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2 Keys to Beating the Ravens...


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I am a die-hard Redskins fan like many others here, but I am also an insane NFL fan and I consume nearly every game that graces my Sunday Ticket, thus I've also watched almost every Ravens game this season.

Seeing as this game is, a back against the wall, as close to MUST win as you can get (though mathematically we have at least 2 weeks left), non-conference regional rivalry game I figured I'd throw out my two cents.

Nothing revolutionary here but I've been thinking about this game since Sunday evening and just wanted to see how many agree/disagree with my perspective and how they think it will play out Sunday.

With all that said, I think the 2 biggest keys to winning on Sunday are matching the Ravens intensity and eliminating the trick/big play (30+ yarders).

The Ravens aren't the most talented team we've faced all year but for what they lack in skill they more than make up for in flying around the ball and feeding off of their defense. With that said there is no chance we are winning this game before the 4th quarter, but I think our defense v. their O can go blow for blow. I know this will be asking a lot for a team that doesn't even rush extra point attempts or show any sense of urgency before the two-minute warning but I think we need to wear our hearts on our sleeve this week...that means blitzing safeties, big hits on special teams and getting after every single lost/tipped ball in the game. Though this seems obvious and some will say "they are professionals, they're playing 100% every week." I don't buy it. I've seen this team focused (@Dal @Phi) and I've seen them distracted and uninspired (St. L, NY, Pitt). I suppose it is a blessing that this will be a "road test."

The second key is eliminating the trick/big play. Although our run D has been suspect the past few weeks, none of the three running backs on Baltimore's squad scare me. They are solid and interchangeable but they arent going to win the game like Marion Barber did for the Boys the other week. The Ravens have not won a close game this entire year. When they win they break their opponents spirits with big plays and then unleash their Defense. While I admire the "go for the jugular" style, if you live by the gun you die by the bullet. If we don't let them get big chunks of yards we can handle them in the red zone and a close game will play into our favor (minus our boys club level kicker). Anyone who has watched the Ravens or even seen their game highlighted knows that they arent breaking teams down the traditional way, they are playing with a rookie QB, and using utility players (Troy Smith/Clayton) to run gadget plays and keep teams honest. Flacco is not Roethlisberger yet...we can shake this kid up but we have to find someway to get pressure. If there is one guy who has to have a big day on our D it is LaRon Landry, whether it be coming off the corners or staying deep he is going to have to opportunity to make some plays.

As devastated as I was on Sunday I knew our true test was coming up against Baltimore, no more beating around the bush we need to win and we need to win now. The offense needs to find their confidence, defense needs to create chaos and the special teams needs to be a non-factor. We can win this game...despite no one giving us a shot. At least we will know what we have on Monday. Go Skins.

20-17 and a we've got a rejuvenated team

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Good Post. I think a big Key is to somehow put pressure on the young Flacco. He has shown all year that when defenses pressure him he makes bad decisions. Problem is we haven't been able to pressure anybody. I think as long as we shut down their running game, our secondary shouldn't have too many issues with their recievers. And we MUST SCORE TD'S IN THE RED ZONE!!!!!!! I have no doubt we will be there, just have to execute.


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as much as i want to believe this will happen, and I am a huge "hip-hip-hooray ... go get em" type of guy ... I just don't see the confidence or the fire. I don't see the urgency, and I don't see how our OL is magically going to start blocking better against one of the (if not THE) best defense in the NFL. We have no confidence, and they have a ton.

Our entire offense rides on the shoulders of how well CP is playing, and he is banged up bad. I actually had more confidence in this team last week going into the Ginats game then I do know. I hate to be the negative Nancy around here, being that there are plenty of those around I usually look at the glass as half full. But sadly, I just don't see it in this team.

I feel this particular squad of aging, experienced vets, and high character special teams players has gone about as far as it can go. Our issues are more personnel related than scheme, in my humble opinion.

I hope like heck I am wrong, and I'll be sporting my B&G and cheering on the skins, but it will be more of a "blind faith" (not the band) type of things this Sunday night.

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great post man ...

What really scares me is the big on Def. Ravens D got a bunch of frustrated offensive players. By that I mean they want to score ... ALL THE TIME. They want to make the big play, they want to get into the endzone. See Ed FREAKING Reed ...

It such a double edge sword though cause I really think the skins need to let it all hang out ... which will mean increasing the possibility of a turnover, and we all know what the Ravens D does with turnorvers...so we'll see.

I feel you though, eliminate the big play. its what they are about. I mean, this team is scoring 24 points a game...how you might ask. There D sets up their O like crazy ... don't let the D get rolling and we win.

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Seems that every time we play a team with a stout defense we just curl up and wait till the final whistle to blow.The confidence level inside this team seems like its in a all time low.There is no fire what so ever.No passion.No fight.

That to me is the biggest key to this game.The ravens are playing at home.They got the crowd behind em.They play with all the above mentioned.Including confidence.They have a rookie head coach.They have a rookie qb.But they are all ready to play come sunday like they have somethin to prove to the fans,the owners,their teammates,etc.

We can not just lay down and die again as we did against the giants and the steelers.We gotta come out and match em blow for blow.This is like a heavy weight bout.Come out with a spark,play hard and play to win.We need this win and the team better know it.The staff had better done everything in their power to get this team ready.

This is gonna be a very hard game.The pressure will come often.But with pressure you have opportunities to turn said pressure into big plays.

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Great Post. I have to admit I'm feeling a bit more confident then I was earlier in the week. Sure, this team has been playing pretty "heartless" football lately. As a die hard Skins fan I have no issue admitting that.

But, the Ravens offense doesn't scare me. I've watched every single one of their games, and to me there only offense of weapon is Derrick Mason. Besides Clayton breakibng out last week against Cinncy he has been precived as a total first round bust. I live in Baltimore, and talk football on a daily basis with many fans around here.

Carlos Rogers is going to be key tonight. I would imagine they are going to have him lined up with Mason. If you get a chance they constantly run the comeback route with Mason. It's Flacco favorite throw, and it's something offensive cordinator Cam Cameron implements early and often. If Rogers can jump this route and take Mason away then I don't see where Flacco will look too. He looks Mason way atleast 12 to 15 times out of 25 throws. Take away his best option and we simply handcuff him. It's certainly easier said then done, but Mason is nothing more then a possession WR. He's not going to scare anyone deep.

On offense, we have to try to pound the rock. I realize that more then likely we won't have much luck against a stout Ravens run defense, but we simply cannot "give up" on it. If we do we are going EXACTLY what the Ravens defense want us to do. From that point they will simply pin their ears back and come right after us.

Turnovers IMO will be the silver lining in this football game. If we don't turn the football over then I see our chances improving tremendously. If we turn the ball of once or twice then we could see this game get out of hand quickly.

I have faith. This team has displayed great presense on the road, and have basically stunk at home. That's got to count for something. Have faith, and let's get this thing back on track up in Mullet and Trailor Trash Stadium

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Nothing will matter if we can't put points on the board. The best way to do that is to call play action passes on first down more than three times in the game - play action on first down creates, by far, the most downfield passing options of any situation in the NFL.

Especially when you have the league's rushing leader in your backfield.

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Ravens have not given up over 13 points at home this year...in saying that...for the Skins to win the way their offense has been playing...hope for a 3-2 victory.

The key to winning today is to get our offense back on track. We need to put up something in the 20s, not really to win but to get the team going in the right direction. I hope we beat them by 40. How sick would that be???

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Ravens have not given up over 13 points at home this year...in saying that...for the Skins to win the way their offense has been playing...hope for a 3-2 victory.

That is a scary statistic for an anemic offense. It is worth noting that we have been a different team on the road for whatever reason but our last effort in Seattle really wasn't very impressive and while the environment isnt as harsh in B-More (Dundalk's finest hillbillies v. Tacoma Mountain men) the team is better.

If we win this game I will be happily surprised but what gives me the most optimism is the fact that no one is giving us a shot. This is the NFL and this team has something to prove. Let's go JC, get the ball to Tana EARLY and pound it to Portis! Let's go D...Landry and Fletcher laying people out while D. Hall or Rocky takes one back for 6.

So far so good on my Saints, Steelers, Skins dreams.

I HATE baltimore.

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Well in the first half I'd say we are 0-2.

Refs obviously aren't helping but at some point we've got to bow our heads and admit that you make your own luck.

What are the chances of us coming out more fired up than the Ravens in the second half. The fact that we are basically playing without a kicker makes me think we have ZERO chance of winning this game barring a miracle. At least with a kicker I feel like we could chip away at the lead due to their below average offense but looking at the first half I think the Ravens did enough in the first 5 minutes to put us away.

How F*&%(in SAD?!!?

Yet....for some reason I'll still watch and I'll still believe in Santana We Trust.

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