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Its Not a Bad Thing for FedEx to Turn Green Sunday (Merged)


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hey op do you really know dan. im guessing not. so how can you pass judgement on him. I know the family and they want nothing more then the redskins to win every week. it litterally sickens them when we lose. so please think before posting. im tired of everyone blaming dan. ps they are very generous people and not greedy like alot think they are.

Ask Dan to pay your rent. You think he gives a **** about you? NOOOO.

I knew all the people saying, "Your a fair weather fan.:cry:" were going to come out in droves sooner or later. I knew it was just a matter of days before we would all get over the anger and humiliation we felt on Sunday. Well not me! I'm sick of this bull **** we watch every week. I'm sick of listening toLarry Michael blow smoke up my *** and falling for the same old "we're loaded with talent" talk every year. I'm sich of watching Dolphin fans down here in ecstacy over their winning turn around. I'm sick of teams like Atlanta and Baltimore and how they find ways to be good with nothing. I'm SICK of the ****ing GIANTS!!!!!!!!! Mother **** the Giants! **** the GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you all tear your achilles tendons this week. I hate you Eli Douchebag! I'm glad that ***** shot himself. I'm sorry Pierce didn't catch a ricochet. Thaaaaat's right. ****youuuuu Giants!

I want what these other fans get. Just once in a while. :( So go pound sand when you say we are fair weather fans and we should go away. We're all just as ardent fans as those who will be handing Dan Snyder money on this Sunday afternoon, but it has to STOP somewhere. I can't give any more money to this man and have people point and laugh any more. I'll sit at home and watch games. I look forward to the Green Sea Bowl this Sunday. No longer will I be made to feel guilty about being mad at this ****! It's like when I correct my daughter and she thinks she can cry and say, "you don't love me." :cry:just to make me guilty and forgive her and go on as business as usual. No no no, not this time. Of course I love them, but their ****ing me off.

:soapbox:Thank you, that will be all.

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Ask Dan to pay your rent. You think he gives a **** about you? NOOOO.

I knew all the people saying, "Your a fair weather fan.:cry:" were going to come out in droves sooner or later. I knew it was just a matter of days before we would all get over the anger and humiliation we felt on Sunday. Well not me! I'm sick of this bull **** we watch every week. I'm sick of listening toLarry Michael blow smoke up my *** and falling for the same old "we're loaded with talent" talk every year. I'm sich of watching Dolphin fans down here in ecstacy over their winning turn around. I'm sick of teams like Atlanta and Baltimore and how they find ways to be good with nothing. I'm SICK of the ****ing GIANTS!!!!!!!!! Mother **** the Giants! **** the GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you all tear your achilles tendons this week. I hate you Eli Douchebag! I'm glad that ***** shot himself. I'm sorry Pierce didn't catch a ricochet. Thaaaaat's right. ****youuuuu Giants!

I want what these other fans get. Just once in a while. :( So go pound sand when you say we are fair weather fans and we should go away. We're all just as ardent fans as those who will be handing Dan Snyder money on this Sunday afternoon, but it has to STOP somewhere. I can't give any more money to this man and have people point and laugh any more. I'll sit at home and watch games. I look forward to the Green Sea Bowl this Sunday. No longer will I be made to feel guilty about being mad at this ****! It's like when I correct my daughter and she thinks she can cry and say, "you don't love me." :cry:just to make me guilty and forgive her and go on as business as usual. No no no, not this time. Of course I love them, but their ****ing me off.

:soapbox:Thank you, that will be all.

I second that notion!

Agreed 100%

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I don't care if Dan Snyder makes any money or not. I don't care what he thinks of "my" support or lack thereof. I am a diehard Redskins fan, and I am going to go to the game, cheer my lungs out for MY team, win or lose, rain or shine, wet and miserable or not.

I'm going to show my support for the guys who have played all year whose hearts are down, to help build them back up so they can get on the upswing again. Because I love the Redskins unconditionally.

I'm going to go have fun with my diehard Redskin fan friends at the ES Tailgate for the last game of the year, who I won't get to see for awhile, hug them hard, and wish them Happy Holidays.

The fair-weather fan Grinches can stay at home warm and snuggly on their couch and continue to whine.

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Ask Dan to pay your rent. You think he gives a **** about you? NOOOO.

I knew all the people saying, "Your a fair weather fan.:cry:" were going to come out in droves sooner or later. I knew it was just a matter of days before we would all get over the anger and humiliation we felt on Sunday. Well not me! I'm sick of this bull **** we watch every week. I'm sick of listening toLarry Michael blow smoke up my *** and falling for the same old "we're loaded with talent" talk every year. I'm sich of watching Dolphin fans down here in ecstacy over their winning turn around. I'm sick of teams like Atlanta and Baltimore and how they find ways to be good with nothing. I'm SICK of the ****ing GIANTS!!!!!!!!! Mother **** the Giants! **** the GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you all tear your achilles tendons this week. I hate you Eli Douchebag! I'm glad that ***** shot himself. I'm sorry Pierce didn't catch a ricochet. Thaaaaat's right. ****youuuuu Giants!

I want what these other fans get. Just once in a while. :( So go pound sand when you say we are fair weather fans and we should go away. We're all just as ardent fans as those who will be handing Dan Snyder money on this Sunday afternoon, but it has to STOP somewhere. I can't give any more money to this man and have people point and laugh any more. I'll sit at home and watch games. I look forward to the Green Sea Bowl this Sunday. No longer will I be made to feel guilty about being mad at this ****! It's like when I correct my daughter and she thinks she can cry and say, "you don't love me." :cry:just to make me guilty and forgive her and go on as business as usual. No no no, not this time. Of course I love them, but their ****ing me off.

:soapbox:Thank you, that will be all.

I think you pretty well summed it up for a number of us...well-put Capt. :cheers:

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hey op do you really know dan. im guessing not. so how can you pass judgement on him. I know the family and they want nothing more then the redskins to win every week. it litterally sickens them when we lose. so please think before posting. im tired of everyone blaming dan. ps they are very generous people and not greedy like alot think they are.

Oh please. ou know the family? The "family" is just as arrogant as him, and all HE cares about is making a $$$. Now, does he want to win? Yes, he does, but he doesn't deserve to win, because he does not respect what it takes to truly win in the league and be viewed as a true football man. He is a RICH FAN, and acts like one when making moves. He doesn't know what the hell he is doing, and when he stops thinking he can run the place like it is truly a fantasy football league, maybe things will turn.

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Man, I can understand being upset, we got to drink the wine early in the year and we loved it. Now all we get is vinegar.

But when you accuse the team of quitting or giving up, then turn around a say boycott, you are just as bad as the team, your giving up.

Look the tickets have been sold. Danny is going to make his money.

The lack of merchandise sales is going to be a drop in the bucket. If anything, it may affect the minimum wage sales clerks who could loose their jobs or get sent home early because of lack of sales.

The beverage and food have nothing to do with danny, they are contracted out, so when all those Eagles fans get tanked on eight dollar beers, they are just putting money in the vendors pockets.

Oh, you say your not giving up on them, you are going to watch it on tv??

Well what about the tv rights and revenue??

If you really feel that strongly that things need to change then organize a letter writting campaign. Flood the Redskins FO with tons of emails.

Be proactive and not reactive.

And as for me, I believe that this year is just a stepping stone for next year, and I will be yelling at the TV come sunday, just hoping to see some posative things that get me anxious for next year.

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Keep rooting for the team, by all means. I am not advocating fans lose interest, or root for another team. Just don't spend your money at that stadium. And if you have tickets, sell them, preferably to an Eagles fan.

I would NEVER sell my tickets to the opposing fan and make the wonderful people who sit around me put with them. Thats just WRONG !

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I don't care if Dan Snyder makes any money or not. I don't care what he thinks of "my" support or lack thereof. I am a diehard Redskins fan, and I am going to go to the game, cheer my lungs out for MY team, win or lose, rain or shine, wet and miserable or not.

I'm going to show my support for the guys who have played all year whose hearts are down, to help build them back up so they can get on the upswing again. Because I love the Redskins unconditionally.

I'm going to go have fun with my diehard Redskin fan friends at the ES Tailgate for the last game of the year, who I won't get to see for awhile, hug them hard, and wish them Happy Holidays.

The fair-weather fan Grinches can stay at home warm and snuggly on their couch and continue to whine.

I agree 100 %:applause:

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hey op do you really know dan. im guessing not. so how can you pass judgement on him. I know the family and they want nothing more then the redskins to win every week. it litterally sickens them when we lose. so please think before posting. im tired of everyone blaming dan. ps they are very generous people and not greedy like alot think they are.

They want nothing more then to win TALK BLAH BLAH BLAH If they WANT TO WIN SO BAD. They should put people in charge who know how to do it. REAL FOOTBALL PEOPLE making the decisions not danny and Vinny. They have had 10 years to do it and all we have to show for it is a 48 percent winning stat. PATHETIC. We have had enough of his arrogance, stubborness and extortion of us the fans.

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Snyder is already counting money from the tickets that have long been sold for Sunday's game.

Not showing up isn't going to do a whole lot of good.

Now, giving up your season tickets, that's another story. The only way to REALLY hurt Snyder's wallet is to not pay for season tix.

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They want nothing more then to win TALK BLAH BLAH BLAH If they WANT TO WIN SO BAD. They should put people in charge who know how to do it. REAL FOOTBALL PEOPLE making the decisions not danny and Vinny. They have had 10 years to do it and all we have to show for it is a 48 percent winning stat. PATHETIC. We have had enough of his arrogance, stubborness and extortion of us the fans.

Does anyone know the skins record after Jack Kent Cooke died but BEFORE danny took over ? I don't think it was much better !

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I don't care if Dan Snyder makes any money or not. I don't care what he thinks of "my" support or lack thereof. I am a diehard Redskins fan, and I am going to go to the game, cheer my lungs out for MY team, win or lose, rain or shine, wet and miserable or not.

I'm going to show my support for the guys who have played all year whose hearts are down, to help build them back up so they can get on the upswing again. Because I love the Redskins unconditionally.

I'm going to go have fun with my diehard Redskin fan friends at the ES Tailgate for the last game of the year, who I won't get to see for awhile, hug them hard, and wish them Happy Holidays.

The fair-weather fan Grinches can stay at home warm and snuggly on their couch and continue to whine.


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Unless there are empty seats, I really don't think he gives a crap.

True for two reasons.

1. Even assuming that Dan Snyder really does care more about money than winning, the seats are already sold and he's not losing any money, nor will he unless people give up their tickets and the entire waiting list turns them down too.

2. It is ridiculous to think that Dan Snyder actually does care about money more than winning, anyway.

You know how we're always saying the cap doesn't matter? That's because Dan Snyder is willing to throw out insane amounts of bonus money to any player, over and over and over. No owner that cared about money over winning would do that. The hundreds of millions of dollars he pays out in bonuses probably dwarfs the few extra dollars he gets charging $8 for beers.

It's clear Snyder wants to win. Badly. Just watch him after the first Philly game. Whether or not he knows how to win is a different issue, but it baffles me that some people apparently think he doesn't care about it.

i'm not saying that Dan Snyder doesn't care about maximizing profits, because he clearly does, but it is equally clear he cares about winning even more. Where fans can legitimately disagree with him is how he goes about it.

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Are fan base sometimes...........sucks!!!! Yeah, its frustrating but I will be a Skins fan for life. Win, lose or draw. I will root for the B&G. Have some pride. Things didn't work out this year, but don't let other fans take over FEDEX. What the **** is wrong with you people?

If you really want change...(which everyone on this board does) you must show your disapproval. The season is over. I was disgusted by the Pitt game probably more so than the average fan because we were 6-2. This game is pointless. I would just assume every fan in the Stadium be an Eagles fan so the message is crystal clear that we are tired of spending money on a ****ty team that plays in a ****ty stadium.

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Having Eagles fans fill up the stadium is an embarrassment regardless of our teams play or Front Office. By doing that you're taking a once proud franchise and fan base and totally embarrassing it. Yes you will embarrass Danny boy, but you're also embarrassing the city, the fan base, and you're showing that we're not the type of city that would stand behind the players and coaches of this team when they're down.

The fans here always get mad when a Mike Wilbon calls us out as a bad sports town but this suggestion is why he says that. Look at the Raider Nation. They are awful and managed terribly but the fans show up all wearing black because no matter what, they still represent them.

Think about Sean Taylor...He busted his a-- on the field no matter what!! We could be winning/ losing, Archuleta might have gotten the deal he deserved, his boy Ryan Clark wasn't brought back, he was hurt often but he still left it all on the field every play and never quit on the field

Now you suggest we quit....A true fans supports the team no matter what and even if they disagree with management, you do not stop supporting the players and coaches. Does a Mike Sellers, Chris Cooley, or London Fletcher deserve that??

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Franchise already embarrassed. Bring on the Eagles fans. Merge thread.

We're not the Lions so please stop with the exaggeration. We're a mediocre franchise, not an embarrassment and that is unacceptable in and of itself. But the fans hoping for a wave of green in the stadium is just as embarrassing.

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WOW!!! You spent "tens of thousands of dollars over our life time", WOW maybe you can buy the team!! WOW!!!!! I have two sets of season tickets maybe I just have not had them long enough to spend "tens of thousands of dollars over our (MY) life time" WOW!!!!!! :doh:

Considering the price of season tickets are what $1,000 a season. Then the extra merchandise you buy. Over 30 years, thats at least $30,000. Math work for you much?

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