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The Minuteman Project


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the Feds don't enforce our immigration laws, which are actually on the books, because the power Big Business has in Washington. plus now that the liberals have power expect even more lax enforcement

The irony runs long and deep with this one.

As to the Minutemen in general: I appreciate the hell out of their spirit and their willingness to put themselves in physical danger for what they believe in. Their pandering name is a joke, though, and by essentially operating a poorly screened, poorly trained private armed militia on private land they're offending the principles of the same nation they want to protect. A virtuous cause doesn't justify any and all means.

If they were purely an observe-and-report operation with no armament (I know, I know, self defense) and no knuckleheads in their ranks, it would be one thing. But even certain elements of their leadership seem to be falling into the kind of reactionary, diatribe-fueled fantasyland that leads to Very Bad Things:

This judge [ruling against a Border Patrol agent who fatally shot an illegal who threw rocks at him] should be immediately dragged out, arrested and sent to Gitmo for crimes against our country! Or better yet, tie him to a post near the border fence in Douglas [Ariz.] and attach 10 burritos to him as bait for these innocent little Mexican rock throwers! Put a sign next to him that says, ‘I work for the U.S. Border Patrol.’ He wouldn’t last 10 minutes. ****!
[Talking about the elaborate fake border fence he built around his house for Halloween, complete with scarecrows in the act of jumping it] We discovered there is nothing scarier to an illegal alien (and their little anchor baby goblins) than a mock border fence scene.

Paragon of patriotic American virtue, that one. San Diego's Minutemen chapter got "disbarred" from the greater organization, so at least the bigger group can claim that much.

Yet the damage, a bright light of public insight into an organization with more than a few nuts in it, has been done. Few people know or care that the San Diego chapter is rogue. They'll see the name "Minutemen" and that will be that. After all, the rogue chapter is still patrolling the borders near their city, right? The popular arithmetic says Same Name + Same Purpose = Same People. Fair or not, such is the danger of a group with no truly grounded, established, known-rational leadership: Who's who?

Obviously these guys -- as deep thinkers who pondered the ramifications of sacrificing certain aspects of their local civilized society in favor of bolstering others -- have decided that their region of the nation simply can't continue to subsist unless the illegal immigration problem is curtailed. This is the only truly rational justification for operating an armed independent (non-police, non-Border Patrol, non-National Guard, non-revolutionary) watch over American territory while submitting to zero governmental oversight. Are they justified to do it? I certainly couldn't tell you. Seems like that argument, and the justification for their rhetoric, could go either way.

Essentially they're adding a potentially massive cost to the default practice of allowing illegals to cross our border, with the idea that in some sense it eventually will prove too politically expensive for the government to remain lax. They're trying to change the equation so immigration reform looks less expensive than a private armed "monitoring" force with a (purposeful or accidental?) stone-nuts contingent.

That's admirable and persuasive in a way, but not in the way their wingnut contingent (and potentially others in the main group) are doing it. Not by threatening judges and promising lethal harm to rock-throwers and whipping up xenophobic sentiment as a deliberate ploy. Their ethical credibility is zero. Who in this country is going to take them seriously?

It seems to me that their presence will add some effectiveness to border operations, but at the increased risk of dangerous interactions between illegals, Mexican profiteers, and untrained and poorly screened self-appointed geographic/cultural vanguards who sometimes manage to be straight-up knuckleheads.

Messy. I think I agree with their median sentiment and maybe even their median approach, but much of the rhetoric that gets publicized wrecks all of it for me.

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I don't like vigilante groups in general, and according to some reports, the Minutemen have done a particularly bad job in keeping out the white supremacists like members of Aryan Nation and National Alliance from infiltrating their movement.


This may be inevitable, given that white supremicists are naturally going to be drawn to a group that is working to keep brown people out of the US, even if the group itself is not doing so for racist reasons.

I might add that the founder of the Minutemen, Jim Gilchrist, is kind of loopy. Certainly anyone who publishes a book with WorldNetDaily nutter king Jerome Corsi is playing with the fringe.

Also, the few people who claimed to be Minutemen that I have seen protesting in San Francisco had no problem throwing around the terms "wetbacks" "spics" and "beaners" with abandon but I am not sure they were actually affiliated with the Minutemen rather than just independent racist jerks.

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Also, the few people who claimed to be Minutemen that I have seen protesting in San Francisco had no problem throwing around the terms "wetbacks" "spics" and "beaners" with abandon but I am not sure they were actually affiliated with the Minutemen rather than just independent racist jerks.

They might have just been big fans of Ned Holness, the comedian also known as Carlos Mencia.

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Everyone should have a cause.

I disagree. Though imo it's perfectly fine to have a cause.

Just be honest about it. Don't call yourselves something you're not. These guys are not New England Farmers fighting against tyranny and the British Empire.

Maybe they could call themselves "Rednecks Against Crossing Into States Territory". Or RACISTS for short :silly:

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I disagree. Though imo it's perfectly fine to have a cause.

Just be honest about it. Don't call yourselves something you're not. These guys are not New England Farmers fighting against tyranny and the British Empire.

Maybe they could call themselves "Rednecks Against Crossing Into States Territory". Or RACISTS for short :silly:


I think you just won the thread.

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I disagree. Though imo it's perfectly fine to have a cause.

Just be honest about it. Don't call yourselves something you're not. These guys are not New England Farmers fighting against tyranny and the British Empire.

Maybe they could call themselves "Rednecks Against Crossing Into States Territory". Or RACISTS for short :silly:

Well, John Adams did sign off on the Alien and Sedition act. ;)

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I disagree. Though imo it's perfectly fine to have a cause.

Just be honest about it. Don't call yourselves something you're not. These guys are not New England Farmers fighting against tyranny and the British Empire.

Maybe they could call themselves "Rednecks Against Crossing Into States Territory". Or RACISTS for short :silly:

To be fair it is called Jim Gilcrests Minuteman Project, it looks like the term has taken on a new meaning. Seems to me the original Minuteman did the same thing as the Minuteman Project is trying to do, and that's standing up against foreign invaders aka illegal immigrants.

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To be fair it is called Jim Gilcrests Minuteman Project, it looks like the term has taken on a new meaning. Seems to me the original Minuteman did the same thing as the Minuteman Project is trying to do, and that's standing up against foreign invaders aka illegal immigrants.

I'll be sure to dust off the WOLVERINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! battle cry when those crazy mexican illegals start parachuting in on our schools and setting up concentration camps.

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To be fair it is called Jim Gilcrests Minuteman Project, it looks like the term has taken on a new meaning. Seems to me the original Minuteman did the same thing as the Minuteman Project is trying to do, and that's standing up against foreign invaders aka illegal immigrants.

I see your point, but people coming here to earn a better wage and live a better life isn't exactly the same thing as a legion of barbarian invaders wielding pitchforks and battle axes, now is it? I'm not saying that you believe it is the same thing, but the phrase "foreign invaders" has that kind of ring to it.

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yup. Not to mention that Redcoats were armed and looking to use them to take over the land whereas the Mexicans have arms and are looking to use them to provide labor in exchange for money.
.........that they ship back to their homeland hurting our economy in return, all while living on our land collecting the benefits that only our citizens and legal visitors / immigrants should be allowed to take advantage of.
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.........that they ship back to their homeland hurting our economy in return, all while living on our land collecting the benefits that only our citizens and legal visitors / immigrants should be allowed to take advantage of.

You do realize that a certain amount of these workers are necessary in our economy, right?

. . . and I'm not saying illegal immigrants aren't a problem either - but I always get a laugh out of Lou Dobbs and how he manages to take any problem and somehow relate it back to illegal immigrants.

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It's always funny how nobody gets pissed over the Russians and Eastern Europeans that are taking over. Many tourist towns are staffed almost exclusively with Russians during peak months.

But, they're the right color and their women are hot. So, no big deal. Ditto Canadian snowbirds who spend so much time here.


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.........that they ship back to their homeland hurting our economy in return, all while living on our land collecting the benefits that only our citizens and legal visitors / immigrants should be allowed to take advantage of.

....... providing cheap labor lowering the cost of products and services giving more value to the dollar.

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You do realize that a certain amount of these workers are necessary in our economy, right?

I know for a fact that there is no way in hell the Gulf Coast gets rebuilt for anywhere near 1/10th the cost or in 1/2 the time without this labor.

I did landscaping in college. Paid $7.50/ hour... which in 1995 was a ****LOAD of money to be making. With all the hours I could want.

The owner couldn't find help anywhere. Nobody wanted to work. Even at his inflated wages. I was the only person that worked there (besides the foremen) for longer than a few weeks. It was grueling work out in the heat that required some degree of fortitude and stamina. Nobody wanted to do it. I'm convinced he could have paid $10/hour with a similar result.

Nowadays, try and find one landscaper anywhere in the country who ISN'T Mexican. There's a reason for it. Nobody else wants it. Period, end of subject.


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It's always funny how nobody gets pissed over the Russians and Eastern Europeans that are taking over. Many tourist towns are staffed almost exclusively with Russians during peak months.

But, they're the right color and their women are hot. So, no big deal. Ditto Canadian snowbirds who spend so much time here.


Are the majority of them here legally?

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