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Why Can't I sleep!


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I had gotten on a really good sleep routine, I was going to be at like 11 and waking up around 7 or 8, feeling good.

Then I went out one weekend and ended up staying up unti like 4 in the morning and sleeping the whole next day.

I got sick of going to bed at like 3 or 4 and then sleeping until noon. Yes, i'm unemployed :doh:

So I decided two nights ago that I was going to wake up early and stay awake the whole day, hopefully resulting in being able to sleep the next night.

The other night it was 4 something before I fell asleep and I forced myself to wake up at 8. I stayed up the whole day and around 10:30 I fell asleep, only to wake up an hour later and be up the whole night again.

This morning I did the same thing, I woke up at 8 and i've been fighting it all day, I tried to go bed around 11, do for like half an hour then boom wake up and I have this feeling i'm going to be up all night again.

-I don't drink coffee

-I drink coke or whatever, but not in excess, I don't even think I had a soda today.

-I'm not really worried about anything, so it's not stress keeping me up, unless I just don't know i'm stressed out.

But yeah, he's to another fun night of being up flipping through the channels and wondering why with 200 some channels there is never anything on.

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If my sports teams sucking resulted me in losing sleep, how in the world would I have slept any in the past 18 years as a Redskin fan? :silly:

Cause Dallas hasnt won a playoff game in that span. :)

Anyways, do you do anything to wear yourself out during the day? Hit the gym, go for a run, anything like that?

Ive found that if i dont go to the gym for several days in a row, i have a harder time sleeping without drugs.

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Cause Dallas hasnt won a playoff game in that span. :)

Anyways, do you do anything to wear yourself out during the day? Hit the gym, go for a run, anything like that?

Ive found that if i dont go to the gym for several days in a row, i have a harder time sleeping without drugs.

I do, I coach baseball, so from like 3 to 6 i'm outside and I run around and do drills with the kids because I find if I can show them how to do it first they understand it better.

I also run on and eliptical machine for 30 mintues or so after dinner.

It's like i'm getting this burst of energy late and night, I get tired enough to sleep but I can only stay asleep for an hour or so then i'm up for the rest of the night.

I'm going to give it another shot tomorrow, wake up early, around 8, stay up all day without taking a nap and hope that around 11 at night i'll sleep through to the next day.

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The thing that used to keep me up was the sodas. Then once I started caffeine-free sodas I was fine. I also tend to think about alot of things when I lie down. That didn't help, either. But I've been sleeping pretty well, lately.

Btw, how does someone who is unemployed have 200 channels?

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I do, I coach baseball, so from like 3 to 6 i'm outside and I run around and do drills with the kids because I find if I can show them how to do it first they understand it better.

I also run on and eliptical machine for 30 mintues or so after dinner.

It's like i'm getting this burst of energy late and night, I get tired enough to sleep but I can only stay asleep for an hour or so then i'm up for the rest of the night.

I'm going to give it another shot tomorrow, wake up early, around 8, stay up all day without taking a nap and hope that around 11 at night i'll sleep through to the next day.

Dude, you're only 27. I find it funny that you are calling someone only about 10 years younger, a "kid".

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Dude, you're only 27. I find it funny that you are calling someone only about 10 years younger, a "kid".

What should I call "people" in high school? It sounds like your offended that i'm calling someone who still lives at home with mom and dad and is going to the prom in a month, a kid.

Not to mention, I work with "kids" that are freshman, sophmores, juniors, and seniors, so the oldest i'm dealing with is 17, some are 13 and 14.

I think i'm safe calling them kids.

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Man.. I feel you.

This madness all started Sunday.

I didn't go to bed Saturday night. So I went into work at 6 A.M. Sunday on no sleep. Got off at 2, came home, crashed.

Woke up at 10 PM. Didn't get back to sleep.. so went into work Monday like that. Got home at 3, crashed, but this time woke up at 7 PM.

I've been up ever since.. and I have to be at work at 6 AM again.. I'm screwed.

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Drink lots of beer man. Thats what i did to get my biological clock back in order a few weeks back. But now i am on your time too. Thats what i get for playing games at night. Lol, time to get fuked up tonight.

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I've been in a funk of insomnia for a week or so. Gone through this before, but it's been awhile. totallly sucks. I try to go to bed at 9pm, get up at 5am...but I end up not getting to sleep til close to midnight,....tired as hell, but the next day, still can't get to sleep...

I've never tried melatonine, but about to.

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I had this same problem and I hate sleeping pills because they make me drowsy the following day. It was so bad that I went to the doctor after about three months.

She simply stated that I had thrown my sleep cycle out of whack. She game me some sleeping pills that did not make me drowsy the next day. I took them for seven days straight at the same time every night. Problem solved. Those pills made me feel so much better the following day!

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I can't work out at night and fall asleep at a normal time and I can no longer drink soda in the afternoon and get to sleep at a normal time.

I suggest working out morning or mid-day unless you want to wait until your body adjusts to working out at night (which I hear happens eventually).

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What should I call "people" in high school? It sounds like your offended that i'm calling someone who still lives at home with mom and dad and is going to the prom in a month, a kid.

Not to mention, I work with "kids" that are freshman, sophmores, juniors, and seniors, so the oldest i'm dealing with is 17, some are 13 and 14.

I think i'm safe calling them kids.

Lighten up, man. In no way was I offended. Its just that you're not that much older than they are, is all im saying. You could have called them your "guys" or "players". btw. Carry on! Its not that big a deal.

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