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Tell'm Czabe!


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That's the LEAST he could do for putting us through the last 10 years of misery.

Tell me.... how was the last 7-8 years, after we won the superbowl in 92, before snyder came in? How many playoff victories did we have again? This team was mediocre and losing well before he came in. Since he got here we made the playoffs 3 times, been 8-8 twice, with a couple of 5-11, 6-10 seasons in between. Our owner doesnt play football, or coach football. What he does do, however, is spend a **** ton of his money to try and bring talent here. Cerrato needs to go, but snyder does what he can to help this team win. Sorry, but snyder doesnt play tackle, guard, or defensive end. We need a talented GM, for sure, but dont blame the owner.

And, for whoever thinks its a good idea to clean house with our "the U" players, Moss and portis, please...just shut up. Your embarassing yourselves. I know how to win! Lets get rid of our two best playmakers on offense! Yes! Thats the solution to our offensive problems! :doh::doh::doh:

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Tell me.... how was the last 7-8 years, after we won the superbowl in 92, before snyder came in? How many playoff victories did we have again? This team was mediocre and losing well before he came in. Since he got here we made the playoffs 3 times, been 8-8 twice, with a couple of 5-11, 6-10 seasons in between. Our owner doesnt play football, or coach football. What he does do, however, is spend a **** ton of his money to try and bring talent here. Cerrato needs to go, but snyder does what he can to help this team win. Sorry, but snyder doesnt play tackle, guard, or defensive end. We need a talented GM, for sure, but dont blame the owner.

And, for whoever thinks its a good idea to clean house with our "the U" players, Moss and portis, please...just shut up. Your embarassing yourselves. I know how to win! Lets get rid of our two best playmakers on offense! Yes! Thats the solution to our offensive problems! :doh::doh::doh:


I'm with you on everything you said there. Anyone who says Snyder wants to do anything but win is nuts. He's trying....granted, he's going about it all the wrong way, but he's trying. Things could be a lot worse, we could be like the Bengals. The only thing Mike Brown cares about is cashing his revenue sharing check from the league. If his #1 priority was to sit on money then he wouldn't be flying Redskins 1 all over the country and signing free agents to crazy contracts with HUGE signing bonuses.

As far as Portis and Moss, it's not really feasible to talk about cutting or trading either of them. I don't have any particular special place in my heart for either of them as 'skins, but they're far from being a problem.

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Im at the point that all I want is for the team to be blown up as much as possible. Trade everyone. Portis, Moss, Cooley, everyone. Get as many draft picks as we can from these trades (we would get good coin in return for Colley and Moss, im sure our capologist could find a way to make a Portis trade a possibility) and go into the offsaeason with most positions up for competition and a lot of cap space freed up and with hopefully a couple draft picks. Of course we would have to fill in the gaps with journeymen role players, but it is what needs to be done to this franchise.

What I am describing is what we have said is a fairy tale. What I am talking about would be the ramifications of "Salary Cap Hell".

yep, it would finally catch up to us and we would have to suffer through a season of less then mediocracy. We are and have been mediocre. We would be less then that for a couple years, but we would come back strong from it. Deep down inside you know it is what needs to be done. It would be hard, it would be financially straining on us maybe, but it would be the best thing for the Washington Redskins in the long run.

These blockbuster, guarenteed contracts have not been out of necessity to get a player, they have been out of necessity to distribute money over a group of years on a desk calender since we employed Bruce Smith and Dion. We are still reeling from these deals by making more "down the road" contracts that pay huge numbers to players later on in their tenure here. These huge cap numbers make that player unattractive as trade bait deminishing their value even more. It all needs to stop.

Make sure to return your seat to the upright position and make sure you're seat belt is buckled, because we have lost cabin pressure and it is going to be a rough trip down.

We need to reboot the system, not heap more mismanaged contracts on top of the dead money we are racking up and will rack up in this next purge of over priced bad decisions.

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Im at the point that all I want is for the team to be blown up as much as possible. Trade everyone. Portis, Moss, Cooley, everyone. Get as many draft picks as we can from these trades (we would get good coin in return for Colley and Moss

This is crazy talk. Not going to happen. What we need to do is cut the fat (Griffin, Washington, Taylor, Springs, Randle El, Thrash, etc.), and start building for the future through the draft. Obviously not going to happen this year with a whole 4 picks, but bot lines need to be overhauled and built for the long term. Draft, draft, draft.

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This is crazy talk. Not going to happen. What we need to do is cut the fat (Griffin, Washington, Taylor, Springs, Randle El, Thrash, etc.), and start building for the future through the draft. Obviously not going to happen this year with a whole 4 picks, but bot lines need to be overhauled and built for the long term. Draft, draft, draft.

I agree with trimming the fat, but im in favor of a liquidation sale. I know its crazy talk and agreee with you whole heartedly. Its just how I feel. Hey, at least I didn't follow the norm around here and start a new thread about it just because it was off the top of my head.

After re-reading, it does sound a little knee jerk, but Id be happy if it happened. I will also be happy with other attempts at correcting our problems, i just don't know what those measures would be.

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The talent is nothing more than mediocre. Keep changing coaches. That is the way to go. We have paid dearly for overpriced athletes.

Miami- Atlanta- New England (starting QB)- Baltimore (lost both starting tackles , one starting linebacker, a cornerback, two QB's before the season started. Everyone seems to rebuild every few years. Not the Skins. Same old 500 team.

53 people on the roster. Everyone needs to step up.

Portis off tackle, Portis up the middle, throw short of the first down. punt.

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Tell me.... how was the last 7-8 years, after we won the superbowl in 92, before snyder came in? How many playoff victories did we have again? This team was mediocre and losing well before he came in. Since he got here we made the playoffs 3 times, been 8-8 twice, with a couple of 5-11, 6-10 seasons in between. Our owner doesnt play football, or coach football. What he does do, however, is spend a **** ton of his money to try and bring talent here. Cerrato needs to go, but snyder does what he can to help this team win. Sorry, but snyder doesnt play tackle, guard, or defensive end. We need a talented GM, for sure, but dont blame the owner.

And, for whoever thinks its a good idea to clean house with our "the U" players, Moss and portis, please...just shut up. Your embarassing yourselves. I know how to win! Lets get rid of our two best playmakers on offense! Yes! Thats the solution to our offensive problems! :doh::doh::doh:

um, its our owner. who do you think keeps vinny around?? OUR OWNER. who rehired vinny after a smart coach canned his ass? OUR OWNER. if you think this doesnt start with the dannys stupidity, youre out of your mind.

yes we know our owner doesnt play football, or coach it (or frankly know anything about it), but you said vinny needs to go, and the guy youre defending is exactly the reason vinny is still here.

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I am so tired of "U" players. Many of them appear to be Me First type guys. Moss and Portis are cancers. Too bad we have money tied up in them.


OHHHH ok...But when Moss has 100+recieving yards,and portis runs for 100+, I bet your all on them NUTZ!!!!And I guess ST was me first too huh?:doh::rolleyes:

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I always agree with Czabe, he just tells it like it is

let's get something straight just because egg head is funny, and he is damn funny, don't mean he knows squat.

If Zaybuh had a monotone voice and did not make funny analogies, but said the same thing you would think he sucked ...




I think the guy is entertaining, BUT HE KNOWS NOTHING. Really, he is no better then Jerry Springer or Morton Downey Jr. He is a charlaten at best.

He lost all, AND I MEAN ALLLLLLLL credibility with me when he chose the darkside and went against St. Joe. I can remember like yesterday when he claimed Gibbs came back to the skins to give his son a chance at coaching. Was joe perfect...NO. Did he to be disrepected....uh, NO.

what an a-hole ...huh?

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The Redskins have no leadership. The coach can't lead because the owner is in control. The players complain to the owner and the coach gets no support. Game over. Top down the Redskins are a disaster. You never hear, oh no Vinny the GM is going to get rid of me if I screw up. You never heard the coach is going to bench me because I don't practice and run my mouth. NO fear. No respect.

Change the front office, hire a GM and let him run the team. Let him hire a coach and let the coach have control over the team. You know, the way it works for 31 other teams.

One of better posts I've read in quite some time. Very good.

What did Snyder just say about Clinton's ill-advised outburst? Oh yeah, "it's just Portis being Portis". That right there nullifies any power or control that Zorn may have had, if he ever did. Edit* - It shows that players can bad-mouth a coach without reprecussion.

The only way Zorn could punish Portis was to use Sellars on the goal line. The play didn't work sadly, but it was Zorn's attempt to show Portis that one player is not over the team. And prior to that he gave Portis ample opportunities to make plays and rush him consistently. Hmm, no big plays against an awful D and one-win team.

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How does benching Portis equate to Zorn not having the balls to stand up to him? PLEASE!

Everyone ignores the real issue - LACK OF EXECUTION. Trade JC and end the freakin madness already.

I agree, but in taking on Portis he is also taking every one involved in bringing Portis to DC, Portis is a legend in his own mind, and has done a good job at convincing others this as well.

Bottom line Zorn has to take on the so called stars of this team to task by putting them on the bench, but he has to back that up with better execution from their replacements. Either way he has to put his foot down and let every one know he's the boss.

One way to send a big message is to bench the starting QB and see what the back up can do, that could be a big positive for Zorn if the back up out plays Campbell, if Collins does not do any thing significant that will pave the way to take a sneak peek at Colt. Right now we are just spinning our wheels with Campbell.

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let's get something straight just because egg head is funny, and he is damn funny, don't mean he knows squat.

If Zaybuh had a monotone voice and did not make funny analogies, but said the same thing you would think he sucked ...




I think the guy is entertaining, BUT HE KNOWS NOTHING. Really, he is no better then Jerry Springer or Morton Downey Jr. He is a charlaten at best.

He lost all, AND I MEAN ALLLLLLLL credibility with me when he chose the darkside and went against St. Joe. I can remember like yesterday when he claimed Gibbs came back to the skins to give his son a chance at coaching. Was joe perfect...NO. Did he to be disrepected....uh, NO.

what an a-hole ...huh?

Was he right? Yes!

St. Joe? Now thats a problem.

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A couple of weeks ago, everyone was sweating Portis and Moss...now you want to trade them because they are selfish "U" players. It says more about those fans (and I have to think some of them are on this thread) than the players, owner, etc.

Czab trashed U players and said "give me Andre Johnson"...he's another U player idiot. If he was on a halfway decent team, he would probably polish his shoes with a towel in the endzone too. Instead he racks up sick numbers on a mediocre team.

It starts up top...Snyder and Cerrato. Frankly, all the successful teams can boast a strong front office, a GM who is always in the "Executive of the Year" talks. We have a doofus who buddied up to the owner and an owner who operates the team like it's a video game. It then trickles down to the coach...a QB coach who was hired as an OC, then when the owner got rejected by everyone and their mother, decided to hand the job over to him. Zorn was way over his head, and after all the teams in the league got some film on him, figured him out quicker than 6th grade pre-Algebra.

Portis is frustrated, and he should be. He called out the offensive line early this season- poor judgement yes, but he must've known something, because they're stinking on ice now.

Moss' celebration was uncharacteristic- the most I've ever seen him do is a little robot dance thing and the 2-1 salute. Not sure where it came from, so he should get a pass. It's not his fault the owner is paying him #1 money when he's clearly is the best #2 guy in the league.

Czab jumps on the pile...no respect for him. Pollin is a worthless as Czab is bald. Together, they're the dynamic dummies

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A couple of weeks ago, everyone was sweating Portis and Moss...now you want to trade them because they are selfish "U" players. It says more about those fans (and I have to think some of them are on this thread) than the players, owner, etc.

Czab trashed U players and said "give me Andre Johnson"...he's another U player idiot. If he was on a halfway decent team, he would probably polish his shoes with a towel in the endzone too. Instead he racks up sick numbers on a mediocre team.

It starts up top...Snyder and Cerrato. Frankly, all the successful teams can boast a strong front office, a GM who is always in the "Executive of the Year" talks. We have a doofus who buddied up to the owner and an owner who operates the team like it's a video game. It then trickles down to the coach...a QB coach who was hired as an OC, then when the owner got rejected by everyone and their mother, decided to hand the job over to him. Zorn was way over his head, and after all the teams in the league got some film on him, figured him out quicker than 6th grade pre-Algebra.

Portis is frustrated, and he should be. He called out the offensive line early this season- poor judgement yes, but he must've known something, because they're stinking on ice now.

Moss' celebration was uncharacteristic- the most I've ever seen him do is a little robot dance thing and the 2-1 salute. Not sure where it came from, so he should get a pass. It's not his fault the owner is paying him #1 money when he's clearly is the best #2 guy in the league.

Czab jumps on the pile...no respect for him. Pollin is a worthless as Czab is bald. Together, they're the dynamic dummies

We are in a play off race, losing on the road, and this guy has to pull a stunt like that? An absolute, and complete loser! We all saw Moss's mind set and what is important to him on Sunday, and it sure ain't winning!

As for our O-line? They have stunk for years, unfortunately management is building a fantasy football team, line play is insignificant! Not to worry we will bring in more WR's and RB's next off season as usual, or sign some one's back up to big time money ala Rabach, we have had plenty of opportunity to rebuild this line and the thought hasn't crossed whomever our GM is mind!

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Mark my words: Czabe will be fired before next season begins. Snyder is his boss, since he bought 980 a few months back. Snyder won't stand for repeated criticisms of him and his lapdog Vinny.

For those who think that Snyder would never pink-slip a guy with such high ratings, think again. He already did so! He replaced Czabe in the morning, despite the fact that it was a high-rated show, with the ridiculous Mike & Mike. Heck, even The Weekly Standard wrote it up:


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Like I said, I've never seen Moss act like that...and it was a silly penalty, but a defense, in a must win situation against an inferior product, allowed Cedric Benson to look like Marshall Faulk and allowed a piss poor offense execute their longest drive of the season. Moss penalty, while stupid and selfish, didn't result in any points.

Trust me, the offense can be blamed every game. Campbell simply cannot handle pressure...by now he should know his o-line will fail him, so he needs to man up and figure out how to work with it. Portis, while a talented back, is playing hurt and playing with a subpar line. He opens his mouth at the worse times. Moss is a #2 guy, ARE a #3 guy, playing "over their pay grade". Cooley is playing well, but is noticeably frustrated with this offense...and I'm guessing he could be trade fodder since Fred Davis is around.

Bottom line, and the one thing I will agree with Riggo about (though he said it 6 weeks ago), this isn't a good football team. You're too far in to rebuild from the ground up, so you have to trade people.

The Ravens' hallmark deals were the o-line (Ogden) and defense (Lewis)...and they built from there with QUALITY draft picks (Reed, Heap, etc). You don't go grab guys off the street or from other teams and ask them to lead a bunch of guys they don't know. Unfortunately, OWNERSHIP wants to spend money on "names" and not "game".

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Mark my words: Czabe will be fired before next season begins. Snyder is his boss, since he bought 980 a few months back. Snyder won't stand for repeated criticisms of him and his lapdog Vinny.

For those who think that Snyder would never pink-slip a guy with such high ratings, think again. He already did so! He replaced Czabe in the morning, despite the fact that it was a high-rated show, with the ridiculous Mike & Mike. Heck, even The Weekly Standard wrote it up:


I could see it. Both Pollin and Czab have been killing the skins this season (Pollin more than Czab). Pollin even takes shots at Cerrato. They must have great job security. I don't think it would be fair to let them go, but I've seen stranger things happen.

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OHHHH ok...But when Moss has 100+recieving yards,and portis runs for 100+, I bet your all on them NUTZ!!!!And I guess ST was me first too huh?:doh::rolleyes:

Nope. Never really been a Portis fan. We gave up too much for hum, IMO. NEver been a big Moss fan either - tired of his first down antics after every first down catch.

As far as ST, if you read my follow-up post, you would see I already discussed that. He had his faults, for sure.

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I don't see anything from Moss to make me think that he is a cancer. He is certainly not TO and other wideouts who bring distraction. His positives far outweigh the negatives when it comes to his play. If it weren't for him, we would have lost the Lions game.

As for Portis being coddled by the coach, I think that Zorn and his self-righteous attitude towards the players, especially when addressing the media has done nothing but tear this team apart and help fuel the aspersions about a QB change and the output from the other players on this team. There is nothing wrong with handling the players with some discipline, but you could tell that Zorn doesn't know how to handle players like Portis. He should be given another year at least to see how he can improve on what he has learned this year. In fairness to him, he inherited an aging team that had some real need.

If we continue changing coaches, we are going to look like the Oakland Raiders or the Bengals; an owner who meddles too much in the affairs of football and doesn't know the first thing about drafting and putting a team together. He needs to learn that his job is signing the checks and sitting in the owners box. If he is board with that, he should go to his failing amusement park and get some enjoyment there. There is no reason for him to get caught up in trying to evaluate talent, as he has never been a pro player, coach or gm. Dan, leave the big fish up to the professional anglers. You just sit on the boat and watch them pull in the catches.

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