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Why are our blitzes so ineffective?


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Here is what I see: We start our blitzes too damn late, or they come from like 8 yards behind the line of scrimmage. Example, Eli will snap the ball, London Fletcher will wait three seconds, then start to rush the line. What is the point of that? The ball is long gone by then. We need to make some changes with our schemes, like right now please.

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Because they tip off the opposing offense about 30 seconds before they blitz.

exactly Skins do a horrible job a disgusing the blitzes. Eli reads them and points them out to everybody and the Skins don't adjust, they just send those guys anyways and it's easy for the opposing teams to pick them up

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Here is what I see: We start our blitzes too damn late, or they come from like 8 yards behind the line of scrimmage. Example, Eli will snap the ball, London Fletcher will wait three seconds, then start to rush the line. What is the point of that? The ball is long gone by then. We need to make some changes with our schemes, like right now please.

not sure but this guy blache doesnt understand that playing prevent d isnt gonna work against eli as long as he has time to throw. eli is that good and if there is no pressure, its game over. but this guy blache doesnt see that and keeps playing zone prevent defense. useless dline.

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he doesnt understand that our secondary is good should be able to go one on one and that he should take some chance by putting more on the scrimmage and blitz more putting more pressure on eli.

Have you been watching the game? We've been stacking the line all game and the Giants have killed us. They're doing quick passes and screens. Eli has beaten us all game and unless we can force turnovers and 3 and outs, we will lose.

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I agree that the Giants have a great o-line, but I'm talking about the entire year. I can't even remember the last time one of our linebackers got cleanly through the line for a sack. They are timed so horribly, they might at well drop back into coverage every down, because they certainly aren't getting to the QB. And yes, our defensive line is terrible.

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Another substantial part of it is that you have no threat of a single pass-rusher at this point, it seems, which allows OLs a lot more flexibility. When they've got to commit two blockers to a dominant DT, for example, your blitzes get home more often because they simply don't have a free blocker to pick up the blitzer.

More fuel to the fire of trying to bring in Haynesworth, or the most similar player we can find. Add that kind of dominant interior pass-rusher to the defense, and many things change.

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We have all #1's in secondary....... They cant cover! or the "scheme" is suspect. I think it's both. also we get no help from the D-line. No pressure... At All!!!...

And either we make other QB's look great or our D sucks...

and our O keeps the D on the field. What jind of play calling are we doing. Do we scout the other team or we just feel our O will dictate what they do.... It's not working.

5 games in a row we looked hapless all around.....

wtf are we doing?

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You have to have a good D-line to blitz well. Hope that answers your question.

If our d-line can all be blocked easily one on one or with someone helping to pick up Carter or Taylor on the edge, then that leaves a TE, RB, or both to help pick up one to two blitzers.

And all a good QB needs is that extra spare second in the face of the blitz to hit the hot read or outlet receiver.

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When we line guys up, they literally just stand there at the line, telegraphing what gap they're going to rush into.

If they change anything, it's dropping back into coverage rather than actually blitzing, big deal.

I remember last year seeing a couple creative blitzes with Landry where he'd slide up and down the line before the snap, and the o-line would freak out trying to adjust to where they thought he'd come through.

Another thing I've noticed is that we don't stunt very much at all, most of our rushes are just straight ahead trying to get to the QB.

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