

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Well, off the top of my head....

Deon Sanders, Michael Irvin, LeBron James, Ray Lewis, Jason Taylor, Jay Cutler, Kobe Bryant, Brian Dawkins, Terrell Owens, Eli Manning, Vince Carter, Jason Witten, Marion Barber, Patrick Crayton, Michael Jordan, Greg Ellis, Felix Jones, Allen Iverson, Tony Romo sits to pee, DeMarcus Ware, Jeremy Shockey, Antonio Pierce, Justin Tuck, Antonio Bryant, Joey Porter, Keyshawn Johnson.

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