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When to resign Jason Campbell?


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Add a couple of what-ifs. What if the new crop of receivers is suddenly open every play and running routes like trained professionals? What if we draft a couple of top-notch linemen and the OL starts giving Campbell all day to throw the ball? I can think of some real funny answers to those, but if the rest of the offense steps up and makes Campbell look like an all_Pro, what if Campbell doesn't want to stay here?

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Never. I worry that he turns out a Derrick Anderson type of year, gets paid and takes us to the cleaners and then regresses when we fire Zorn and bring in a new coach and we end up regreting it. If he wins the devision or goes deep into the playoffs then we should go for it, that way Zorn's definitly retained. Anything less and its too risky

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Never. I worry that he turns out a Derrick Anderson type of year, gets paid and takes us to the cleaners and then regresses when we fire Zorn and bring in a new coach and we end up regreting it. If he wins the devision or goes deep into the playoffs then we should go for it, that way Zorn's definitly retained. Anything less and its too risky

Honestly, our team just isn't that good. It isn't a given that we're going to win the division even if JC steps up.

People just aren't opening themselves up to the possibility that he could play great and we still might not go deep in the playoffs or make them at all.

Look at Drew Brees. It isn't all the QB, as much as people want to believe it is.

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Honestly, our team just isn't that good. It isn't a given that we're going to win the division even if JC steps up.

People just aren't opening themselves up to the possibility that he could play great and we still might not go deep in the playoffs or make them at all.

Right now I am thinking the Eagles have the inside track on the devision but really its wide open. The Giants without Plexico are not that impressive. The Cowboys have a ton of issues. The Eagles? They are a year older, Westbrooks breaking down more each year and we beat them twice this year. We also have the easiest schedule of the 4 teams in the devision once again. I think 11-5 wins the devision this season and I believe last year had Jason played better against Cinncinnatti and St. Louis and made some more plays we would have been 10-6. That's only one game off and not too far fetched.

Would I put money on us winning the devision this year? Not unless someone gave me 4-1 odds or better. But I do think its a possibility if Jason steps his game up. The thing that's been missing on this offense for years is a quality QB who can throw TD's and take some of the heat off of Portis's shoulders. Even on the Cardnials there is no way Jason would have put up numbers like Kurt Warner did. Jason simply isn't a playmaker. Since he can't throw TD's I doubt we win it but a devision title would mean to me that Jason actually becomes a TD throwing QB and can compete in this league. 13 TD's in 16 games is not worth re-signing to a multiple year contract.

Look at Drew Brees. It isn't all the QB, as much as people want to believe it is.

Imagine if we had gone after Brees when he was availible? How much better would the offense had played over that time?

Great QB's take average WR's and make them shine, just look at the year Brees just had. Marcus Colston not great, Lance Moore not great, Devery Henderson not great. Yet Brees elevated his play enough to almost break the record for yards in a season. He didn't have the best WR's in the game yet he had one of the best seasons ever for a QB. Tom Brady got his teams to three superbowls with average WR's. Ben Rothesberger just won the superbowl with average WR's. Our problems are not with our WR's, our problem is with who we have throwing them the ball

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We need to be looking at a finished product next year. Look at Aaron Rodgers. We should be expecting his type If we resign him on the basis of "he is improving" I will cry. Someone in the game as long as him either gets it or they don't. There are no more excuses. First round QB's are not supposed to be game managers. He needs to make plays and perform well enough to win us some games, instead of just doing enough to not lose them.

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Wait till the end of next season.

If he plays very well to elite performance, resign him at good starter money, like we should pay Hall, if Campbell earns it, and we keep Zorn.

If things turn out no better than last year, lowball Campbell and let him walk/trade him if another team offers more.

I actually expect Campbell to play a little better next season and make it a really tough decision. He's improved a little every year. Hope he lights it up so there's no doubt.

We may regret signing Campbell to big money if he plays lights out, instead of locking him up cheap early. But Campbell's been so mediocre for a starter QB here, we have to wait. It's really bad to overpay a mediocre QB. An elite QB on the other hand is worth far more than the going rate of salaries these days. Question is, where does Campbell fall on that scale?

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Jason Campbell's QB rating has increased every year even while we are switching offenses on him. We could resign him very cheaply right now, which i think is the smart thing to do. Then if he doesnt work out he has a very manageable salary which makes a trade much more likely, or to just keep as a backup.

This is his make or break year and i think we owe it to him to get him some more depth on the o-line.

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Add a couple of what-ifs. What if the new crop of receivers is suddenly open every play and running routes like trained professionals? What if we draft a couple of top-notch linemen and the OL starts giving Campbell all day to throw the ball? I can think of some real funny answers to those, but if the rest of the offense steps up and makes Campbell look like an all_Pro, what if Campbell doesn't want to stay here?

I think when the time came to re-sign him and Campbell had options elsewhere, he'd stay here. Just a hunch, I can't see him walking if we're tryna re-sign him too.

One thing though, we - per JLC - are banking on him becoming a RFA at the end of his contract, that's pending on two things:

1. the new CBA isnt put together quickly

2. if it is, it takes place immediately rather than the 1 year afterwards a lot of people are assuming - problem is, this is not set in stone anywhere.

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I think next year is his last chance. He neds to make, or break... and even then, I would not sign him long term. Maybe a short, incentive laden contract.

While I beleive JC can remain a solid starter, there are question marks on his resume. If we address the line problems, I think some of this can be remedied... IF...

Exactly he could perform for the last year of his contract , and then revert to his usual self after the big payday.

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Can't see any reason to worry about a contract for him regardless of what he does next season, which even if he betters himself we are not looking at an aw inspiring QB, especially one who takes as much time as he does to learn an offense, what team wants to wait 2 years for a free agent to learn their offense. We should be in no rush to sign him, he has made a lot of money for basically 4 years of nothing. I wonder what JC's value is around the rest of the league? I seriously doubt he could bring back a 2nd rd pick if he was put on the trading block?

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Jason hasn't proved enough to command a new contract. He has shown he has the talent to play the game but hasn't proven that he is any better than Rex Grossman or Luke McCown. They have shown flashes of great plays also but they have proven to be inconsistent also. So until he can prove that he can lead this team to consistent wins and he can play consistently against every team they play, he doesn't need a new contract. The team will need to go in a different direction and if Colt Brennan is the answer then play him, if not then draft one and start over again.

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You have to gauge some of the interest around the league right now. I'm not hearing of anyone who would want JC as even a backup. I suspect that if he has a poor year this season, then he would probably be released. I can't imagine anyone trading anything for him. Sadly, i think in another 2 years, the guy might be out of football if he can't hack it as a backup or 3rd stringer somewhere else.

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Nothing to worry about as an RFA. No team would relinquish a 1st for him (except us LOL)

They would be crazy if they did. I really believe Jason has the ability to do well but a lot of it has to do with Campbell throwing caution to the wind and make things happen. Make the plays work and stop looking like a statue waiting to be chisel by a DE or Safety.... or a CB or a DT. You get the picture, the man scares me.

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