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My favorite teams for the rest of the season


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This is NOT making me feel any better when were in the shambles that we are. :mad:.

I get where your coming from fuji man, but the joke kinda' ends up on us when were taking solace in Dallas missing out just because we have.


I'd like to agree with you. But at this point, I think this would be the only thing that would make me even crack a smile.

Cowboys goin down!

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hahaha. Yes, fair enough. :) I am going to watch Dallas go down in flames tonight with a smile on my face.

I'm also going to root for my AFC team, the Colts. Who I root for for one reason only: Tony Dungy got a raw deal by being fired from the Bucs. Since he was fired, and then hired by the Colts, I've passively rooted for the Colts.

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Well I do feel better with you guys losing today but mostly because it gets rid of a WC competing against us. I won't say I don't take some pleasure in it but not as much as you guys probably think.

I hope we win out so we can knock the Eagles out of it and get in. Going into Philly and winning will knock them out. Tough task.

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I'll be rooting for the Falcons to get into the playoffs (at the expense of you know who).

I'll be rooting for Arizona to somehow get to the Super Bowl (about as likely as Snyder firing Cerrato).

I'll be rooting for another Denver failed season (the Chargers can still catch them).

That's about it.

My interest in the NFL is just about over.

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My favorite teams for the rest of the year are the eagles and 49ers.

It is more beneficial for us to lose now that we cant be a serious contender

Why, so we can use a high pick on a guy that won't see much playing time?

Seriously, though, to say you hope we lose a game is just ridiculous. Go pull for the Ravens if you feel that way.

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I'll be rooting for the Falcons to get into the playoffs (at the expense of you know who).

I'll be rooting for Arizona to somehow get to the Super Bowl (about as likely as Snyder firing Cerrato).

I'll be rooting for another Denver failed season (the Chargers can still catch them).

That's about it.

My interest in the NFL is just about over.

Agreed with all of those statements.

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Why, so we can use a high pick on a guy that won't see much playing time?

Seriously, though, to say you hope we lose a game is just ridiculous. Go pull for the Ravens if you feel that way.

They are idiots for thinking that. Seriously so many other teams start rookies and get great production from them. We have no real GM to do that

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Rooting against another team (even if its the Cowboys) every week just because we suck is childish and pointless. Doesn't change the fact that we aren't any good.

If the Cowboys go on to win, they deserve to win. If they made it to the Super Bowl, I'd root against them, but other than that, no skin off my back.

To be honest, I'd rather see the Giants lose.

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