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Smoking Poll


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Originally posted by Bush League Bufford

legalize Marijuana, sell it in Bars....have the same laws as drunk driving and tax the hell out of it.

if only the government wasn't trying to decide how we live our lives by taking away our choices.... oh wait, this isn't the thread about the oreos.

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I don't smoke and it grosses me out when I'm stuck close by someone who does. But to be consistent, I'd have to say for the most part I believe people should be allowed to do whatever they want. So I wouldn't be for a complete ban, as long as indoor areas have a reasonably 'smoke-free' area. I think its absurd when you're in a small restaurant in the non-smoking section which is 6 feet away from the smoking section. I think banning it in outdoor areas (public or not) goes too far.

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there is a difference between smoke being in the air and smoke being blown in your face. i work in a casino and am a smoker and get plenty fed up with the smoke. when you have eight people sitting around you and all are smoking and blowing it in your face it makes me feel ill. so we have a non-smoking section (for pregnant women and non-smokers). and it works...



as long as the ventilation is good it is easy to do.

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My office building does not allow smoking in the garage area. Two ro three hundred times a day a car spews exhaust into the air, but try and light a Parliment and sirens go off. Its an issue that is out of control. People are zapping cell phone rays into their ear all day long and forcing me to listen to their unnecessarily load one-sided conversation while I'm trying to enjoy some curry, but apparently people have no qualms stopping on the sidewalk to tell me that I'm going to die and my parents are going to have to bury me (true story). A little perspective would be nice.

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It should be the option of the owner/operator of the building. If I owned one, I know smoking would be banned except in desginated areas but no one should be forcing me to that decision. The owner of a business should adhear to the smoking rules of the building or make his/her area non-smoking if so desired.

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I think public smoking should be allowed under one condition.

Smokers should have to wear a completely enclosed helmet with an exhaust hose that feeds right back into the helmet.

Now, if you really want to start an interesting poll, ask people if they wash their hands after using the bathroom?

And yes, my momma also taught me not to piss on my hands.

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Originally posted by TheKurp

Smokers should have to wear a completely enclosed helmet with an exhaust hose that feeds right back into the helmet.

Why? Whats the objection? You think if people are allowed to have a cigarrette while strolling through the park you might get cancer? Or do you just find it offensive?

*edit*although it did just occur to me that you may be talking about indoor public areas...which in California are already banned. I can understand that, but banning smoking outside seems ridiculous to me

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Originally posted by TheKurp

Now, if you really want to start an interesting poll, ask people if they wash their hands after using the bathroom?

And yes, my momma also taught me not to piss on my hands.

Actually, I think the more interesting question to ask is if they wash their hands before AND after they use the bathroom.

Think about it.

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I am deathly allergic to cigarette smoke. Never have dated anyone who smokes.....and have to be so cautious where I go out.....does it allow smoking.....or not. No one is allowed to smoke in my house or my car.

I love going to the casinos.......and since they are always filled with smoke......I come home sick. By the time I make it across the state line going back to Texas...I can barely breathe.

Hmmmmmmmm........maybe I should give up the slots??!!!!




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I hear ya. However I figure it's none of my business if they want to touch their dicks with a dirty hand. On the other hand I have to touch the door handle on the way out of the bathroom. Which is of course why I use paper towel to open the door as I'm leaving.


Having practiced and mastered the art of hitting the bong every day for 15 years, I doubt I'll be able to blame lung cancer on 2nd hand smoke should I come down with the disease. I've been smoke free now for about 7 years so I figure it'll be another 3 to 5 years before my lungs recover fully, if that's even possible.

When I encounter cigarette smoke my nostrils constrict and I feel as though I can't get a full lung of air. That's my objection.

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I love the fact people point to the cost of smokers healthcare. Cost of health care? How about the billions of dollars in sin taxes generated from the purchase of tobacco products? How about all those years of paying into social security to never see the benifits? Sounds like the debt was paid MANY times over. Maybe we shouls look at the leading cause of death in this country. Heart disease. Hmm, considering that 65% of the nation is overweight and one third is obese shouldn't we require these individuals to pay higher health and life insurance premiums like we do with smokers? What is the leading cause of diabetes? Ding, ding, ding. That's right Johnny, what do we have for her. Well Wink, theres heart diease diabetes and liver failure (the crowd goes wild).


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Originally posted by phanatic

Maybe we should look at the leading cause of death in this country. Heart disease. Hmm, considering that 65% of the nation is overweight and one third is obese shouldn't we require these individuals to pay higher health and life insurance premiums like we do with smokers? What is the leading cause of diabetes? Ding, ding, ding. That's right Johnny, what do we have for her. Well Wink, theres heart diease diabetes and liver failure (the crowd goes wild).

Okay Phanatic, there's just you and I so far. How many more do we need before getting some party to adopt this on the next election's platform?

At this point I'd be willing to register as a ....[gasp] Republican if that's what it took to get people who voluntarily assume the risks to pay a higher portion of health insurance.

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Well I haven't read this entire thread, and don't have to. I'm a smoker of 30 years, and have no problem with an indoor ban. You can kiss my hairy Italian arse when it comes to not smoking outdoors.

If you can go to a BB-Q and deal with the smoke, my cig is no worse. Hidatchi style Asian cooking indoors has more smoke then a dozen cigs being smoked, yet non smokers go to those places to eat out..............don't they.

Oh ya, us smokers are causing the rise of health coverage. Don't bit(h folks, we pay more tax then the rest of you. When uncle sam needs money, the smokers get hit first.

I hope the entire country stops smoking, so the rest of you can kick in your fair share when taxes go up across the boards.

I have found NON SMOKERS to be the rudest, whiniest friggen bandwagoneers on the planet. I ask if anybody minds if I light up in my own home if a non smoker is present. If around non smokers outdoors, I also ask. I have been sitting outdoors smoking and have had people walk up and sit near me, and then complain I'm smoking more times then I can count. Decorum keeps me from posting what I tell them. Chased a guy at the Oktober fest this past year for calling my wife a pig for smoking. If not for my wife screeming at me to go no further, he was going to the ER that night.

About a month ago, I was at the Walmart. I opened the hatch on my van, and a guy walking by stops and says "Dam, you can smell the smoke roll out of that hell hole" I turned and headed for him, only to stop about three feet from him. His body oder would gag a magot. I told him I would cram a lit stogey up his arse if he didn't let the cut under his nose heal real fast, and to got to the car wash and get cleaned up.

If we ban smoking, we should also ban perfume and cologne in public. The shlitz gags me and many others I know. Spoils my dinner when out, and makes my sinuses burn. Auto air freshners also. Try working in a van that has two or three of them things. You wanna talk about a pounding skull. If I paid off the right group, I'm sure we could find health reasons to ban this stuff too.

To all the non smokers who don't like what I have to say TFB. You have taken away my rights, so don't be rude about it. You could encounter a person like me, and get pounded for being a di(k.

To all the smokers out there, do what I do. Keep an unlit smoke in your mouth when going into stores and dining. Watch how fast some bleeding heart will complain. It will disrupt things at times, and nobody can do a thing about it which makes me very happy.

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To me there's a massive difference between smoking in bars and smoking in restaurants.

Restaurants are eating establishments. Bars are drug dispensaries.

I was fine with smoking sections in restaurants, but I can understand the argument against smoking anywhere in restaurants. But to ban smoking in bars is bizarre.

Also, some restaurants have separate bars, and if smoking were allowed in only the bar section, that might be a workable compromise for everyone.

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Congratulations on quitting, I just quit smoking tobacco a couple of months ago, but I'm pretty confident its for good since the craving is no longer there. I do not have a problem banning smoking in enclosed areas, or even at FedEx Field for that matter, because I don't think someone else's pursuit of happiness should impose on Blondie or you in the extreme way cigarette smoke can. But I don't see how smoking in open air public areas imposes on anyone in an unreasonable fashion. It may be an inconvenience, you may not want to sit on a park bench next to a smoker, and anyone who plops down on an occupied bench and starts smoking without asking if anyone would mind is rude, but as long as its no more than an inconvenience I can't see how making it illegal can be justified. We have to accept a measure of inconvenience when doing anything in public.

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The title of the thread had me thinking of something else completely!! I thought it was maybe smoking pole!!!! Sorry had to do it. I smoke, and if it was banded all together I would not mind at all. I would save alot of money.

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Grew up with the stuff. Mom's a lifer when it comes to smoking, (sigh....she does this because I fuss at her...just know it. :silly: ). Restaraunts? Nope. I've worked in several "drug dispenseries" :rolleyes: and frankly consider that part of the deal. Outside? No problem really, as long as I'm not eating. :D That and just thought of Pete's hairy Italian arse. :silly:


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What pisses me off is those people in my office who spend half the day down in the garage smoking, like they are somehow entitled to work only half the day just because they smoke. They should only get paid for working half the day. What if I were to say I'm addicted to chocolate and I have to spend half the day downstairs at the vending machine to feed my chocolate habit. How long would I keep my job? Yet somehow it's OK for smokers. Pisses me off.

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Thats the point Larry. If the LAW would have allowed for designated smoking areas then there would have been an easier way to enforce "break times". Since there is NO SMOKING ALLOWED anywhere within a public building, people are forced to do this outdoors. Again, this is what happens when the liberals take over. They want to tell you how to run your business for you are much too ignorant to make these decisions on your own. What also works against them is their inability to combat addiction with resposibility. Just like alcoholism is a disease so is the addiction to smoking, therefore justifying your coworkers spending half the day in the garage smoking cigarettes. The best part of this legislation is that it was voted on by US the voter. YOU PEOPLE OPENED UP PANDORAS BOX. Everything the government touches, within the private sector, they destroy. "We reap what we sew".

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