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Cowher to Redskins in 2009 Likely?


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The real issue here won't be money. It will be about control.

Cowher has earned the right to buy the groceries AND cook the meal. And you can bet that is going to be a demand he makes.

So, is Snyder willing to give up control and not be able to play with his $1.5 billion toy? He did that once with Marty, and despite an amazing turnaround to end the season, he decided that it wasn't for him.

And honestly, how many of us, after having fulfilled our dream of owning the Washington Redskins, would turn it entirely over to someone else and write ourselves out of the equation entirely? It's something everyone should think about, especially if you just shelled out $1 billion.

Hell, if I spend $50k on a car, nobody's driving it but me.

He gave up control when Gibbs returned. I can see the same if Cowher was to become head coach of the Skins.

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If Cowher comes here, and gets the control he'd want, we're looking forward to 2-3 years of mediocrity followed by what might be a dynasty to match the Skins of the 80's. I could imagine Cowher pulling a Jimmy Johnson and just gutting the team to rebuild, ala Parcells and Miami recently. He wouldn't be able to do it as fast, because of the state of mess our cap space is in, though if 2010 goes uncapped... woohoo

If Williams comes back, I think you're looking at a decade of playoff hit and misses and continued questionable draft pickups on the offensive side of the ball. However, I believe moving forward the drafts will continue to get better because we've finally got a decent scouting department to give Vinny enough information even he might get a pick or two right.

The Skins have an excellent scouting department. Notice how many times the Skins practice squad has been raided? Morocco Brown is doing a good job. The offensive picks will work out.

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I must confess I missed this first time around due to not reading through the thread. My bad.

I agree TOTALLY with Mark on this one.

No disrespect Zoony, but it's that conceited attitude has us in the state we presently are.

Why would I feel disrespected? :) Say what you mean brother. It's ES.

But as for the conversation, here is the correct answer for you and Mark :)

You don't get as rich as Dan Snyder without being arrogant and stupid though :lol:
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The real issue here won't be money. It will be about control.

And honestly, how many of us, after having fulfilled our dream of owning the Washington Redskins, would turn it entirely over to someone else and write ourselves out of the equation entirely? It's something everyone should think about, especially if you just shelled out $1 billion.

Hell, if I spend $50k on a car, nobody's driving it but me.

Zooney, I disagree. If I were driving that car into the ground I'd ask a professional why it wasn't running properly. When they told me the problem IS ME countless times with my horrible driving habits I would eventually say ok fix it and I'll stop ruining it.

But hey that's just me :)

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I have a problem with people who say that he wouldn't even consider going to the Raiders because of Al Davis and the dysfunctional mess that surrounds that organization, but in the same breath think he will end up here if Zorn is exiled.

Look, if Snyder pulls the plug on Zorn after 1 year, how does anybody around the league not put us right up there with Oakland when it comes to crackpot owners and dysfunctional operations?

Nobody is going to want to play for us or coach for us if there continues to be a revolving door at the head coaching position.

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Look, if Snyder pulls the plug on Zorn after 1 year, how does anybody around the league not put us right up there with Oakland when it comes to crackpot owners and dysfunctional operations?

Nobody is going to want to play for us or coach for us if there continues to be a revolving door at the head coaching position.

I hate to say, but I'm pretty sure we're already there. At least Raider fans can use 'senility' as an excuse.

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I would like to see Cowher here...but then again I would like to see a lot of things in my lifetime...doesn't mean they are going to happen though.

I don't see him coming here with the Front Office as it is currently organized. If Vinny is shown the door...then there is a chance.

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If all Cowher wants to do is cash in, yeah, I could see him coming here. But that doesn't mean it would work. Cowher worked for one of the best organziations in the NFL, and that DID have something to do with how well he did. (Does it look the Steelers have missed a beat since his departure?) Here? You got two goofs in Snyder and Vinnie drafting receivers every year, when we need other things (this year, offensive linemen).

*DING!* You channeled me on this. Cowher is a decent coach but given how well the Steelers F.O. does at bringing in and developing talent I think he actually underperformed a bit. I'd hate to see what would happen if he were being provided talent by Snyderatto.

As for Cowher "buying his own groceries" I'm certain he'd be better at it than Snyderatto. However that's not saying much. In general, the HC as GM model simply hasn't worked. Holmgen, Parcells, Marty and others have failed with this model and I don't see any reason why Cowher should be expected to break with the trend and succeed where others have failed.

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I would. Absolutely, and without hesitation or regret. I wouldn't necessarily turn everything over to one guy, but I would have no problem turning things over to smart, successful people who have more experience than me. Anything less would be arrogant and stupid.

Agreed 1000%. I'd turn over responsibility for football operations to someone who actually knows what the hell they're doing and then hold them accountable for the results. Amazing concept really. Who'd ever think a businessperson would have a hard time understanding this?

However that raises another issue that I've been wondering about for a while. We've all been working under the assumption that Snyder is some kind of business genius. However, in retrospect I think he may have simply been just another internet bubble millionaire and was simply fortunate to have cashed out when he did. Given how he has run the team and other businesses, I think it's entirely possible that may be the case.

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However that raises another issue that I've been wondering about for a while. We've all been working under the assumption that Snyder is some kind of business genius. However, in retrospect I think he may have simply been just another internet bubble millionaire and was simply fortunate to have cashed out when he did. Given how he has run the team and other businesses, I think it's entirely possible that may be the case.

He has run other businesses into the ground.



I found this interesting too :)

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So, is Snyder willing to give up control and not be able to play with his $1.5 billion toy? He did that once with Marty, and despite an amazing turnaround to end the season, he decided that it wasn't for him.

That was early in his ownership, hopefully he's matured as an owner since then and realizes that if he wants to win it's something he may have to do.

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Just out of curiosity, can someone tell me WHY they think that Cowher should be given full control of the organization?

Well I never said that he should but I will attempt to answer the question regardless. I think that Danny should hire a GM to go along WITH Cowher. Maybe Cowher would have someone in mind? Ron Wolf? Promote Morocco. Although I doubt any of these situations will happen.

I do think that Cowher could/would do a better job than Vinny though.

What about you?

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Why would he want to coach here except for the benjamins. Actually I think Cleveland is more likely. He has a history there adn isn't as loved in Pittsburgh as people think. I know tons of Steelers fans who aren't missing Cowher. Personally I want him or keep Zorn. He's the only guy avaiable who's worth taking a credibility hit. Sure hire Josh McDaniels but who says hes going to be better than Zorn. Then I have no interest in underachiving retreads like Jim Fassel, Brian Billick and Denny Green.

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Well I never said that he should but I will attempt to answer the question regardless. I think that Danny should hire a GM to go along WITH Cowher. Maybe Cowher would have someone in mind? Ron Wolf? Promote Morocco. Although I doubt any of these situations will happen.

I do think that Cowher could/would do a better job than Vinny though.

What about you?

I'd like to think that Cowher would do a better job than Vinny..though that's not saying much. :)

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I think everyone underestimates the lure of Detroit.

It's a tough job from a current talent standpoint. But all bad teams are bad teams. And if you go 6-10 there your first year, hell you've made a 600 percent improvement.

More importantly, the Fords are hands off owners. They will give Cowher all the power he wants, a budget (but certainly not a tight Mike Brown budget) and then leave town.

It's got a fan base that will appreciate the kind of football he wants to play. And you can literally makeover the team in one year, because you can cut EVERYONE.

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