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Yahoo Sports,com: Redskins Team Report (Devin and Malclom) (M.E.T.)


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There was plenty of excitement at Redskin Park on draft day last April. That’s not typical for a team that had chosen 11 fewer than the minimum number of players in the precious five drafts. In 2008, the Redskins chose a whooping 10 players, including a trio in the second round, who inspired most of the aforementioned excitement.

Receiver Devin Thomas had burst into stardom in his second season at Michigan State, setting a school record with 79 catches and leading the Big 10 with 1,260 receiving yards. Thomas had generally been forecast to be picked midway through the first round, so the Redskins were thrilled to land him with the 34th choice.

Fred Davis had won the Mackey Award as the nation’s top tight end as a senior at USC, which he led with 62 catches for 881 yards and eight touchdowns in 2008.

Receiver Malcolm Kelly, taken 51st overall, three picks after Davis, ranked second in receiving yards and touchdown catches despite playing just three years at Oklahoma.

But the trio’s rookie year was eminently forgettable. Davis earned his most attention for oversleeping a minicamp session. Thomas and Kelly both missed preseason with leg injuries and Kelly’s knee continued to bother him during much of the season. All told, they combined for just 21 catches, 165 yards and no touchdowns (not counting the one Thomas scored on a run).

Thomas did eventually work himself into some playing time and had the bulk of the trio’s production with 15 catches and 120 yards. Davis was stuck behind two-time Pro Bowl pick Chris Cooley and veteran blocker Todd Yoder. But even when he was healthy in December, Kelly couldn’t get on the field.

“I learned that, especially as a young guy, when you get hurt or take some time off, you still have to study and look at the game plan like you’re playing,” Kelly said. “I kind of got down on myself and when they put the game plans out, I was like, ‘Well, I ain’t gonna be playing for another month, so whatever.’ But now I know what I have to do.”

To that end, Kelly and Thomas were among the handful of players who have spent most of the seven weeks since the season ended at Redskin Park working on their bodies and their games.

“Last year was bittersweet for both Malcolm and Devin,” said Redskins coach Jim Zorn. “They enjoyed being part of the team, but they were disappointed that they didn’t play much. They’ve been working hard in order to contribute a lot more this season.”

Or as Kelly out it, “I’m gonna have the biggest chip on my shoulder.”

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nice to hear somebody else saying that Thomas is working...take that JLC!!!

For JLC to know this, he would have to be at Redskins Park, which I'm not sure he is welcome, or actually do research before he writes and speaks. We all know he doesn't do the latter.

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I'm getting excited about these guys... very excited. They all look like they are taking posotive strides to become the best they can be. They are playing with chips on their shoulders.

Hopefully come preseason, we get to see some excitement from these guys; hopefully during the regular season too!

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I'm super excited to see if Davis can remember to block or run a pass pattern on any given play.

I'm excited to see if Kelly can have more catches than procedures to drain his knee.

I'm even more excited to see if Thomas can live up to the one remarkable year.

The most dangerous word in pro sports....potential

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"Chip"? Who is Malcolm Kelly going to be pissed off at? (don't end a sentence with a preposition on)

Seriously, is HE going to prove himself wrong. If anything he should be pissed at himself. How can you have a chip on your shoulder when you are to blame for your shortcomings? What a douche. Did he mean that he was going to have a chip on his shoulder b/c he's pissed at his knee? :rolleyes:

If any of the three 2nd rounders had been drafted by the Titans or Steelers, do you think that they'd have been allowed to perform so poorly with little or no consequence? I can't imagine that all three of them were flops. In other words, it may not be completely their fault. There is a common denominator with the Redskins talent evaluators/staff who never seem to develop young talent....ever... especially on the offensive side of the ball.

There is something wrong there and I can't imagine why these three 2nd year guys (now) are going to magically contribute in year number two of their respective careers. I just don't see it. Devin Thomas will have a couple of TD's and 400 yards or so, but that's about it. There aren't enough balls to go around for Cooley, Moss, ARE, Portis, Thomas, Kelly, and Davis. Two of the rookies are going to be the odd men out by default.

Stupid f'in FO. Our first pick should be used on a sub 4.40 explosive skill guy IMO [haven't drafted "that guy" in years] even though we have LB, OL, and DL needs. Since the FO flopped on their skill guys last year, I'm sure they'll save face and not go that route. Can you imagine if they did? I'm sure their are plenty of balls to go around though if they do go that route. Again, stupid f'in FO. Where's Ted Leonsis when you need him?

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I'm getting excited about these guys... very excited. They all look like they are taking posotive strides to become the best they can be. They are playing with chips on their shoulders.

Hopefully come preseason, we get to see some excitement from these guys; hopefully during the regular season too!

dont read too much into this stuff...the same way JLC likes to sound extremely negative, we fans have a problem with seeing average stuff seem way too positive.

I'll believe stuff when I start seeing it for myself on the field. Everything else is speculation.

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