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"No one else in the league wants Jason Campbell..."

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The Broncos didnt want Cutler because his attitude would be a detriment to the team. The Broncos didnt want Campbell because his lack of skill would be a detriment to the team. You cannot make the argument that they didnt want Cutler nor Campbell for the same reason.

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Indeed, as long as he keeps throwing 13 TDs and 6 INTs he will always have a starting QB job in the NFL. Why? Because there will always be a team whos starter has a 70 QB rating, 11 TDs and 13 INTs. It is pretty absurd for anybody to claim no one would want an 84 QB rating QB in the NFL. Every year 10-15 NFL teams would give their right hand for that. No, its not super amazing, but it is starter material in the NFL.

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The Broncos didnt want Cutler because his attitude would be a detriment to the team. The Broncos didnt want Campbell because his lack of skill would be a detriment to the team. You cannot make the argument that they didnt want Cutler nor Campbell for the same reason.

And Kyle Ortons skill would be a benefit to the team? Really?

He didn't make an argument that they didn't want Cutler for the same reason, he made the argument that they didn't want Cutler or Campbell.

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Califan, serious question for you -


He's our starting QB right now. If Snyder and Vinny didnt want to extend Campbell, why would he be starting? Werent Snyder and Vinny the ones who only let Campbell start last year? Is it really killing you to root for Jason?

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That’s just eight teams right there, the article further reports that the Redskins are in the market for Cutler as well. Many of you will think, “they’re content because Jason Campbell is their passer.” The article explains, that Jim Zorn and Dan ‘Money Bags’ Synder went out to visit USC players Mark Sanchez and Brian Cushing, but they were possibly more interested in Sanchez. Synder may stop at nothing to make Jay Cuter a skin, and there has been unofficial reports of Synder meeting with Mike Shanahan. I don’t feel as this trade will be a viable option for Denver because they won’t want Jason Campbell. Denver must have a replacement quarterback unless they feel like Chris Simms can do the job.

Here is what denver was thinking.

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I think its more like "no one wanted to give up a second rounder for Jason Campbell".

I think thats probably fair enough at this point in time.

this is the part I'm most interested in, if indeed we did try to shop JC for a 2nd rounder and received no offers... for 31 GMs and coaches to believe your starting QB is not worth a second rounder is a brutal statement...

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my point was that this silly diatribe poking a finger in the chest of other posters to score points like a 5 year year old in the schoolyard is a total distractor. The overture was made. The team hasn't extended the contract. They clearly aren't completely committed. Right, wrong, indifferent...who cares? These guys have no long-run plan for roster management. They are rank amateurs.

So, because they aren't giving Campbell an extension, they have no long-term planning for this organization? What the hell? It sounds more like pragmatism to me, something that others have suggested is lacking in this organization.

Considering all the arguing about Cutler the past couple of weeks, it shows how divided the fans are about Campbell. There is a lot of debate on whether he's a good QB or not. It is obvious that the FO feels the same, that he hasn't shown enough to commit millions of dollars to him. I doubt too many people on the board will disagree with that decision, except for those who have blind faith in Campbell's abilities.

To say that the team lacks long-term planning because of that is kinda silly. Kinda hard to commit to a guy who hasn't shown you he can be the guy yet.

As for all the rumors, all it says is that one team didn't want Campbell. If you believe the Cleveland rumors, one other team did want Campbell. The rumor that the team offered Campbell as a 2nd round pick (to one team, if I remember correctly) was flatly denied by the team.

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Last year this time most were saying it was his make or break year. And some even the year before that. Guess we get to suffer through his 5th year of being a "young QB" with all the typical excuses rehashed. But at least we will win enough games again this yeprevent us from having a shot at the top QB next draftar to . Not good enough to win anything. Not bad enough to gain anything. Been a long 20 years.

that's sad

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Why are so many people on this board so confused?? Dan Snyder is the ONE person in this organization who doesn't want Campbell. I mean it's not like Dan's an ex-football player, or even an athlete for that matter, so his opinion only matters from a financial standpoint. Zorn likes Campbell and that's all that matters.

Move on people.

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. Zorn likes Campbell and that's all that matters.

Move on people.

WTF are you talking about?

Zorn also benched Portis for a few series.

Portis then insulted him on the radio. Dan and Vinny hid like little girls.

Did that show any faith in the HC at all?

Zorn likes JC. Like that matters?:hysterical:

Who do you think the HC here is? Zorn? Hysterical.

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yup, I think several posters have created a dystopian quarterback situation that just doesn't reflect reality. Campbell has one year to prove if he's our guy, but for that year he has my full support because he is one of our guys.

As someone I've often disagreed with but has earned my respect, when the heck did you become so delusional?

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WTF are you talking about?

Zorn also benched Portis for a few series.

Portis then insulted him on the radio. Dan and Vinny hid like little girls.

Did that show any faith in the HC at all?

Zorn likes JC. Like that matters?:hysterical:

Who do you think the HC here is? Zorn? Hysterical.

And what does that have to do with the price of tea in China, other than the fact that you are still bitter that Portis wasn't benched permanently for those comments? :hysterical:

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Another incontrovertible FACT is that neither of those things has anything whatsoever to do with what I asked.

One last incontrovertible FACT is that not really addressing the topic is usually par for the course with you lol :cool:...

FACT: you made a great thread. I will freely admit that.

FACT: you made a great babe draft

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Uhh, the news reports are that after exploring trading JC, a league front office source told them they weren't going to get more than a 5th for him. Some of that is due to his contract, a lot due to uncertainty regarding his future.

At this point, he's not even worth the round status of Sage Rosenfels when we first drafted him. However, given a draft and maybe a team looking for someone healthy to compete, his value may go up.

I think teams would definitely TAKE Jason but not as guaranteed starter.

In the NFL, I don't think Jason DEFINITELY starts for ANY team. He is given a shot to compete. Well, maybe the Lions but I hear they like Culpepper for next year but I can see him going there.

If you're the Niners why would you bench Shaun Hill when he outperformed Campbell in that game and played better down the stretch? To COMPETE for a role? Sure.

But unlike Cutler who would have been GUARANTEED starter from Day One on the vast majority of NFL teams, Campbell would only be assured of a roster spot.

So basically, what has been said about him is true.

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I think Califan accomplished what he set out to do with this thread. I just went through every page and I have yet to find someone with this actual line of thought really reply. They only come close to replying, but they have to change the entire premise (they make it about Campbell not being wanted by more than a few teams, or he's simply not viewed as a starter) to justify a response.

so what?

this has got to be one of the lamest, self-serving lines of thought that keeps reappearing year after year...by the self-anointed apostles of virtue, truth and "football knowledge".

not specifically directed at you LDO...but what a crock of.........

what a group of closet fascists we have here!

You know, it seems like the only fascist here is you. You absolutely ALWAYS chime in about the same exact thing in every thread you go to, namely, you're blatant and utter subjectivity. It's as if there's no such thing as calling a spade a spade with you. LDO is telling the truth (and yes, there is such a thing as truth, and yes, sometimes people do grasp it better than others) and yet you feel the need to insult his intelligence, labeling him self-righteous and thus, questioning his humility.

He's answered you quite well within this thread, so I don't need to go further as to why he IS stating the truth about so many on this board.

again...you don't get it: I don't set my limits according to the blindered worldview of the OP or any other person hades bent on scoring puerile points.

I don't have to jump off the same moronic cliff. The essence of the matter WHICH YOU ALL ARE ADROITLY AVOIDING is that the Skins were marketing their QB. That's what counts...not all this other silly XXXXXXXXX.

There it is again. You've come to the conclusion that the OP has a "blindered" worldview, and is hades bent on scoring "puerile points" simply because he's calling a spade a spade. The fact that there is a large segment of people on this board stating that no team in the NFL wants Campbelll, a belief that is simply erroneous without question, and that he wants to correct the error must mean he's petty, which then gives you the right in your own mind to insult his intentions for making a thread like this.

I guess noone is supposed to tell anyone the sky is blue anymore. If the person sees it as green, who cares, right? Well, sorry... but others have a worldview that states they should care. Enjoy calling it "blindered".

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I think teams would definitely TAKE Jason but not as guaranteed starter.

In the NFL, I don't think Jason DEFINITELY starts for ANY team. He is given a shot to compete. Well, maybe the Lions but I hear they like Culpepper for next year but I can see him going there.

If you're the Niners why would you bench Shaun Hill when he outperformed Campbell in that game and played better down the stretch? To COMPETE for a role? Sure.

But unlike Cutler who would have been GUARANTEED starter from Day One on the vast majority of NFL teams, Campbell would only be assured of a roster spot.

So basically, what has been said about him is true.

:applause: McPimpin I love your contribution to this board.

The problem with this thread is we're having a bit of bait and switch here. When people say no one in the NFL but the redskins wants Campbell, they mean, as McPimpin pointed out, as a guaranteed starter. And even if you could come up with a handful of teams that would want JC as a Guaranteed starter which I think would be a tough thing to do, it still wouldn't undermine the spirit of the statement that no one in the NFL wants JC, namely that our QB situation isn't envied by many, which isn't something that can often be said of the great playoff teams. Usually, the great teams do have a QB situation that is envied by most of the trailing pack.

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I think its more like "no one wanted to give up a second rounder for Jason Campbell".

I think thats probably fair enough at this point in time.

How do you know? Because the Redskins supposedly offered Jason Campbell to some team(s) for a 2nd rounder and the Cutler trade wasn't consummated?

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OK, I'll respond in such a way that you might understand and not dismiss as "Hater Talk".

I keep reading this statement again and again on threads...as well as this nugget of wisdom: "The only team in the NFL that wants Campbell is the Redskins."

Why do people keep saying either of these things?

As you mention below, the Broncos preferred Orton to Campbell. I'm not sure where this came from, but some rumors are saying they wanted Brennan over Campbell.

As for the 1st statement:

The only team we know of that did not want Campbell was the Broncos. But as Bang pointed out on another thread, they also didn't want Cutler lol. Does it mean anything that the Broncos didn't want Cutler, didn't want Campbell...but DID want Kyle Orton?

Kind of silly double talk on your part as the HC came back as saying Cutler was his man an even waived his jersey around. Truth is, the HC screwed up and the Redskins FO tried to make sure not to do the same thing with Campbell. But the truth is they (Redskins) did seek Cutler.

I mean, how many of you would have gotten excited if you woke up yesterday morning and heard that Snyder and Vinny traded Campbell to the Bears and got Orton to replace him? And we wouldn't have received any extra draft picks because, you know, obviously Orton is a better QB than Campbell, right? Since the Broncos think so then "everyone in the NFL" must think this as well...in fact, we probably would have had to sweeten the deal and also give the Bears our 3rd round or 5th round draft pick, at minimum. Would that be cool with you?

The truth is they didn't want Orton nor was there any talk of wanting Orton, so again, silly double talk on your part. This is becoming a discussion with a lot of nonsense distractions and side bars.

Of the other 30 teams in the league, the only other team that weighed in on the matter was the Cleveland Browns, who apparently did want Jason Campbell.

So since when does "Broncos don't want Jason Campbell" = "Nobody in the NFL wants Jason Campbell"?

Why would the Browns want Campbell when they have a healthy competition between Quinn and Anderson? And where did you see the Browns wanted Campbell. If you noticed, I qualified my statement of the Broncos wanting Brennan with "I'm not sure where this came from." You know, the problem with media/journalists/US Senators today is they aren't required to back their statements with recordable facts (try empirical data). (Barney Franks here we come)

As for the 2nd statement:

So the Skins are the "only team in the league who wants Jason Campbell"?...Is that why the Skins were trying to get rid of him? lol

Since when does "Trying to trade Jason Campbell away" = "Wanting to keep Jason Campbell as the QB"?...Doesn't that seem at least a little contradictory?

If any of you have posted either of these comments, I'd love some clarity lol :silly:

No contradiction. Fact is the Redskins did look into acquiring Cutler. Deduction to the inquiry would be that the FO does not have the same faith in Campbell as you do. Fact is the FO did bring Leftwich in for a workout right after their big discussion with Campbell. Deduction to the inquiry, Leftwich may be seen as a backup to Campbell, but why when you just signed Collins to a 3 yr $9 million contract. Deduction could be that Leftwich might be seen as a replacement to Campbell, why??, they have very similar mechanics and I would prefer Campbell to Leftwich, my preference. So I really don't know what the FO is thinking when it comes to Leftwich.

The truth about your OP is that you like Campbell and want to try and disprove/ridicule any negative statements about Campbell with double talk and intentional distractions within you supposed questions. The OP wasn't questions at all, but posed statements with very little of bipartisan discussion as to why some do not want Campbell. That was your true question wasn't it?????

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Honestly all yall Jason Campbell haters need to stfu. When we were 6-2 and Jason was an MVP canidate yall was praising him. Then we go 2-6 because our o-line is old/hurt. Now "Jason can't get it done.""He's not smart enough" and all that other BS. I didn't here anyone calling for Colt after 6-2. I know he's da QB and he gets some of the blame, but I'm glad we have a efficient QB with a big arm. I think he needs to throw the ball downfield more and be more agressive, but when your throwing to 5'10'' recievers it's hard to throw outside the numbers and down the field.

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